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Player Name: PinkPatchy
Character Name: Amandir
Hails From: The Shadow Coast
Character Age: 19
Trade: Woodswoman
Physical Description: Legolas-like blonde hair, one green eye, one brown, 5'3. I know she's a short hero but they rock!
Weapon of Choice: Dagger, Longbow, crossbow if she has to

Personal History

Amandir was born an orphan and spent a great period of her life roaming the Shadow Coast, learning to forage for food and familiarize herself with the terrain. When she reached the age of 15 she decided that it was time to explore the country. Amandir passed through places like Cairhien and Tar Valon and found them far too confining for her taste. She preferred sleeping under trees, a dagger held close in case of attack and relying upon her own skills. Now she's 19, looking for an adventure and longs to hunt trollocs.


"Not all those who wander are lost."
-JRR Tolkien