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Player Name: Sarah
Character Name: Laradia Sedai
Hails From: Cairhien
Character Age: She remebers the Aiel War
Trade: Aes Sedai, Blue Ajah
Physical Description: The ageless face typical of Aes Sedai, Black curly hair, Green eyes, about 5'5.
Weapon of Choice: Her Warder, Aren

Personal History

Laradia Sedai was born Laradia Anod, of a lesser house in Cairhien. Early on in life she was taken to the White Tower, where she trained to a full sister. About 10 years ago she bonded Aren, and they have become close over the years. Last year, much to the suprize of her ajah (and to the amusement of her green sisters) they were married. While this is unusal for a Blue, they are happy. Currently she is on an assignment from the Amyrlin Seat in Caemlyn. Her mission and any more about her is classified.


The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills- it is my job to make sure that pattern serves my purposes.