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P2 unit info

The P2 unit was the first non-military astromech droid. Designed by Industrial Automation, the prototype astro-droid feature the same basic layout that would continue to be Industrial Automations signature: A rotating head atop a cylindrical body with three legs and several retractable arms. The droid was by no means as compact as those that would come later, standing nearly 2 meters tall and being rather more stout than IA's later droids. The P2 unit was used primarily for repair work and maintenance on bulk cruisers and freighters, which generally travelled only between 2 systems unless the ships owner had become quite wealthy. This is because the P2 was only capable of storing the data for a single hyperroute.

The P2 lacked the computing power to calculate hyperroutes for itself, and thus had to upload pre computed data from the data bases of very large and primitive Navi-computers. New or unusual routes would have to be computed in a process that took several weeks and tied up all RAM in the computer making the computations--thus making it unable to provide the other navigational data it contained until the calculations were complete.

The P2 was discontinued after a long and costly technology-infringement lawsuit.

P2 Series: Tracked astromech droid, Expert 1; Init +0; Defense 12 (+2 armor); Spd 4m ; VP/WP -/10; Atk +1 melee (1d2, clamp or 1d3, claw or 2d6, Saw or 2d6, laser welder); SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2; SZ M; Rep 0; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.

Equipment: standard sensor package, diagnostics package, infrared vision, tool mount (X2), telescopic appendage.

Skills: Astrogate +1, Computer Use +3, Disable Device +3, Knowledge (astronomy) +1, Repair +4, Search +2, Listen +2.

Unspent Skill Points: None.

Feats: Skill Emphasis (Repair)

Cost: 3,500 credits