Male human [midlander] Wilder 3; CR 3; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 3d6+6; hp 24; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 19 (touch 11, flat-footed 18); BAB: +1; Atk +3 melee (1d8+2, Heavy Mace); SA Weaves; SQ Wilder abilities; Rep: 1; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 18. Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
Skills and Feats: (112 points; 13 class, 6 cross) Appraise +1, Balance +1, Bluff +4, Climb +2, Composure +4, Concentration +8(+13), Craft +1, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +1, Forgery +1, Gather Information +8, Handle Animal +5, Heal +10, Hide +1, Intimidate +7, Invert +3, Jump +2, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Listen +2, Move Silently +1, Perform +4, Ride +2, Search +1, Sense Motive +4, Spot +2, Swim +2, Use Rope +1, Weavesight +6, Wilderness Lore +2; Latent Dreamer (freebie), Eliminate Block, Luck of Heroes, Mental Stability, Multiweave.
Special Attacks: Weaves.
Special Qualities: Wilder Abilities: Block (negated), Bonus Channeling Feat x1 (Extra Talent [Elementalism]), Slow Aging, Overchannel (+5 Concentration; +5 Fortitude).
Weaves per Day: 3/4(1)/3(1)/2(1)/0(1). Base DC = 12 + weave level.
Known Weaves: Heal (Healing), False Trail (Conjuncation), Sense Shadowspawn (Conjunction), Grenade (Earth Singing), Harden Air (Elementalism), Disguise (Illusion), Fiery Sword (Elementalism) (2nd), Mirror of Mists (Illusion) (3rd)
Weavesight-Gained Weaves: Touch of Death (Healing)
Talents: Healing, Elementalism
Affinities: Spirit (start)
Current Overchanneling Level: 6th
Madness & Effects: starting score- 12; current score- 0; Currently no Madness effects.
Possessions: Heavy mace, mail shirt, longsword, longsword (often concealed), various traveling equipment.
Appearance: Melfice is a taller man, standing at about 6'1". He is not too heavily built, only weighing in at about 174 lbs. His skin is pale, as a man who gets little sun, and his hair is a platinum-like blonde color, kept cut short. He is currently garbed in decent looking clothing, consisting most notably of his mail shirt and cape. He wears a belt, from which hangs a heavy mace. He also carries a sword on his back, under his cape, but he is currently not proficient in its use.
Future Appearance Plans: At some later date, I hope that this character will acquire a position, whereby finer attire is expected. I imagine a brightly-burnished breastplate and a fur-lined cloak. He will also wear his sword on his belt by that point, as he will hopefully be skilled with it.
Our world is not the only one in existence; there are other, seemingly different worlds, similar to ours, but with some notable exceptions. Melfice was born in such an alternate world, one where there was no Rand Al Thor (at least not yet), one where he might have been destined to be the Dragon Reborn, but before this could come to pass, the Mists pulled him to this world, where soon, Rand Al Thor will rise to prominence. Still, Melfice may be an unforseen element to the skien of things, and he might still have time and ability to cause change. His goal is to integrate himself into, and thus hide from the Whitecloaks. By being a member, most folk, both within the Children and outside, will not look to see him as a channeler. The Whitecloaks will also prove a decent shield against the Aes Sedai and other male-channeler hunters. Finally, when he is powerful enough, and perhaps influental enough, he will be in a good position to cut the head off of the serpent that is the Children of the Light, eliminating his greatest threat to survival. His other current goals are to either join a group of travelers, and surreptitiously learn any weaves they might know, or find someone of a more martial bent, and master the sword. In the more distant future, I also strive for him to become an Asha'man, assuming all follows the novels, or maybe help create a similar group himself, if not. Should Rand Al Thor rise in the world, Melfice would be willing to follow such a man, and if he doesn't, then Melfice might rise to become such, himself.
FYI: This character was written to play in a game starting approximately the same time as the first novels, thus, no events from those have happened, however, certain events that will happen have been taken into account for "future plans". A bit of metagaming, sure, but that kinda happens.
Melfice (high level): These stats will cover Melfice after he has become a good deal more powerful.
Female human [tairen] Armsman 9/Warder 3; CR 12; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 9d10+# plus 3d10+#; hp #; Init +7; Spd 30 ft; AC 27 (touch #, flat-footed #); BAB: +12; Atk +16/+11+6 melee (1d6+3/15-20/x2, Rapier); SQ armor compatibility, warder's cloak, defensive awareness (Dex), warder's bond; Rep: 4; SV Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +7; Str 17, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16. Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Skills and Feats: (# points; 15 class, 7 cross) Appraise +, Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Composure +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Invert +, Jump +, Knowledge (arcana) +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Spot +, Swim +, Use Rope +, Wilderness Lore +; Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Forteller, Improved Critical (rapier), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Latent Dreamer (freebie), Power Attack, Skill Emphasis (Composure), Weapon Focus (rapier).
Possessions: Rapier, breastplate, Warder's cloak, traveler's attire, warhorse.
Appearance: Kensha has long, red hair, and striking, emerald eyes. She is rather attractive, other than the serious look her face almost constantly sports.
Future Appearance Plans: Unlike Melfice, Kensha's physical appearance isn't bound to change much. Someday, I expect her to carry a very nice swordbreaker, and that's about it.
Kensha was a girl who grew up on a farm, feeling that her life had no value. That all changed when she had a vision, and a powerful compulsion to follow that vision. In it, she saw a young man, but with white hair, and felt a strong need to find him, and keep him safe. After several hardening adventures, she finally discovered this man, Melfice, and has not left him since, whether he favored it or not. (I'll type more later, after I finish Melfice's write-up, above)
Future Plans: Kensha will gain three planned levels, one in Armsman, and two in Warder. As one touched by the Dark One, she will become something akin to ta'varen. She will become proficient in the use of the swordbreaker, after mysteriously receiving a fine one, and also receive the feat the Dark One's Own Luck.
Kensha (high level): These stats will cover Kensha after she has become a good deal more powerful, and more capable of protecting Melfice.
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