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The Ferry

Cade and Sim stumbled through the streets, hanging on each other’s arms. Darkness had fallen in the Rahad, and Cade and Sim had had a few too many ales after their exiting encounter with the gang of thieves in the tavern. Sim tripped, but Cade held him fast.

“Yer the greatesht.” Sim said, laughing at his manner of walking.

“Nah… YOU are the greatesht. You shaved my life.” Cade replied.

As the pair slowly made their way toward the ferry, they drew glares of disdain from the locals, who continued to go about their business. Cade fell, his breastplate clanging onto the street. He started giggling. Sim fell down soon afterward, laughing as well. They lay there in the middle of the street for a few moments, and then Cade got up and dusted himself off. He helped Sim up, and the two proceeded along the road together.

Arriving at the ferry, Cade looked up at the moon. It was getting later, and he would need to sleep if he was to make his appointment with the Sailmistress. He shrugged. He would make it easily, he thought. The ferryman pulled up to the dock. This man was far different from the previous one. He was tall, thin, and spoke in a raspy voice. “Are you folkss going to the wesst bank?” He whispered. Cade looked over at him. “Yesshir, we are indeed!” he said. “Well,” the ferryman started, “We’d besst be going, then, ssirss.” Cade and Sim jumped into the small boat, and the ferryman pushed off.

The moonlight reflecting off of the water was a glorious sight to behold. The calm water acted almost like a wavy mirror to the clear night sky, countless stars shining like a sea of jewels in some great treasure hoard. The only sound that could be heard was the soft paddling of the ferryman’s crew. The crisp, fresh scent of the water was refreshing, as was the cool night air.

Sim shifted about. He looked at Cade. “Pretty, isn’t it?” he said. Cade turned his attention to Sim. “Yeah… It often makes me wonder as to the point of all that I go through, and how insignificant it is.” Cade thought aloud. “But, after awhile, I think of my father, and Miara,” Cade paused, and shook his head. “And I think that I cannot help but be a part of some bigger picture. Not the Great Game, or some such similar nonsense, but something much bigger.” He sighed. “Alas, I know not.” He said. “Well,” Sim started, “We have our health, and our youth. We shall soon see if there is something to this bigger picture you speak of.” He paused, and then grinned. “After all- Not knowing what is around the next corner is half the fun, right?”

Cade Bankrah & Sim Thornrend
The ferry of Ebou Dar



