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Lady Miara of the House Rakar

Player Name: Liz
Character Name: Lady Miara of the House Rakar
Hails From: Cairhien
Character Age: 23
Trade: Nobel
Occupation: Daes de'mar
Physical Description: long dark brown hair, dark eyes, slim, tall, and has a small birthmark on her shoulder
Weapon of Choice: daggers

Personal History

Lady Miara was raised in Cairheian playing Daes Dae Mar even as a child. After her father fell out of favor and her mother killed herself, Miara felt responsible to play The Great Game for her six brothers and four sisters. She hoped to see them well married and in high positions in the government. She also hoped to be the power behind the throne, just to ensure that her family never fell into such a disgraceful position again.

Motto: "Let's play!" *snarl*