Angel Of Hope RPG

Welcome to Angel of Hope RPG. This Fantasy RPG is focused on the battle of Good VS Evil. Any creatures, good or evil, are welcome here. Please send your Character Applications to the address provided through the link at the bottom of the page. Read the Storyline and see the characters taken and then head on over to the Application page and E-mail me with your Application. I look foward to many more interesting members.


Well, I've finally decided to update my site. It's been a while, I know. I'm going to see if I'll keep this an RPG site or change it into something else. It depends on the number of applications I receive from different people. I've had problems in the past with people not obeying the rules, so if you're just looking for a place to come and expect to be top dog just because you say you are, go somewhere else. I like people who obey the rules and if you can't do that, you're out. So, aside from that come on in and take a look around. I'm still working on it so, sorry if a page or two is down occasionally.

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