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Sim Thornrend

Getting Around

Characters (From Books)
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Who We Are

Name: Danny Skelton


Character Name: Sim Thornrend

Character Age: 22

Trade: Sidekickery

Hails From: Tarabon

Occupation: Wanderer

Weapon(s): swordbreaker and bow

Physical Description: Slightly less than medium height, brown eye and hair color, a green cloak with a tannish shirt and black trousers, and a leather belt.

Personal History: I am Sim Thornrend. I hail from the town of Tar Valon. I decided to go out wandering when i got tired of staying home and doing the lowly farmer's life. So, I took my lucky bow, some traveling clothes, and some food, and I said I would be gone for a while to see the world. On about my fourth week journeying, I had this feeling that I was being followed. I turned around, and that's when I dicovered I was surrounded. 4 men surprised me and wanted to take my stuff, but I wasn't going to just let them rob me! So I nocked an arrow and hoped to kill at least one of them before they had taken me out. Talk about lucky! I guess I got the leader, because the rest ran away after he fell before he could say anything! I didn't know what to do, so I checked to see if there was anything to ID the man and that's where I got the sword breaker.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened anytime after that.

Well... that's not completely true.

I came through Ebou Dar, where, in a bar, I saw a man named Cade Bankhrah, fighting off two Ebou Dar rogues. I saved his life, and after that he gave me his name. We've have been on adventures ever since.

Motto: What may be lurking around the corner is only half the fun!