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Ileanna Veran

Name: Pinkypatchy


Character Name: Ileanna Veran

Character Age: 19

Trade: Wilderness Survival

Hails From: The Shadow Coast

Occupation: Wilder

Weapon: a slingshot, a bow and arrow

Physical Description: Ileanna has long red hair, piercing green eyes and a slight build.

Personal History: Ileanna Veran was orphaned at the age of 12. She spent the next 4 years of her life exploring the Shadow Coast, honing her survival skills. At the age of 16, a powerful yearning for adventure compelled her to leave the Shadow Coast and explore other lands. After passing through the likes of Cairhien, Ilian, and Tear, she found that she preferred the southern country of Tear above the rest. Now Fortune has placed Ileanna aboard an Athan Miere vessel. She anticipates a great adventure on the high seas...

Motto: Veni vidi vegi ( I came, I saw, I had a salad)

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