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Ardaren [Cor Dari, of the Tardaad Aiel]

Player Name: Andy
Character Name: Ardaren [Cor Darei, of the Tardaad Aiel, of the Cold Rocks sept.]
Hails From: The Cold Rocks Hold, of the Three-Fold Land
Character Age: 20
Trade:Cor Darei, Algai'd'siswai
Occupation: Vengance
Physical Description: pending
Weapon of Choice: Spear, Bow, Knife, Fists

Personal History

Ardaren, Cor Darei [Night Spear], of the Tardaad Aiel, of Cold Rocks Hold, Grew up very typically for an Aiel Algai'd'siswi, untill one day a tragic incident changed his life. His sister Coneveine died at the age of nine of a severe case of a strange desiese, that was given to her by an evil man known only as "Pokey",who rumer had it, loved Sheep and goats [if you know what I mean], as well as humans. For killing his sister, Pokey, owes him much toh, but this pokey, fled over the Dragonwall, hnd hasn't been seen since, so Ardaren headed out for the Dragon wall, to avenge his sister and exact the toh on pokey, of whatever his real name is.
