

Midorino Mizu


Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama and all associated characters are the property of Konomi Takeshi.


AuthorÕs Notes:  Takes place post high school, when Sanada and Keigo are living together.  Features the same black pajama shirt that Keigo stole during Junior Senbatsu their second year of junior high.



He liked to watch as Keigo got ready for bed.


It always began with a languid stretch, KeigoÕs head falling back, and his eyes drifting shut, just for a moment before blinking them lazily open again.


ÒIÕm going to get ready for bed,Ó heÕd murmur, and Sanada would nod absently, as if he werenÕt paying attention to KeigoÕs every move.


Then Keigo would wander slowly across the room, and Sanada would watch his boyfriendÕs fingers quickly release the buttons on his shirt, watch as Keigo dropped it gracefully on the floor of their bedroom.  The pants would follow, everything would be carelessly tossed into the hamper, and Sanada would still, his own fingers pausing on the buttons of his pajamas.


Keigo was always beautiful, but never as much as he was when they were alone, and when he didnÕt know that Sanada was watching him.  Sanada wasnÕt exactly sure why this was Ð whether it was because Keigo didnÕt realize he was watching, or whether it was because no one else would ever see him like that, ever.


Sanada would always finish dressing for bed first; his movements quicker and more efficient than KeigoÕs, and heÕd lean against their bed, watching as Keigo pulled an old black pajama top over his shoulders.


It was old and faded, the buttons had been tightened several times in the years Atobe Keigo had had it, and strands of thread dangled from the hem.  Once, Sanada would remember, the hem had nearly reached KeigoÕs knees, but now it barely fell to mid-thigh.


Most times, Sanada would remain silent, smiling indulgently as Keigo slowly fastened the buttons, but sometimes heÕd speak.


ÒWhy do you still wear that?Ó


Keigo would tip his head back, slanting a look at Sanada that was vaguely amused Ð his boyfriend had asked that question before, several times Ð before pouting and saying, ÒItÕs comfortable.  And itÕs warm.Ó


And it reminds me of you.  Those words would remain unspoken.


ÒItÕs falling apart.Ó Sanada would answer.  ÒOne of these days, you wonÕt be able to wear it anymore.Ó


Keigo would wrinkle his nose at him, and toss his head, and Sanada would chuckle before striding forward, and tugging his boyfriend towards their bed.  Usually, that would be the end of it.


But it might be different; Sanada might say something else.


He might tell Keigo, ÒYou should let it go,Ó and his fingers would slowly slip the buttons on KeigoÕs shirt free before he let it fall to the floor.  And heÕd shrug out of his own shirt Ð midnight blue, this time, instead of black Ð before slipping it over his boyfriendÕs shoulders and fastening it with quick, efficient motions.


It wouldnÕt be as soft as the one Keigo had slept in for almost six years, but it would be warmer, and Keigo would be able to smell Sanada on it, the way he had been able to when heÕd first confiscated the black one when they were fourteen and at Junior Senbatsu.


Sanada would finish buttoning the shirt, and he brush his hand over his boyfriendÕs tousled hair.  HeÕd smile down into KeigoÕs startled blue eyes.


ÒYou can wear this, instead.Ó