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Weaves of the Pattern

Laraida Sedai was riding hard, her thoughts racing ahead of her to the patterns she would deal with in Caemlyn. There was the Queen and her consort, Elaine *she shuddered* and the blasted Whitecloaks. For the life of her she could not figure out why they were there. Through her link with Aren she felt his frown. She smiled and brought herself back to reality. Grinning broadly now, no sense in being stoic when no one was around, she grinned at her husband. He really did have quite the habbit of frowning. To herself she remebered back a year to their joining, he had been SO uncomfortable with the large wedding her mother had insisted upon. She hadn't really needed all the pomp and circumstance but her mother never passed up a chance to play THE GAME. The wheel does weave as the Wheel wills, she thought to herself. Who would have thought a few years ago that she would be here, with HIM, in such a way? Slowing slight! ly so that she could address him, she jibed him "what's wrong? Don't you like the wind?"

Laradia Sedai
Blue Ajah on Tower Busisness

