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Sim Post 1

From the Journal of Sim Thornrend Pages 7-8

Dear Journal,

Today, my new friend Cade and I barely made it on to the ship. The Shipmistress looked rather unhappy at our less than impecable timing. I sure hope we don't get kicked off before a hearty meal and a good rest!

I got a chance to meet everyone on the ship. they feel like good friends I've known my whole life, especially Cade. They make me feel like I am right at home. By the Light, I miss that place. This is the longest I've gone without seeing my friends Treevore and Grege. I really miss my family too. Why did the Blight have to take you father!? Ron Thornrend had no equal when it came to fathers!

If you had only waited for my leg to heal we could have gone together and you would still be alive...

Alas, I didn't know all these memories were going to make me feel this way until I got farther away. At least, though, it is a beautiful night. I like writing on starry nights such as this.

Wow! I just saw a shooting star. The nights on a boat are pretty cool, completely unlike the harsh climate of Ebou Dar. I was glad to leave that place!

Well, Journal, it's late, and I must be getting back to bed. I have a long day ahead of me, I think. So, until next time, Journal.

-Sim Thornrend
