Man's Evil Religion

Being haunted by the atrocities of the fathers of religion, the blood of your victoms cries out from the earth, from the beguinning man was evil in his religion, as man makes himself a religion, then uses the parts of scripture that fit their doctrine bringing God's name in their religion, many do not realize the atrocities commited just a brief moment ago as organised 'christianity', if you where to ask a ordanary 'christian' just a moment in time ago what a witch was, they would say a grotesque mutated thing, with leather skin, without eye's, and screaches to stand the hair up on one's back, who is not even shaped like a human, but is the size of a cow", because by the time your religious got through torturing them, thats what they looked like on the stake, but God saw the same persons He had seen before they where mutalated and burned, you see these movies where witches are cursing as they go to the stake, but the fact is after being tortured, they where taken to the stake on carts, completly disabled, but man likes to tone down his wicked history, how many indured torture because they refused to lie about sins they did not commit, organised xianity has been a plauge on the earth from the time those the apostes warned about, from the beguining, Christ said, "They will think they are doing me a favor by killing you"


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