The last addition so far to the R-series line, the R-7 was designed to work specifically with th E-wing starfighter.
The R-7 boasts storage space for a whopping 15 sets of hyperjump coordinates, and is designed to resist ion blasts which could disable or even destroy another droid's inner workings.
Jedi Master Luke Skywalker was issued an R7 and E-wing starfighter, but (despite numerous improvements over previous models), Luke returned the droid and fighter to the New Republic, prefering the Incom T65 X-wing and his faithful droid companion, R2-D2.
R2 Series: Tracked astromech droid, Expert 4; Init +2 (DEX); Defense 13 (+1 size, + DEX); Spd 8m ; VP/WP -/14; Atk +3 melee (1d3, claw or 2d6, saw or 2d6, arc welder), or +3 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; SZ S; Rep 0; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 11.Equipment: Heuristic processor, improved sensor package, diagnostics package, holorecording unit, infrared vision, tool mounts (X4), telescopic appendage, environmental compensation (vacuum), magnetic feet, gunnery calculations unit (+3 to attack rolls by the E-wing the R-7 unit is plugged into), fire extinguisher.
Skills: Astrogate +9, Computer Use +9, Disable Device +9, Knowledge (astronomy) +9, Knowledge (E-wing Starfighter) +9, Pilot +9, Read/Write Basic, Repair +9, Speak Basic (understanding only).
Unspent Skill Points: 15.
Feats: Skill Focus (Astrogate), Skill Emphasis (Repair)
Cost: Government issue, not available for sale.
Availability: aprox. 25 years after Return of the Jedi