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Rijan Fiar

Name: Fire Gazer


Character Name: Sara Evryth

Character_age: 18

Trade: Wilder

Hails From: Arad Doman

Occupation: Noble

Weapon: Daggers

Physical Description: Dark hair and eyes - lighter skin

Personal History: Sara was born and raised in Arad Doman, but through her childhood, she quickly found that its ways made her uncomfortable. Perhaps it is because of this that her wilder block is embarassment. The first time she channeled, it was on her fourteenth birthday, when she was fitted into an expensive and highly suggestive Domani dress. Inexplicably, the people around her were repulsed by the everyday occurance of such clothing, no doubt the result of a compulsion. Sara knew somehow that it was her doing. She ran away soon after, ashamed of being ashamed of her culture. Her skills in the One Power developed out of necessity, for a girl alone on the road seemed easy pickings for bandits and brigands. She is fairly well traveled, and now disguised as a boy, her name changed to Rith Jolin. Her power is now fairly well under her control, but her emotions...

Notes: She won't want to channel openly as a "boy" because of very obvious problems. She will probably pretend to be a wanderer, perhaps with a few odd skills? A multi-class? In any case, she is very meager with her use of the power and tries to use it in subtle ways, such as pretending to use the heal skill and "bandaging" someone and stabilizing them. Her affinity is for Spirit, and her two talents (taking into account the extra talent feat) are Healing and Conjunction.

Motto: "Things don't always work out. Sometimes the only thing you can do is hope for the best and keep on going."

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