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Sorenson Ios

Getting Around

Characters (From Books)
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Who We Are

Name: Michael


Character Name: Sorenson Ios

Character Age: 30

Trade: Armsman

Hails From: Sheinar

Occupation: Caravan Guard

Weapon: Dire Pick/Warhammer, shortsword, boarspear, Large Knives

Physical Description: Tall, lean and muscled. Short cut Black hair and grey eyes. Dresses in leather chaps and studded leather breastplate and chain shirt. His shoulder pauldrons and breastplate have a grinning face motif

Personal History: Sorenson Ios was born to a Andorian woman and a Sheinar warrior named Kell Ios. Kell had quite a lucrative business selling Trolloc Tusks to southlanders which he killed for sport and survival in the blight with his Sheinarian companions. At the time of his fathers death Sorenson was only 12, and his mother grew tired of the danger of living in Sheinar and moved back to the capital to be with her father and mother. Sorenson adapted well to living in such a safe and secure environment, but grew bored and became a brawler in the city streets. His grandfather began to take him on excursions across the midlands with his caravan route and Sorenson became quite a good armsman. He favors using "Old Faithful," a Dire Pick-Warhammer he aquired from a defeated Trolloc. He has since taken service with various caravans after his grandfather's retirement. He is currently wandering the midlands in search of adventure and enjoys hunting Trollocs and shadowspawn.He is wary of Aes Sedai and doesn't trust anyone he hasn't shed blood with. He also has a wry sense of humor. Mottos/Quotes: "A guy that runs his mouth as much as you do should work in a brothel!" And "That's a big Trolloc! I'll have to make a neclace of all those broken teeth I'm gonna knock outta his mouth. Heh."