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The Midnight Air

Cade sat up. He couldn’t sleep again. He had had the dream. He rolled out of bed, and laid his face in his palms. He groaned with anguish. Then the ship lurched forward.

“Ugh.” Cade said to himself, “This ship lulling about certainly helps matters none.”

Cade hadn’t been on very many ships. Whenever he was, he always enjoyed the ride immensely.

Of course, that’s after he’d get over being seasick.

Cade stood up. He looked about the cabin. Sim lay on the top bunk, snoring loudly. Drool could be seen coming from the corner of his mouth. Cade chuckled softly as he put on his boots. He wrapped his cloak around his shoulders, and headed to the top deck.

The salty sea air whipped the sails about, furiously. “The Windfinder must be doing her job.” Cade said to himself, the strong sea gail tugging at his cloak, and jostling his hair to and fro. “Well, it is nice to get out of that stuffy cabin awhile.” At this, he drew in a great breath, and the crisp, cool sea air filled his lungs and the smells of salt and damp wood filled his nose. Barefoot Atha’an Miere ran all about, like ants tending to a queen. The night was dark and overcast, and the only light that could be seen came from the moon trying to peek through the thick, black clouds. Cade enjoyed all of these aspects of sea travel, and saw why the Atha’an Miere loved their lives so. He often wished that he himself could travel by sea more often, so his sea sickness would become less frequent, even though most mainlanders believed the Atha’an Miere to be slightly mad, to say the least.

The ship spurred on toward its destination. The waves and the wind caused the ship to rise and fall very regularly, like a see saw. A smile crossed Cade’s lips as a spray of mist shot up from the bow. Where the ship took him, he did not know. Nor did he care, for as long as there were Trollocs, Cade would be there, hunting for the lost Miara. Cade Bankrhah,
Onboard the A.M. Sea Breeze



