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The Boat

Cade brushed the sleep from his eyes. Sunlight poured in from the windows. He sat up, and a wave of pain and nausea floored him. “Ugh!” Cade reached up and grabbed his head. His hair was disheveled, and it felt as if his head and stomach were simultaneously being pressed in a vice. He struggled out of bed. He was still wearing his breastplate, and it was far from polished. He looked down at the balled-up figure on the ground. Sim twitched. “Good.” Cade thought. “He isn’t dead.” Cade stretched and leaned out the window of his room. The sun beat down, and Cade yawned, trying to get the morning breath taste out of his mouth. Bells rang. They chimed fully twice. A look of horror washed over Cade’s face. He gasped, realizing how late it was. He quickly gathered his things together, and threw them in his pack. He tried to rouse Sim. Sim only groaned and rolled over. Cade slapped him. Nothing. No reaction came from him.

Cade sighed. He didn’t need this, he thought. He was hung over, and if he didn’t hurry, he was going to be late. Groaning in pain and effort, he grabbed Sim’s pack, and threw Sim over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes. He rushed down the stairs, and out the door toward the docks.

“Darnalia’s not going to be happy,” Cade thought. “She’s a very punctual woman, and no good can come of my being late.” Sim’s head bounced up and down on the lower back of Cade’s breastplate. An audible “Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!” could be heard as Cade hurried down the street.

“Arrgh! What’s happening?” Sim mumbled. Cade looked back. “We’re late. Do you have those items to give her for our passage?”

Cade was referring to the custom of fair trade between Atha’an Miere. They were ruthless merchants, but very honest. No one was ever cheated by an Atha’an Miere Shipmistress- ever. Darnalia was the Atha’an Miere Shipmistress of the A.M. Sea Breeze, and Cade had managed to gain an audience with her through the Tairen noble he had met at the party so long ago, Major D’Rious. He had the meeting, but he knew she’d want something equally meritous in value for the trip, and she favored shiny, glittering prizes. Sim had such baubles from an earlier escapade, and had offered to pay for the voyage, since Cade had nothing of the sort.

“Yeah, they’re in my pack. Did you get my pack?” Sim said. Cade looked down at the cumbersome heft that was Sim’s travel pack in his left hand. He sighed. “Yes, I’ve got it right here.” Cade said, as the docks came into view. He threw Sim down, exhausted. “Here. You take it.”

Sim rubbed his eyes and licked his lips. He stood up and brushed himself off. “We have to hurry, Sim.” Cade said, with impatience in his voice. “We haven’t a moment to lose. Come on.” They rushed into the wharf, and looked about wildly. An anchor was starting to rise, and the sound of the winch clicking drew them to the ramp of the Sea Breeze. The smell of fish and salt was in the air. Sim scurried up the ramp, much to the dismay of two shirtless, dark-skinned Atha’an Miere who had begun bringing in the ramp and getting the ship ready for departure. Cade rushed up after him, panting heavily.

Darnalia stood on the stern of the ship, the wind playing with her dark hair. Her skin was a color that was a cross between bronze and chocolate. A gold chain was strung between her nose and ear rings. She wore a loose-fitting white blouse with baggy crimson pants. Gold and silver hung from jewelry and all manner of other finery. She looked at Cade with a blank stare.

“You’re late.” she said.

“I’m sorry. I had a bit of a long night, Shipmistress Darnalia.” Cade said.

Darnalia rolled her eyes. She then turned her attention to Sim. “Who’s he?” she asked dryly.

Cade rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I would like to introduce Sim Thornrend. He saved my life last night, and we decided to adventure together. I hope his presence won’t be bothersome.”

“It’s an honor, Shipmistress Darnalia.” Sim said as he bowed in respect.

“Does he have the price for passage?” Darnalia asked, completely ignoring him.

“Of course!” Cade said.

“Then he’s not a bother. Check your things with the steward. He’ll show you to your cabins. You missed lunch. Dinner’s in the galley at dusk.” She quickly snapped. “And guys,” She started, as he was leaving, “We’ll have none of that drunken debauchery during this voyage. I have a ship to run!” She smiled, and headed toward the fore deck. Cade and Sim couldn’t tell if she was joking. They looked at each other, shrugged, and headed below deck.

“I get top bunk, you know.” Sim said.

“Whatever you say, Sim.” Cade replied.

“Just so you know.”

Cade just smiled and shook his head. “Looks like the adventure’s begun.” He thought. Cade Bankhrah, Sword-for-Hire
& Sim Thornrend, Sidekick to the Sword-for-Hire
On the Atha’an Miere Ship Sea Breeze, Departing from the port of Ebou Dar



