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Ageto Post 1

Leaning against a wall in his small cabin aboard Mistress Darnalia's ship, Ageto appeared deep in thought. The usual smoothness of his face might as well never been for all the creases from frowning. With one hand on his chin, and the other on his elbow he began pacing. How did I find myself upon an Atha'an Miere ship? Deciding that it really did not matter, he tugged off his cloak and hung it on a peg on the back of the door. As he was turning toward his bed, the door opened, allowing a servant to scurry in with some Fried Mutton and Lentils. Recalling that he had not eaten since breakfast, Ageto gave the servant a small nod and sat down to enjoy his meal. In the back of his mind, he could feel his former Aes Sedai through the bond.

Suddenly, he dropped the fork that he held in his hand and his eyes went wide. Realizing that his Aes Sedai was somewhere south and not too far, he gathered up the cloak he just took off and left to the deck at a near run. Once on the deck, he noticed Mistress Darnalia standing alongside the railing, peering into the endless sea. Recollecting himself, he patted down his flailing cloak and ran his hand through the silver topknot on his head. Putting on a face of solid compsure, he stalked over to Mistress Darnalia. Several of the boat's crewmen stopped their tasks to watch as Ageto made his way. Some appeared wide-eyed and some looked as if ready to jump off!

"Mistress Darnalia, I have an urgent request I must ask of you." he said in a tone that was all ice. He had hoped the women would understand his situation and maybe let him off in some passing city. But women usually liked to see men suffer. He would never understand women.

"Well, speak boy" she shot back at him. She turned to stare into his eyes. Her icy eyes could have bore a hole through him had he stared long enough. She had an air of command about her and she looked as if she herself may throw you off the boat if what she wanted was not done.

"It is about where we are heading, Mistress. There are Aes Sedai to the south. I am not sure how many, but there is at least one." Noticing that the women did not seem to care in the least bit, he added a little something extra. "She will more than likely be waiting at the docks when we arrive." The way her eyes fired up and her fists clenched told him that she might change her mind. But as soon as the fire in her eyes appeared, it was gone. She had her hands folded nicely behind her back.

"Very well, but I am still Mistress of this ship and I will decide where we go, if it pleases the Light. I will give thought to your claim and you will have word of my decision when I think you should have it."

Ageto stood staring at the Sea Folk women. He thought his eyes would bore a hole through her. After several moments, he turned on his heels and stamped furiously back to his cabin, staring down anyone who even so much as turned their head. Once back in his small room, it really was small with barely enough room for his small bed, a washstand, and one chest, he hung his cloak once again and took to finishing his meal.

Ageto Marachan
Worried Young Man
The Atha'an Miere Ship Sea Breeze
