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Dez Halia

Name: Dave Smith


Character Name: Dez Halia

Character Age: 21

Trade: Arms

Hails From: Cairhien

Occupation: Weapons Trainer

Weapon: longsword

Physical Description: Short, wiry, but strong

Personal History: Dez was born in the city of Cairhien as son of one of the city guards. His father raised him in the use of weapons from birth, trying to keep him away from playing the Great Game. At age 16, Dez managed to best one of the better city guards in practice, which gained him some reknown among the guards, and much pride from his father. Unlike most Cairhienin, Dez does not hate Aiel; he still holds the same fear that most wetlanders have of them, but he did not agree with what Laman did. Dez's mother died at his birth, so he grew up without a real mother figure. His best friend from childhood is a girl by the name of Adriana. She has recently disappeared, and now Dez is faced with the choice of finding her or joining the Guard like his father.

Motto: "Burn you to flaming Shayol Ghul"

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