Post-Game Cooldown


Midorino Mizu


Disclaimer: Konomi.  Not me.  Right.  Moving along.


AuthorÕs Note:  Kirihara complained that I kept uke-ifying  him.




ÒWell, that was certainly impressive.Ó


The voice that pulled Hiyoshi Wakashi out of his reverie was amused, slightly derisive, andÉfamiliar.  The Hyoutei junior paused and glared at the figure lounging against the fence.


ÒWhat do you want, Kirihara?Ó


The Rikkai Dai Fuzoku player smirked, his bright eyes gleaming as he crossed his arms over his chest.  ÒI have to want something to talk to you now, Hiyoshi?Ó


Hiyoshi huffed out a breath.  Sometimes, he thought, he really hated Kirihara Akaya.  He was annoying, he was overconfident, and he never lost.


That was, the Hyoutei player reflected, probably the most annoying thing of all.  Everyone should have weaknesses, and everyone should have the capacity for fallingÉbut Kirihara didnÕt seem to.


ÒWell, then,Ó Hiyoshi said.  ÒIf you donÕt want anything, I need to catch up with my team.Ó


Kirihara smirked.  ÒDid they forget you, Hiyoshi?  What a shame.Ó


Hiyoshi narrowed his eyes and turned quickly, intending to walk off, to forget, for a while at least, about Kirihara Akaya.


A tight grip on his arm stayed him.  ÒKirihara,Ó he gritted out, Òleave me alone.Ó


Where was the fun in that, thought the Rikkaidai player with amusement.  Left alone, Hiyoshi Wakashi was just quiet and hard working.  But poking at him revealed his stubborn determination and his amusing little life philosophy.


ÒYou let a little Seigaku freshman beat you?Ó he murmured.  ÒAnd you expect to be able to compete with me?Ó


Hiyoshi glanced over his shoulder.  KiriharaÕs face was very close; his lips were nearly brushing his ear.


It was beginning to feel like almost every other encounter heÕd had with Kirihara Akaya since heÕd first met him at the Newcomer tournament the year before.


ÒYou shouldnÕt underestimate him,Ó Hiyoshi said stiffly.  ÒHeÕs a better player than you think.Ó


Kirihara snorted, a soft expulsion of breath that nearly made the Hyoutei player shiver.  ÒAre you making excuses, Hiyoshi?Ó


Hiyoshi was silent for a long moment, before he sighed.  ÒNo,Ó he muttered.   ÒButÉEchizen has a surprising style of tennis.  You should be careful of it.Ó


It reminded him, a little, of KiriharaÕs.  He hadnÕt been able to predict what either of them would do.


ÒSurprising?Ó whispered Kirihara.  He grinned as he tangled his long fingers in the strands of hair at the back of HiyoshiÕs head.  ÒThatÕs goodÉotherwise the game would be boring


He smiled as HiyoshiÕs head fell back, savoring the slightly pained expression on the other playerÕs face.  ÒI hate to be bored, you know.Ó


ÒKirihara,Ó Hiyoshi gritted out.  ÒThere are people around.Ó


The other junior always did this to him, he thought bleakly; he liked to see how many layers of protection he could manage to strip off Hiyoshi, see how far he could push the Hyoutei player.


Sometimes, Hiyoshi wondered if he liked it, if that was why he let Kirihara do it.


The other player smirked down at HiyoshiÕs irritated expression.  ÒSo?Ó he said.  ÒI donÕt care.Ó  He smoothly shifted his position, pushing the other junior up against the sharp chain-link fence.  He smiled as the light-haired boyÕs eyes flared wide.


ÒBesides,Ó he added, Òthe matches are over for today.  EveryoneÕs leaving.  ItÕs not very likely that anyone will see us, not here.Ó


HeÕd done that on purpose, Kirihara thought with a wide smirk.  HeÕd waited for Hiyoshi in a fairly secluded corner, where no one was likely to wander.


He didnÕt mind spectators, but they would probably make Hiyoshi run off.  And then his fun would have been cut short.


ÒBut KiriÉÓ started Hiyoshi.


He didnÕt know why he was bothering to protest, he thought; Kirihara Akaya would take what he wanted, no matter what anyone else had to say.


Kirihara shook his head at Hiyoshi.  ÒShh,Ó he said as he slipped one arm around the other boyÕs waist, running his fingers up and under the Hyoutei jersey.


He flicked his thumb across HiyoshiÕs nipple, smiling at the other playerÕs involuntary gasp.  ÒYou should be quiet,Ó he said.  ÒUnless you want someone to see?Ó


Hiyoshi squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head frantically, his breath starting to come in quick, sharp bursts.  ÒNo,Ó he managed.


ÒI didnÕt think so,Ó murmured the Rikkaidai player.  He pushed Hiyoshi up against the fence harder, smiling when he saw the Hyoutei junior wince slightly, before bending his head and claiming HiyoshiÕs mouth in a hard, brutal kiss.


Gentleness and consideration, Kirihara Akaya felt, were a waste of time.   He knew what he wanted, and he would get what he wanted, period.


Besides, he thought, as a low moan rose in the other boyÕs throat, Hiyoshi liked it like this.  He just refused to admit it.


Kirihara slid his hand back down HiyoshiÕs chest, out from under the loose jersey, and clasped the other boyÕs hips in a bruising grip.  He smiled as Hiyoshi lifted his legs, wrapping them tightly around his own hips.


Yeah, he thought.  Hiyoshi protested, he probably would always protest Ð but he wanted this, and he wanted it this way.


And Kirihara was the only one who gave it to him.


Kirihara broke the kiss, bending his head and clamping his teeth around the stiff tendon in HiyoshiÕs neck in a possessive bite.  He smirked as the Hyoutei player stiffened, his fingers digging into KiriharaÕs shoulders.


ÒAh, Kirihara,Ó he moaned.  ÒDammit, that hurts


ÒSo?Ó said Kirihara.  He moved his mouth lower, his teeth scraping across the sensitive skin of the other boyÕs throat.


Hiyoshi was going to have bruises the next day, he thought.  Big ones.  As many as he could manage to produce.


Kirihara pushed the open collar of HiyoshiÕs shirt aside, sucking on the soft skin just above the other boyÕs collarbone.  ÒYou like it, Hiyoshi, donÕt you?Ó


Hiyoshi opened his brown eyes and glared at Kirihara, his cheeks flushed and his breath coming in quick pants.  The Rikkaidai playerÕs bright green eyes gleamed with some combination of amusement and desire.


ÒYou do,Ó he continued, his voice low and taunting.  His hands fell back to rest at HiyoshiÕs hips, and he started to push the light fabric of the Hyoutei playerÕs white shorts down.  ÒYou should stop pretending Ð you want this as much as I do.


ÒMaybe more,Ó Kirihara murmured as he encircled HiyoshiÕs hard cock with his long fingers, milking him with a few quick jerks.


HiyoshiÕs head fell forward onto KiriharaÕs shoulder, and he arched into KiriharaÕs grip, thrusting forward as the other boyÕs fingers roughly worked his cock.


ÒUh,Ó he managed, gasping for air and burying his head in KiriharaÕs shoulder.  ÒPlease, Kirihara, IÉI wantÉÓ


He didnÕt know how Kirihara could make him feel like this, every single time.


The cough reached HiyoshiÕs ears through a lust-soaked haze, and he lifted his head glancing over towards the source of the sound.


ÒShishido-senpai!Ó he gasped out.  His hands slid to KiriharaÕs chest, and he shoved the other junior away.


His legs dropped to the ground, and for a moment he swayed slightly.  Kirihara chuckled. 


ÒCareful, Hiyoshi,Ó he said, sliding his hand out of the Hyoutei playerÕs pants and steadying him slightly.  ÒYou shouldnÕt move so quickly.Ó  He glanced over at Shishido and smiled.


ÒThat was a good game you played, Shishido,Ó he said, ignoring the glare Hiyoshi sent his way.


ShishidoÕs gaze flicked between the two juniors, between HiyoshiÕs embarrassed, flushed face and KiriharaÕs sardonic grin, and he smirked.  ÒReally, Hiyoshi,Ó he said, Òway uncool.


ÒAnd youÕre holding us up,Ó he added.  ÒSome of us donÕt have the time or the inclination to stay here all afternoon.Ó


ÒSorry, Shishido-senpai,Ó Hiyoshi muttered through his teeth as he tugged his shorts back up to his waist and flicked the hem of his jersey back down over it.


ÒWell, come on, then.  We donÕt have all day to wait around for you.Ó


ÒIÕm coming,Ó the junior said in a low growl.  He turned his back on Kirihara, and started following the senior, back towards where the rest of the Hyoutei team was gathered.


ÒHiyoshi,Ó said Kirihara, in a bright, amused voice.  He grinned when the other boy paused and stiffened, but didnÕt say a word.


ÒYouÕll watch me play the rest of the tournament,Ó he continued.  It wasnÕt a question, and it wasnÕt an order.  It was a statement of fact.  As far as Kirihara was concerned, Hiyoshi would watch him. 


He watched as the other junior walked away, his shoulders slightly hunched and his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.


Yeah, he thought.  Hiyoshi would watch him.  The Hyoutei player never stayed away.