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Ageto Macharan

Name: AJ Artiles


Character Name: Ageto Macharan

Character Age: 24

Trade: Bowmaker

Hails From: Shienar

Occupation: Bowmaker

Weapon: Long Bow

Physical Description: About 6'2, 183 lbs., Wilder, Warder- like movement

Personal History: After his father died when he was nearly 12, Ageto moved from village to village, doing what little chores he could to find a place to stay and survive. Every day, he shot with the bow he had made himself. Becoming better at it with every passing day, he used his technique to help him survive. On a night when he was mugged and nearly killed, he was able to defend himself in away he never thought possible. While bound with ropes and thrown in a sack, he desperately wished for anything to happen that might save him. The thought of a knife slicing down the sack freeing him came to mind and he was utterly shocked when the sack started to split down the middle. It was as if it was being cut! Taking everything with his usual calm, he freed himself of the ropes around his wrists, a simple task, and scooped of his Long Bow. Pulling his belt knife free, he strode over to the sleeping bandits, and gave them quick, painless deaths. Taking all money and food he could,! he began training his newfound ability, making sure not to use too much. His adventures led him to Tar Valon, where he began training to become a Warder. Hiding his ability to channel, he trained until the age of 22. Bonded at this age, he found himself paired up with an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. After a year together, she discovered his ability and tried to gentle him alone. Wrapping the Aes Sedai up in flows of Air and tying them off, he left. Once again on his own, he is constantly chased by this Aes Sedai because the bond was never broken.

Motto: 'How can you go on when you've lost your Sun, and the Moon is gone?

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