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Aren Garenhald

Player Name: Kevin Kragenbrink, II
Character Name: Aren Garenhald
Hails From: Tear
Character Age: 29
Trade: Warder of Laradia Sedai,Ranger of the Haddon Mirk
Occupation: Keeping Laradia safe
Physical Description: The man's grayish-green eyes seem wise beyond his years, and his wavy dark brown hair falls to his shoulders. At six feet with a strong build, he is somewhat imposing. His face is chiseled and worn, and his hands calloused by years of wielding a blade. He wears no armor but for a thick, hard leather tunic, and the rest of his garb is greens and greys. Over it all he wears a cloak which seems to change colors to match his surroundings. It's nearly impossible to look straight at him; instead, the viewer's eyes seem to slide right off. Belted at his hip is a longsword marked with the heron, and a quiver of arrows with an unstrung bow in it.
Weapon of Choice: Heron Marked Longsword, Shortbow

Personal History

I was born in Tear, and those of you who know the place know it is not much exciting. They hate the Aes Sedai, and all users of the One Power. Such blind hatred seemed wrong to me from the beginning, so I trained hard with the woodshed tools I could find that I could turn to weapons, and when I was sixteen I left home with a quarterstaff and my satchels. I wasn't yet sure where I was going, but I knew I could not stay in Tear. I found my way into the Haddon Mirk, and for four years I served as a protector of that realm, making my living there. I bought a blade, a longsword, and learned well to use it. I practiced with a friend of mine who lived in Far Madding, and together we grew quite good. I also learned to craft shortbows, and I crafted my own with arrows to match of a beautiful lemonwood. When I was eighteen, a Warder and an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah passed through Far Madding. It was the Warder, Garald by name, who begged me to head to Tar Valon. He had a strange feeling that the wheel was turning dark once again, and that all those who could fight would be needed. Wanting more out of life, I gladly took him up on the offer. Four months later found me at the White Tower. I spent three years training to be a Warder, three years practicing my skills. I was fast, better than most my age. At twenty I had earned my Heron Marked blade, and accepted it gladly. I continued to train as a warder, and at twenty one I was bonded with Laradia. The experience was like none I'd ever known, and despite my training I was unprepared for what was suddenly shared. For eight years I served Laradia, and I found myself falling in love with her. I spoke nothing of this, and showed nothing of this to her. In a battle near Shol Arbela, a Gholam made an attempt on Laradia's life. I would not allow it, though, and stood in the way of the blow it would have used to destroy her. My life was nearly forfeit for the effort, but somehow I survived my incapacitation, and so did Laradia. I professed my love for her soon after, and to my surprise she did the same. We were engaged a yaer later, and married in two year's time.


The warder frowned softly, his eyes boring into his current victim. "Want to run that by me again?"