After developing the Knife Specialist class (it seemed like a cool idea at the time) for an NPC assistant to the hero PCs, I prepared to run a modified version of the Invasion of Theed boxed set.
I tested how the character would perform against a Battle Droid, and realized that stabbing (or cutting) an armored droid wasn't very realistic. I decided that against certain weapons, armored characters receive a Damage Resistance equal to their armor's defense bonus. Against other weapons, the character receives a DR equal to 1/2 the armor's defense bonus.
The following weapons provide DR equal to defense:
Unarmed strike, club, combat gloves, knife, spear, sling bullet, arrow.
The following weapons provide DR equal to 1/2 defense:
gaderffii, Quarterstaff, slugthrower bullet.
By paying double the standard cost for a weapon (and its ammo) the character can buy a weapon made of reinforced or specialized materials that attacks normally against armor. Examples of this include the Combat knife and Throwing knife.