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Louisiana Governors
From 1812-1899

 William Charles Cole Claiborne  

Born in 1775 in Sussex County, Virginia .He Was educated at Richmond Academy and William and
Mary College Political

Part of William Claiborne Inaugural address

Having witnessed the moment when the authority of the United States was first extended over this
important, interesting & delightful district; haveing assisted for near nine years, in its progress from
Colonial dependence to state sovereignty ,& so frequently experienced the kind indulgent of its
generous Inhabitants.- there are no motives which can influenc an ingenerous mind;- no
consideration of honor & gratitude but combine to render the prosperity of Louisiana, an object
of my fondest affections.  Political Affiliation: Democratic-Republican

  Jacques Phillipe Villere  

Born on April 28, 1761 on what was know as the "German Coast" Which is A part of Louisian between Baton Rouge and
New Orleans. He trained in France as a page in the court of Louis XVI of France.There was also
short period in a military academy in France.

Jacques Villere Inaugural address

The lively emotions with which I am penetrated deprive me of the power of expressing my sentiments in any
other manner than by praying the general assembly to have the goodness to accept the assurance
of my gratitude for one flattering mark whith they have given me of their
confidence and esteem.

Political Affiliation: Democrat-Republican and later he was National Republican

 Thomas Bolling Robertson   

Born February 27, 1779 in Prince George County, Virginia.
He was Secretary of the Terrotory of Orleans at one time before he was Governor and he as all first
U.S. Representative from the new State of Louisiana .
In the Governor election he won the popular vote but lost the legislative vote that he need to become
Governor of Louisiana at that time, The legislature,was mostly Creoles at the time preferred Pierre Derbigny.
Pierre Derbigny however declined to take the Governors office without the popular vote.

Part of Thomas Bolling Robertson Inaugural address

 December 18, 1820
Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives

I approach the Honorable station to which and have been appointed with unfeigned
different. Conscious of my want of ability contact I should shrink from the task in
inposes, if it were not for the hope of a continuance of that indulgence which my poor
endeavors to serve the public have so often in received.

Political Affiliation: National Republican
Died: Oct. 5, 1828 in White Sulphur Springs, Virginia
Parents: William and Elizabeth Bolling Robertson

  Henry Schuyler Thibodeaux   

Born 1769 in Albany, New York . He was Formal education in Scotland . He was a State Senator and was all so President of the Senate he succeeded to governorship upon Robertson's resignation.

Political Affiliation: National Republican

 Henry S. Johnson

Born September 14, 1783 in Virginia . Before he became Governor he was State Judge and
U.S. Senator .

Political Affiliation: National Republican