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Jean Pierre Vorksaigian

Player Name: Leon
Character Name: Jean Pierre Vorksaigen
Hails From: Tear
Character Age: 21
Trade: Inquisitor, Church Law
Occupation: Whitecloak Trainee
Physical Description: Black hair, black eyes, haunted look
Weapon of Choice: Broadsword, Lance when mounted.

Personal History

The Vorksagians dynasty is cursed with breeding gifts, gifts unwanted and unnapreciated, by both the family and by society at large. At the age of 17 I was forced to help my elders with the capute and execution of my younger sister who started showign channeling gifts. From that point on, I decided to join the Whitecloacks to drive away my sorrow, embracing the one thing that cause my grief and misery. With every action I take part in, I grow more and more embittered until my humanity is submereged under a deep mask of callous disregard. This endears me to my superiors, sending me on missions with a large degree of independence and discretion, I feel my initiation into the ranks of the official whitelcoacks is not far ahead. The prospect fills me both with dread and a quaint sort of relief.

Motto: I shall smother you with the power of Light.