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Cade Bankhrah

Name: Jourdan


Character Name: Cade Bankhrah

Character Age: 27

Trade: Mercenary

Hails From: Cairhein

Occupation: Former Bodyguard. Now I adventure!

weapon: Longsword/Shortsword Combination

physical_description: Very light, steel-grey eyes, chiseled features, dark, closely cropped hair, and a shiny, though battle-worn, breastplate.

personal_history: Cade Bankhrah was nothing but the son of a simple guard, and who's mother had run off with a Tairen nobleman when he was just a boy. In his youth, his father had taught him the values of chivalry, duty, and, most of all, swordplay. It had been no more then a hobby of his, and he one day had plans to perhaps woo a minor noblewoman and improve his family's standing.

But, as fate would have it, he didn't have to. His father, the guard, saved a noble from the house Rakar, and they became fast friends. He gave him a position as a personal bodyguard to the house Rakar, and Cade naturally inherited the position upon his father's passing.

It was here that Cade recieved his first mark-Lady Miara.

Cade did everything in his power to protect Miara, should the need ever arise. She was more than just his boss.

He loved her.

Ever since the first time he saw her, when they were both around the age of twelve, her long, raven-colored curls flowing like wisps of dark silk in the wind, and her eyes, a pale blue that was so deep it made him weak in the knees when he talked to her.

But now she's gone. Lost to a Trolloc raid on a party full of nobles, all playing in "The Great Game" to one degree or another. Now he scours the land, looking for her, knowing, deep down in his heart, she's alive, and he'll never forgive himself, unless he gets her back.

motto: "As long as there are Trollocs, I'll be there, ready to put them to the sword."

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