Closer to You


Midorino Mizu


Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama and all associated characters are the property of Konomi Takeshi.


AuthorÕs Note:  Yukimura is my angst muse.  IÕve decided that.  He angsts almost as much as he breathes.


Yukimura Seiichi had a headache.


It was partially due to the paperwork spread before him on the table, and it was partially due to the boy sitting across from him.


Unlike him, Sanada Genichirou seemed to be solely focused on deciding the match order for the upcoming tournament.


ÒGenichirou,Ó Yukimura murmured.  The vice-captain looked up silently.  ÒCould you pass me the match order form for the match versus Hyoutei?Ó


He was quite proud of himself, really.  His voice didnÕt even crack when he spoke of the Tokyo school.


ÒCertainly,Ó Sanada returned.  He passed over the single sheet of paper and waited patiently while his captain perused it.


ÒHmm,Ó said Yukimura thoughtfully.  ÒIÕm not sure this utilizes the teamÕs particular skills completely.Ó


Sanada lifted an eyebrow.  ÒHow so, Yukimura?Ó


He had managed the team for the majority of the tennis season, and he had decided match order himself. 


Sanada was quite certain that the order he had chosen would allow them to defeat Hyoutei.


ÒWell,Ó started Yukimura finally, ÒI agree that Akaya should be placed in Singles 3.  HeÕll almost certainly be playing against Kabaji, and it will be an interesting challenge for him.Ó  He paused for a moment, cocking his head to one side in thought.  ÒJackal might have been a better match for Kabaji, with his stamina, but that would involve placing Akaya in doubles, and that could be disastrous.Ó


Sanada nodded.  Kirihara Akaya had not learned that doubles was an art form, and he usually ended up infuriating his partner just as much as his opponents.


The last time theyÕd tried him in doubles, during a practice match, Marui Bunta had ended up sticking gum in the juniorÕs hair.


It was an experience none of them wanted to repeat.


ÒHowever,Ó RikkaiÕs captain continued, ÒI think most of the rest of the positions should be changed.  Jackal should be put on reserve,Ó he noted, pointing a finger at the Doubles 2 match-up.  ÒI donÕt think that his particular skills would be of that much value against the Oshitari-Mukahi pair.


ÒAnd Bunta should be in Singles 2 Ð we should counter their volley specialist with our own.Ó


ÒWho do you propose putting in Doubles 2, Yukimura?Ó asked Sanada.  His voice was expressionless, but he was surprised.


He and Yukimura had disagreed over position before Ð during the district preliminary and prefectural tournaments.  But this was the first time the captain had been so blunt and assertive about his disagreement.


Sanada had always thought of Yukimura as very gentle, and more passive than aggressive.  He was beginning to wonder if that was really the case.


ÒHiroshi and Niou,Ó Yukimura said finally.  ÒNiou and Oshitari Yuushi both have a tendency to pull off the unexpected.Ó


Sanada nodded in assent Ð he had to admit that this change, at least, made sense.  He opened his mouth to ask Yukimura what he planned for Doubles 1, when he was interrupted.


ÒYou should be in Singles 1,Ó he said.


SanadaÕs eyebrows rose.  ÒI should be?Ó he asked.  Atobe Keigo, of course, was the player they expected Hyoutei to place in their top position.


With that in mind, Sanada had placed Yukimura in the opposing position. 


ÒYou are our captain, Yukimura,Ó he said, Òand youÕre undefeated in singles.Ó


Yukimura lifted his shoulder in acknowledgement but shook his head.  ÒThat may be,Ó he said, Òbut considering AtobeÕs unique talents, I donÕt think thatÕs wise.Ó


There was the HyouteiÕs captain ÒInsightÓ to consider, certainly, but that wasnÕt the real reason Yukimura wanted to avoid playing him.


He had no desire to play the scorned lover seeking revenge on the tennis court, and he was certain that that was the kind of match he and Atobe Keigo would have played.


Not that he could tell Sanada that, of course.


His vice-captain was speaking again.  ÒThat leaves you and Renji in Doubles 1.  You havenÕt played together competitively before.


ÒAnd Ohtori Choutarou and Shishido Ryoh are rumored to be one of the best combinations in Kanto Ð as well-matched as Niou and Hiroshi, or SeigakuÕs Golden Pair.Ó


YukimuraÕs lips curved in amusement.  ÒYes, they are quite good,Ó he said.  ÒBut IÕm sure weÕll be fine.


ÒEven if we should lose,Ó he added, ÒitÕs unlikely that we will be handed a loss in singles, so we still have the victory.Ó


ÒVery well,Ó said Sanada.  He bent his head to the paperwork again, filling out the forms that had become so familiar to him during the regular tennis season.  He looked up again.  ÒAre there any changes you would like to make, to the other matches, Yukimura?Ó


ÒHmm?Ó asked Yukimura.  ÒNo, Hyoutei was the only one where I could see room for improvement.Ó 


ÒThen, when youÕve finished making adjustments, IÕll take them down to be sent to the tournament administration.Ó


Yukimura nodded as he neatly reprinted the names of the match sheet.  ÒThank you, Genichirou,Ó he said, handing the taller player the corrected form.  ÒYou can go home after youÕve finished that.  I can get everything else done myself.Ó


ÒIÕll come back here, Yukimura,Ó Sanada stated.


ÒItÕs not necessary, Genichirou.Ó


ÒIt is, Yukimura,Ó Sanada returned.  ÒItÕs my job.  IÕll be back in a few minutes.Ó


ÒGenichirou,Ó Yukimura snapped.  He winced slightly; that had come out sharper than he had intended.  Sanada had even noticed it, judging from his vice-captainÕs widened eyes. 


Yukimura smiled sweetly, an expression he had long since perfected.  ÒJust go home,Ó he said.  ÒItÕll be fine.Ó


Sanada hesitated, then nodded.  ÒVery well, Yukimura,Ó he said, turning on his heel and walking out the door.


He shut the door softly behind him, and stared at the blank piece of wall across the hall from the Rikkai captainÕs work area.


Something about Yukimura Seiichi had changed.


It was hardly a drastic change, by any means; in fact, it was very subtle.  Yukimura was still, for the most part, quiet, soft-spoken, and polite.  But now he wasÉdifferent.


He was more blunt, more assertive, more willing to disagree.


Sanada wasnÕt used to that; the Yukimura he had known had always listened, smiled, and offered alternative suggestions.


He glanced back at the closed door.  The shift just seemed so abrupt to him, and yet it didnÕt really seem at odds with the captainÕs personality.


As if the boy heÕd known for three years hadnÕt been the real Yukimura at all.  But that was ridiculous.


ÒIs there something wrong, Genichirou?Ó a familiar voice asked from his left.


Sanada turned his head and looked into the smiling face of his best friend.  ÒNo, nothing, Renji,Ó he said.  He looked down at the sheaf of papers in his hand.  ÒI need to get these to the office,Ó he said.


ÒOh, are those the match-ups for the fall tournament?Ó Renji asked with mild interest.  ÒIÕm on reserve for the Hyoutei match, right?Ó


ÒYou were,Ó affirmed Sanada.  ÒBut Yukimura changed the order.Ó




Sanada nodded, a distinctly perplexed look on his face.  ÒJackalÕs on reserve now,Ó he said.  ÒYou are playing Doubles 1 with Yukimura.Ó


ÒAh,Ó Renji said.  He smiled.  ÒIÕm sure weÕll be fine; weÕve played together in practice.Ó


ÒYeah,Ó said Sanada.  ÒBut I would have thought that he would have wanted to be in Singles 1.Ó


RenjiÕs lips twitched.  Sometimes, he thought, Sanada Genichirou was just dense.  ÒPerhaps,Ó he said, ÒheÕs afraid his knee would prove to be too much of a weakness against Atobe KeigoÕs Insight.Ó


Sanada inclined his head.  ÒHe said something about that.Ó


ÒThen I wouldnÕt worry about it,Ó Renji said.  He laid a hand on SanadaÕs shoulder.  ÒItÕs sounds like a logical decision.Ó


ÒMaybe,Ó Sanada said.  He still wasnÕt convinced. 


Something told him that there was another reason that Yukimura didnÕt want to play against Keigo, but he didnÕt know what it was. 


He didnÕt think his captain knew about his relationship with the Hyoutei playerÉhe certainly hadnÕt said anything about it.


ÒYou should get to the office if you want those mailed today,Ó Renji was saying.  Sanada looked over at his taller friend, who was checking his watch.  ÒTheyÕre probably getting ready to close, now.Ó


Sanada shook off his reverie and nodded.  ÒYeah,Ó he said.  ÒIÕll see you tomorrow at practice, then?Ó


Renji nodded.  ÒOf course,Ó he said.


He waited until SanadaÕs long strides had taken him around the corner, towards the junior high departmental office, before he turned and slid open the door to the classroom Yukimura and Sanada had been using as a makeshift office.


Yukimura Seiichi was standing at the window, rubbing absently at a line between his eyes.


ÒIÑÒ he began, before pausing.  A smile broke across his face.  ÒOh, Renji,Ó he said.  ÒI thought that Genichirou had come back.Ó


The data specialist shook his head and smiled as he walked up behind the captain. 


ÒNo,Ó he said.  ÒI just sent him off to the office, actually.  He was lingering outside the door.Ó


Yukimura tipped back his head so that he could look his friend in the eye.  ÒWas he?Ó he asked.  ÒI must have confused him.Ó


RenjiÕs mouth quirked up in an amused smile.  ÒThatÕs probably a safe assumption, Seiichi,Ó he said.  He gave the captain a rather penetrating look.  ÒI understand weÕre playing doubles together, now.Ó


ÒMmm,Ó said Yukimura, turning to stare back out at the Rikkai tennis courts.  They were empty now; everyone else had gone home.  ÒYes.Ó


ÒAre you sure you want to do that?  YouÕve always preferred singles.Ó


Yukimura lifted his shoulders in a shrug.  ÒItÕs the best solution.  Bunta is best suited against Akutagawa Jiroh, and Akaya will be able to counter Kabaji Munehiro successfully.Ó


Renji nodded.  ÒYes,Ó he agreed.  ÒBut you would probably do as well against Atobe.Ó


ÒPerhaps,Ó Yukimura said.  ÒBut I like tennis; IÕd rather not play the game like that.Ó


The RikkaiÕs captainÕs statement was ambiguous; it would have confused anyone else.  But Renji knew what Yukimura was saying.


He didnÕt want to use tennis as a vehicle for his anger and hurt.


Renji gazed at YukimuraÕs face, reflected in the clear glass of the window.  Seiichi was sad again, he thought.  During the past few days, ever since he had first discovered SanadaÕs relationship with Atobe Keigo, the captain had been keeping his mood up; he hadnÕt allowed himself to think too much about it.


But that was changing, Renji noted, and Yukimura was hurting again.


Renji lightly laid his hands on YukimuraÕs shoulders, leaning close to his teammate. ÒHow are you?Ó he murmured, lightly brushing his lips across the shell of YukimuraÕs ear.


Yukimura shivered slightly, and turned his head so that he was looking Renji in the eyes again.  Their lips were close, almost touching.


ÒThere have been better days,Ó he admitted, his breath feathering across RenjiÕs parted lips.  ÒIt was kind ofÉhard, to have to work with Genichirou this afternoon.Ó


ÒI understand,Ó Renji said.  His brushed his hand lightly up the side of YukimuraÕs face, running his fingers through his friendÕs dark hair.  He bent his head, brushing his lips across YukimuraÕs own.  ÒIt will get better.Ó


Yukimura let his eyes drift shut, and ran his hand lightly up RenjiÕs arms, and linking them loosely around the other playerÕs neck.  ÒI know,Ó he murmured back.


It had been three days since they had first been together, in the tennis clubroom.


RenjiÕs hand slipped from YukimuraÕs shoulder, falling to his waist, and he pulled the slighter player closer to him, leaning down for another kiss.


The last kiss had been a gentle brush of lips, meant to comfort; this kiss was different.  It was deeper, and almost demanding.


YukimuraÕs hands tightened at the back of RenjiÕs neck and he leaned up, seeking even more contact.


When they finally broke away, both Rikkai seniors were breathing in short puffs.  YukimuraÕs face was flushed, and his eyes were dazed.


Renji ran a fingertip down the curve of YukimuraÕs cheek.  ÒWe seem to choose convenient places, donÕt we?Ó he asked.


Yukimura smiled, his eyes falling to focus on RenjiÕs neatly knotted tie for a moment, before flicking back up to his face.  ÒYeah,Ó he said, humor sparkling in his brown eyes. 


They seemed to be showing a distinct fondness for the school, in particular.


YukimuraÕs eyes never left RenjiÕs face as he slipped his fingers under the green and gold striped tie, slowly loosening the knot before slipping it off his friendÕs neck and letting it fall to the floor.  He slowly opened the first few buttons before stopping, letting his fingers caress the line of RenjiÕs collarbone.  He had a thoughtful look on his face.


Renji slid his own hand up the back of YukimuraÕs shirt, his fingers coasting over the soft skin.  ÒWhat are you thinking?Ó he asked, whispering in the captainÕs ear before running his teeth lightly across a tendon in YukimuraÕs neck.  ÒSeiichi?Ó


Yukimura gasped softly, knotting his fingers in the cotton fabric of RenjiÕs shirt.  ÒRenji!Ó


The other senior seemed to have an uncanny ability to find the most sensitive areas possible.


Renji chuckled, untangling his fingers from YukimuraÕs hair and loosening the other playerÕs own tie.  ÒWhat were you thinking about, Seiichi?Ó he asked again.


Faint color rose in YukimuraÕs cheeks and he looked down, unfastening more of the buttons on RenjiÕs school shirt.  ÒI was just thinking that this isÉnice,Ó he murmured.


A small smile curved RenjiÕs mouth.  ÒIÕm glad,Ó he said.


He wrapped his arm around YukimuraÕs waist, guiding him backwards, until they bumped into the worktable where Yukimura had been doing the paperwork for the upcoming tournament.


The data specialist pushed the scattered papers to one side, and lifted Yukimura onto the table.


ÒRenji!Ó said his friend with a light laugh.  ÒI do have to finish those, you know.Ó


ÒShh,Ó said Renji as he leaned over his teammate.  He captured YukimuraÕs lips in a brief kiss.  ÒIÕll help you with them.  Later.Ó


Yukimura stared up at him for a moment, before his mouth quirked upwards in a small smile.


In the past, he remembered, his token protests had always been ignoredÉand whatever he might have had to do forgotten.  It wasnÕt that way with Renji.


ÒOkay,Ó Yukimura said finally.  He leaned up and pushed RenjiÕs shirt off him, letting it fall to the ground with a faint rustle. 


Renji smiled, unbuttoning YukimuraÕs own shirt, dropping it on the table, before leaning back over his captain and brushing his hair out of his eyes.


YukimuraÕs eyes were dark with desire, and his fingers were clinging to RenjiÕs shoulders.


Renji brushed his lips lightly over YukimuraÕs shoulder.  The smaller player smelled good Ð like soap and salt and sweat Ð and Renji was tempted to linger there for a while.


But, he thought as he nipped at sharp planes of YukimuraÕs shoulder blade, Seiichi would probably be disappointed if he did.  The Rikkai captain tended to be the impatient sort.


ÒRenji,Ó moaned Yukimura.  He ineffectually pushed at his partner, trying to force him lower.  ÒPlease.Ó


A grin spread across RenjiÕs face.  ÒYouÕre so impatient, Seiichi,Ó he murmured.  ÒIÕm not going to disappear, you know.Ó


YukimuraÕs eyes had drifted shut while Renji had been nipping and licking at the skin of his shoulder and neck, and they opened again now.  He peered at his lover through eyes that looked like hot, melting chocolate.


ÒYanagi Renji,Ó he said in a husky murmur, Òstop teasing me.Ó


Renji lifted an eyebrow.  That sounded distinctly like a challenge.  ÒOr what?Ó he couldnÕt resist asking.


ÒHmm,Ó said Yukimura.  His gaze skimmed down RenjiÕs bare chest and he lifted a hand, tracing his fingertip from the data specialistÕs collarbone to the fastenings of his pants.  ÒWell, IÕm sure I could think of some fitting punishment.  For disobedience.Ó


Both of RenjiÕs eyebrows rose into his hairline, and for the first time, he wondered if he had really analyzed this situation properly.  Yukimura Seiichi had always been quiet, honest, and unfailingly polite to everyone.  And he had always been attractive, of course; but neverÉseductive.


There had always been something deeper, of course; something that Seiichi had carefully kept hidden.  HeÕd been afraid of rejection, Renji thought as he bent to kiss YukimuraÕs smiling lips.  But, maybe, he wasnÕt afraid when he was with Renji.


The thought sent a spark of happiness through the center of his being.


ÒWell,Ó he whispered when he broke their kiss, a wicked glint lighting his eyes, ÒIÕll have to be careful then, wonÕt I?


ÒI wouldnÕt want to disappoint you.Ó


The best part about the second time, Renji thought, was that he knew.  He knew where SeiichiÕs sensitive spots were, he knew exactly when to bite and when to kiss.


In short, he knew precisely what drove his partner insane.


For instance, he mused, there was that spot right above SeiichiÕs collarbone, right in the hollow of his throat. A kiss there made the Rikkai captain shiver convulsively and grab at anything that was handy Ð as if he needed an anchor in a storm.


A light, almost chaste kiss was all it took, Renji thought as he pressed his lips to the aforementioned spot.


Then there was his right nipple Ð specifically his right, Renji remembered.  His left wasnÕt nearly as sensitive.  A gentle flick with his thumb made Seiichi arch his back and gasp.




Yes, Renji thought with satisfaction.  Just like that.


ÒRenji,Ó said his teammate.  ÒYouÕre teasing again.Ó


ÒOh?Ó  He feigned innocence.  ÒReally?Ó


Seiichi didnÕt honor that with a reply.


ÒBut arenÕt you enjoying it, Seiichi?Ó he asked.  His lips coasted back up YukimuraÕs exposed throat, nibbling and licking, until he reached the same tendon he had nibbled on before.


Nibbling on it, running his teeth across it, made Seiichi go stiff and gasping, but brushing his tongue lightly across it caused a slightly different reaction, making the slighter player toss his head back and moan.


Sucking on it, Renji thought as he latched his mouth around the stiff tissue at YukimuraÕs throat, made RikkaiÕs captain scream.


Unfortunately, he added to himself as he swallowed SeiichiÕs cries with another kiss, they were in a place where he couldnÕt afford to let YukimuraÕs screams echo.


The classrooms at Rikkai were certainly not soundproofed, and it was still early enough that there were still people around who could hear.


When their mouths broke apart, Seiichi was gasping.  There was bright color staining his cheeks, and his dark hair fell around his face in tangled, damp curls.


ÒRenji,Ó he whispered hoarsely.  ÒPlease.Ó


It was just like the last time, he thought; a seemingly endless crescendo of pleasure that never peaked, it only grew sharper and more intense in each moment.  Until he couldnÕt tolerate it anymore, and simply broke.


With Renji, Yukimura wasnÕt exactly when he would shatter, exactly what would make him break into pieces, and it both frightened and excited him.


He had a feeling Renji knew that.


The other senior smiled down at him, brushing his lips across YukimuraÕs jaw line and sliding his hands down to loosen his pants.


Renji felt Yukimura relax slightly as he felt the fastenings release, as Renji slowly slid the fabric off his hips, letting it fall to the floor in a tangled heap.


For some reason, it seemed like Yukimura was frightened of too much pleasure.  Maybe, he thought, it was because heÕd always been in control of it before, and wasnÕt now.


ÒDonÕt worry, Seiichi,Ó he murmured.  ÒIÕll be there to catch you when you fall.Ó


YukimuraÕs lips curved into a small smile, but he didnÕt say anything.


He didnÕt know what he could say, not to something like that.


The smaller boy sat up, his fingers flicking open the button at RenjiÕs waist, and lowering the zipper with a soft rasp.  He pushed at the heavy, dark cotton until they pooled at the taller playerÕs feet, and then looked up into RenjiÕs inquisitive eyes.


The last time, he had let Renji lead him, let him be responsible for everything.  But he didnÕt want to do it that way, this time.


Yukimura leaned up, brushing his lips against RenjiÕs.  ÒThis time,Ó he murmured, ÒI want you to be inside me.  Please, Renji?Ó


Renji smiled.  Sometimes it surprised him just how impatient Seiichi was.  But maybe heÕd give his lover exactly what he wanted.


Just this once.


ÒOf course,Ó Renji said.  He stepped closer to his teammate, sliding his hands under YukimuraÕs thighs.  ÒLean back, then.Ó


Yukimura complied, leaning back on his palms, and letting his head fall back as Renji stretched him with oil-slicked fingers.


The data specialist was a lot more careful with him than anyone else had ever been Ð he didnÕt know why that continued to surprise him.  It was Renji, after all, and Renji would be careful.


His eyes flared open as RenjiÕs long fingers brushed against a spot deep inside.  ÒRenji!Ó he said in a gasping moan.


ÒDid you like that?Ó  Renji asked.  He smiled, a self-satisfied grin.  ÒIÕm glad.Ó


He brushed his fingers against the same place a second time, and YukimuraÕs arms gave way under him.  He gasped.  ÒRen Ð ohhhh.Ó  His eyes squeezed shut again.


That time, he thought as he felt Renji slowly pull his fingers away, that time, heÕd definitely seen stars.


Yukimura started when he felt RenjiÕs hands close around his bare waist.  ÒRenji?Ó he asked, startled.   Whatever heÕd been expecting, it hadnÕt been Renji gently pulling him into a sitting position.  ÒWhat are youÉÓ


Renji stopped his words with a brief, hard kiss.  ÒI want to watch you, Seiichi,Ó he murmured.  He ran his hands up and down the soft skin of YukimuraÕs long legs.  ÒIs that so strange?Ó


Yukimura blushed slightly and shook his head, his hair tumbling around his face.  ÒNo,Ó he said, ÒI suppose itÕs not that strange.Ó


He smiled, sliding his hands up RenjiÕs chest, and curling his arms around his shoulders.  ÒI want to watch you, too,Ó he murmured, tilting his head to nibble gently at RenjiÕs ear.


Renji sucked in a startled breath when he felt YukimuraÕs teeth gently close around his earlobe.  ÒSeiichi,Ó he moaned softly.


The slighter player eased away, his smile broadening.  ÒI want you, Renji,Ó he said, tracing his fingertips across the data specialistÕs lips.  ÒDonÕt you want me?Ó


RenjiÕs dark eyes glittered with a predatory light.  ÒI want you,Ó he said as his lips captured SeiichiÕs own, Òmore than air.Ó


And, he continued silently to himself as he hitched YukimuraÕs legs higher and thrust inside, he might need Yukimura Seiichi just as much.


Yukimura gasped and jerked when Renji entered him.  HeÕd been ready Ð more than ready Ð but he hadnÕt expected that Renji would give him what he wanted just yet.


The other senior looked pleasant and unassuming, but he liked to tease.  He liked to drive his partner as close to the edge as possible before giving him what he wanted.


ÒRenji!Ó he gasped.   His fingernails dug into the flesh at RenjiÕs shoulders, and his legs tightened convulsively around his teammateÕs hips.


Renji looked up, concern darkening his eyes.  ÒI didnÕt hurt you, did I?Ó  he asked.  He didnÕt think he hadÉbut Seiichi had sounded so startled.


Then other boy shook his head.  ÒNo,Ó he said.  ÒI was just surprised.Ó


An amused smile curved RenjiÕs mouth.  Only Seiichi, he thought, would be surprised to get exactly what he wanted. 


ÒAh,Ó he said, sliding his hands under YukimuraÕs hips.  He pulled the smaller boy closer to him, and his smile widened when Seiichi instinctively tightened his legs.  ÒI apologize for startling you.Ó 


He thrust again, brushing against the same spot he had been teasing earlier.  SeiichiÕs back bowed back and a faint cry, somewhere between a moan and a scream, broke from his lips, before he buried his head on RenjiÕs shoulder.


It felt so good, he thought, so wonderful, and he didnÕt think he really deserved it.  After all, what could he give Renji in return?  Because surely, for all this effort, all this comfort, Renji would want something from him.  And he wasnÕt sure that he could give Renji anything, not yet.


Yukimura Seiichi didnÕt remember that, sometimes, the giving was enough.


Suddenly, Yukimura stiffened, his head falling back with a low cry.  ÒRenÑÒ he choked off.


The last things he felt before the world fell away was the firm press of RenjiÕs mouth on his as his lover silenced his screams and the hot, wet trail of a single tear rolling down his cheek.




Yukimura opened his eyes slowly, staring for a moment up at the plain white ceiling of the classroom.  It was getting late.  It wasnÕt yet full dark, but the sun was sinking low in the sky.


ÒRenji,Ó he murmured quietly, rubbing his hand lightly up and down the damp skin of his partnerÕs back.  ÒRenji?Ó


The other boy blinked open his eyes and propped himself up on one elbow.  He smiled at Seiichi, a sleepy, sated smile.


For just a moment, Yukimura irrationally wished that he could be the only one to ever see that expression.


ÒI wasnÕt too heavy, was I?Ó asked Renji in a husky voice.


Yukimura shook his head.  ÒNo,Ó he said.  ÒBut we should probably get up Ð move to the chairs, or something.Ó


Renji nodded, slipping back onto the floor and standing up straight.  He ran a hand over his mussed hair and smiled over at Seiichi.


Yukimura only had a moment to enjoy the view before the world shifted under him.  ÒRenji!Ó he squeaked.  ÒI meant separate chairs!Ó


Renji shrugged as he collapsed bonelessly into one of the desk chairs pulled up to the worktable, Yukimura sprawled on top of him.  ÒIÕm perfectly comfortable like this,Ó he said, letting his eyes drift shut.


Yukimura chuckled softly as he leaned his head against RenjiÕs shoulder, twining a few strands of the other boyÕs straight, dark hair around his fingers.


They passed the next few moments in companionable silence, before Renji spoke again.


ÒCan I ask you something, Seiichi?Ó he asked.


Yukimura blinked open his eyes.  HeÕd been drifting off Ð despite the awkward positions they were in, heÕd been genuinely comfortable.


ÒSure, Renji,Ó he said.


The data specialist turned his head, letting Yukimura see the concerned expression lurking in his eyes.  ÒEarlier,Ó he asked, Òwere you crying?Ó


Yukimura blinked at his teammate for a moment, before paling slightly.  He bent his head.


ÒYes,Ó he muttered.


Renji ran a hand over SeiichiÕs damp hair.  ÒWhy?Ó he asked gently.


Yukimura was silent for a long moment, so long that Renji wasnÕt sure he was going to answer.


ÒEverythingÕs happened so fast,Ó a muffled voice finally spoke.  ÒOr at least,Ó he amended, ÒitÕs seemed that way.  There are just so many things changing at once.


ÒIÕm afraid that soon, thereÕll be nothing familiar left.Ó


ÒAh,Ó said Renji. 


He should have known, he thought, that Seiichi would worry about something like that.  Seiichi had always worried, and that certainly wasnÕt going to be changing now.


Renji ran his fingers through his friendÕs tangled curls and waited until YukimuraÕs breath had calmed.  ÒIt must seem like the worldÕs shifted under your feet,Ó he murmured.  ÒSince you were in the hospital for so long.


ÒAnd youÕve been thrown a major change in the past week; itÕs only natural that you feel upset by it. 


ÒBut I think youÕre too hard on yourself,Ó he added, tipping YukimuraÕs head upward.  ÒChanges will come, whether we like it or not.Ó


He pressed a light kiss to YukimuraÕs tremulous mouth before glancing towards the window.  The sky had darkened to a dusky violet, and the stars were shining like sharp pinpoints.


ÒWe should get home,Ó he said reluctantly.  ÒOr weÕll miss dinner.Ó


Yukimura nodded, sliding off RenjiÕs lap.  ÒYeah,Ó he said.  ÒMy mom will nag me if I miss another meal this week.Ó


He walked across the room to where their clothing was haphazardly piled, bending over to gather up his shirt and pants.


Renji stared at him, and through sheer force of will, managed to contain the urge to cross the room, and pin Seiichi against the wall.  Like heÕd said already, they didnÕt have time.


That didnÕt mean that he couldnÕt think about it, of course.  But it would probably be best not to let Yukimura see what he was thinking.


That wasnÕt too difficult a task, he mused; heÕd been hiding his feelings from people for years now.


ÒRenji,Ó said Yukimura laughingly as he turned.  He was fully dressed again, and was re-knotting his tie.   ÒYou need to get dressed too.Ó


Renji smiled.  ÒRight, right,Ó he said, standing up.  ÒI was justÉthinking.Ó


Seiichi nodded, tossing the other boy his clothes.  ÒIÕd ask, but you probably wouldnÕt tell me,Ó he said.  He smiled at the surprised look Renji shot him.  ÒIÕve known you for three years, too, Renji,Ó he said.  ÒAnd I know that IÕm not the only one with a separate face to show most of the world.


ÒIÕve always wondered, though,Ó he added, Òwho you show your feelings to.  Anyone?Ó


Yukimura smiled at Renji.  ÒMaybe youÕll tell me one day.Ó


He gathered up his unfinished paperwork, stuffing it into his bag.  HeÕd come early the next day, he thought, to finish it up.


Renji watched him silently.  That had beenÉunexpected, he thought.  HeÕd never thought that anyone had ever noticed that he wasnÕt exactly what he appeared to be.


Maybe it was the case of one mask recognizing another, he mused.


ÒIÕll walk you home,Ó he said with a warm smile.  ÒIf you donÕt mind, of course.Ó


Yukimura gave him an uncertain look, but then nodded.  ÒSure, Renji,Ó he said.


The walk from Rikkai was quiet; most of the students and salarymen were already home for the evening, and Renji and Yukimura had the streets largely to themselves.


Neither boy talked much Ð they were both lost in their own thoughts, and it came as a bit of a surprise when they realized they were at YukimuraÕs front gates.


Yukimura looked up at Renji, a half-smile curving his lips.  ÒThanks for walking me home.Ó


Renji inclined his head, not speaking.


He had the feeling Seiichi had something he wanted to say to him.


They stood in the silent, cool night air for several moments before the slighter player spoke.


ÒRenji,Ó he said with a heavy sigh, ÒyouÕve been wonderful, and I canÕt tell you how glad IÕve been to have you.Ó


Renji nodded.  The unspoken ÔbutÕ was practically shouting in the still air.


ÒI think,Ó continued Seiichi, Òthat I need time.  To figure out what I want; it wouldnÕt be fair to you otherwise.Ó


Renji nodded again.  ÒI thought that you might be feeling that way, Seiichi,Ó he acknowledged.  ÒYou should take the time you need.Ó


He cast a quick glance at the empty front window of the Yukimura house before stepping closer to his friend.


ÒIÕll wait for you,Ó he murmured, tracing a fingertip down SeiichiÕs jaw.


ÒRenji,Ó began Seiichi.  He hadnÕt planned for this Ð heÕd thought that Renji would accept his decision and move on.


Yukimura didnÕt really want to make the other boy wait.


ÒItÕs okay,Ó Renji said.  ÒI want to wait until youÕre ready, Seiichi.Ó


He bent his head, brushing his lips across YukimuraÕs in what was supposed to have been a swift, gentle kiss.


It became something much deeper and sweeter.


When they finally broke apart, they were both breathing in quick gusts of air, and their eyes were soft and dazed.


ÒIÕll see you at school tomorrow,Ó Renji finally said, stepping away from his teammate.


Yukimura nodded silently, lifting a hand in farewell when Renji turned to go towards his own house.


He stood at the front gates for a long time after Renji had disappeared, staring after him.


He meant something to Yanagi Renji, he thought, something more than just friendship and comfortÉbut what exactly?  And why?


Yukimura Seiichi still didnÕt know the answers to those questions when he went to bed that night.

