As You Sleep


Midorino Mizu


Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama and all associated characters are the property of Konomi Takeshi.


AuthorÕs Notes: Yukimura birthdayÉwell, drabble, really.  ThereÕs nothing here that resembles a plot in even the vaguest of senses.



Yukimura rarely got to see him sleep. 


At night, he would fall asleep with RenjiÕs fingers still gliding up and down his back, and his head pillowed on RenjiÕs chest.  In the morning heÕd wake to the feel of RenjiÕs hand at his shoulder, and his boyfriendÕs quiet voice telling him that theyÕd both be late for classes if they didnÕt get moving, now.


Renji was always up before he was, no matter what, and he usually stayed awake until Yukimura fell asleep.  He never overslept, and he was always perfectly cheerful when Yukimura first saw him in the morning.


It would have been annoying, with anyone else, but somehow, it wasnÕt with Renji.  Yukimura wasnÕt sure why.


Renji was sleeping now, he thought.  Yukimura knelt down by their bed, pillowing his head on his arms and smiling softly.  The sun was just beginning to rise, the light filtering through their closed blinds, and turning RenjiÕs skin a warm shade of gold, lighting his brown hair with soft bronze and copper.


Yukimura was tempted to touch him, trace his fingers gently down RenjiÕs cheek and over his lipsÉbut he knew his boyfriend would wake up, that heÕd blink open his eyes and smile at Yukimura, and Yukimura didnÕt want the moment to end.  Renji looked so vulnerable asleep, in a way that he never was awake.


Yukimura knew that he was the only one who ever got to see Renji completely at ease, completely without his mask, and he only got to see his boyfriend like that when he slept.  RenjiÕs quiet neutrality was a part of him now, just like his own smile was a part of him.  It was just something that was, something that wasnÕt going to change.


Yukimura didnÕt think he wanted it to.  He liked it the way it was, with RenjiÕs secret self belonging only to him.


He was being fanciful, he thought.  If he told anybody that, Yukimura was sure they would laugh.


Except maybe Renji, he mused as he watched his boyfriend start to stir, a soft sigh passing through his parted lips.


ÒYouÕre home,Ó Renji said softly, his eyes blinking open.  ÒI waited up for you.Ó


ÒYou shouldnÕt have,Ó Yukimura murmured.  He smiled at his boyfriend, and finally gave into his impulse, brushing a single fingertip down RenjiÕs cheek.  ÒI told you I probably wouldnÕt be home until morning.Ó


ÒI wanted to,Ó Renji said.  His voice was still soft, and a little rough from sleep.  He started to pull himself up, and Yukimura saw that he was still in the same shirt and jeans heÕd been wearing the night before, before Yukimura had left to go finish his project.  ÒAre you hungry?Ó Renji asked.  ÒI could make breakfast.Ó


ÒNo,Ó said Yukimura.  ÒIÕm not hungry, and itÕs too early.  You should go back to sleep.Ó


Renji stretched a little, shaking his head.  ÒI should get up, anyway.Ó


ÒItÕs Sunday, Renji,Ó said Yukimura.  He nudged Renji over and climbed into the bed next to him.  ÒNeither of us needs to be up for hours.


ÒAnd IÕm tired.Ó  He knew that putting that soft, almost plaintive note in his voice would make Renji give in and forget about getting up and food, at least for a while.  It always worked, even when Renji knew exactly what he was doing.


ÒAlright,Ó Renji said finally.  He settled back on the pillows and let his eyes drift shut again, his arm curving around YukimuraÕs narrow waist.  ÒWe can sleep a little while longer.Ó


YukimuraÕs lips curved into a small smile, and he closed his eyes, nestling his head against RenjiÕs chest.  He sighed softly as RenjiÕs hand rubbed lightly over his back. 


ÒGood night, Renji,Ó he murmured softly, curving a hand around his boyfriendÕs neck and nestling closer.


He could hear a trace of sleepy laughter in RenjiÕs voice as he replied.  ÒGood night, Seiichi,Ó he whispered.


They curled together, sleeping in a tangle of covers and clothing as the sun rose in the sky.