Class Name |
Description |
Special Abilities |
Restrictions |
Barbarian |
A barbarian can be an excellent warrior. While not as disciplined or as skilled as a normal fighter, the barbarian can willingly throw himself into a berserker rage, becoming a tougher and stronger opponent. |
Advanced Weapon Specialization |
None |
Bard |
The bard is also a rogue, but is very different from the thief. His strength is his pleasant and charming personality. With it and his wits he makes his way through the world. A bard is a talented musician and walking storehouse of gossip, tall tales and lore. He learns a little bit about everything that crosses his path; he is a jack-of-all-trades but master of none. While many bards are scoundrels, their stories and songs are welcome almost anywhere |
Bard song, spell casting, pick pocket |
Cannot use shields greater then the buckler, can not use armor past chainmail. Must be of neutral alignment. Can not cast spells while wearing armor. |
Cleric |
The cleric is a generic priest (of any mythos) who tends to the spiritual needs of a community. He is both protector and healer. He is not purely defensive however. When evil threatens, the cleric is well suited to seek it out on its own ground and destroy it |
Turn undead, spell casting |
Can not use bladed or pierced weapons |
Druid |
The druid serves the cause of nature and neutrality; the wilderness is his community. He uses his special powers to protect it and to preserve balance in the world |
Weapon specialization, +2 saving throw |
Human only, must maintain lawful good alignment. |
Ranger |
The ranger is a hunter and a woodsman. He is skilled with weapons and is knowledgeable in tracking and woodcraft. The ranger often protects and guides lost travelers and honest peasant-folk. A ranger needs to be strong and wise in the ways of nature to life a full life. |
Weapon Specialization, Racial Enemy, stealth, charm person/mammal |
Must be human or half-elf. |
Thief |
To accomplish his goals, for good or ill, the thief is a skilled pilferer. Cunning, nimbleness and stealth are his hallmarks. Whether he turns his talent against innocent passers-by and wealthy merchants or opposers and monsters is a choice for the thief to make. |
Stealth, backstab, pick pockets/locks, find/remove traps. |
can only use leather or studded armor, bucklers, wielded stubbed weapons.
Fighter |
The fighter is a champion, swordsman, soldier and brawler. He lives or dies by his knowledge of weapons and tactics. Fighters can be found at the front of any battle, contesting toe-to-toe with monsters and villains. A good fighter needs to be strong and healthy if he hopes to survive. |
Weapon Specialization |
none. |