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As the midday sun sinks low over Ohtori Academy, Wakaba is perched
cross-legged on a random flagpole. She scans the horizons searching for…
for… well… if we told you, we'd have to kill you, but it starts
with an 'S,' rhymes with 'xaionji,' and it's green.
Her thorough investigation leads her binoculars to double-take over two girls writhing on what *used* to be a floor in convolutions of laughter. They are surrounded by whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and a set of well-used lock picks. Wakaba murmurs, "Damn… the seitokaichou really *does* get around… but why are they laughing so much?" She spots a blipping box, Becka's computer. Wakaba hops lightly of the flagpole and springs to a better vantage point. Inching her way closer, she is able to read the words on the screen. It's a letter, a piece a fanmail, actually. Seeing as the two girls have made no move to stop her, she sits down in front of the computer and reads. Several hours, two diet sprites, four jolts, three cherry cokes, and one bottle of maraschino cherries later, Wakaba looks up. Having fried her mind staring at that mesmerizing blinking screen, she has finally managed to read through all of the fan mail. She erps, "How do they read all this all this without loosing their minds…?" Karen pops up and sing songs, "Se-i-tok-ai-i-chou! Se-i-tok-ai-i-chou!" Becka just smile innocently, "We're gone… we've been gone… we are further gone than the entire cast of the Utena characters put together, and that *includes* the Black Rose Duelists." Wakaba plasters herself against the computer screen, because there *is* no wall against which to plaster herself. She murmurs, "Damn…" Easing herself carefully back down into the chair, Wakaba mulls over one of the letters. Becka is about to open her mouth when Akio appears. She takes a single look at him, straightjacket included, and finds herself glad that there are no walls to plaster or otherwise hinder herself against. She flees, at least, that's what would have happened if she didn't trip over the electrical computer cord. She lands with an 'umph' on her front, and the slightly bemused Dean plops down to sit cross-legged on her back. Seeing as she can't move, she used teeth to gnash fiercely at the ground. Wakaba stands abruptly, a light bulb appearing above her head. She exclaims, "That's it!" Miki pops up, a hopeful expression on his face. "My shining thing!" Wakaba face faults, and is about to do something about Miki, who is glomping perilously close to her chest when Akio, having found someone even more naïve than Becka, stands and pulls out a straight jacket with the equation 'I=Pe^rt' written across the front. However, the 't' has been crossed out, and a 'k' has been markered in in its place. He coos, "Oh, Miki…" Wakaba, having been relieved of Miki continues, "Anyway, this fan mail is great for starting some fresh gossip. Never let it be said that I am not on top of things! Now, how to circulate it…" Becka and Karen exchange evil looks, and simultaneously yell, "New page!" Becka begins to think aloud, "We can post *all* of the psychotic mail we get…" As the two begin to seriously plan, Wakaba hefts the computer onto to her back and attempts to make off with the ENIAC sized machine as Miki speaks, "But I can't click wearing a straightjacket!" Akio contemplates, "Hmm… that is a problem." The E-mails:
Mails from Douglass Weeks Rose is a rose, unless I draw it. Then it's pants. Take 2 A rather long e-mail, check for pants.
rather long e-mail, check for pants. Take 2
Mails from Crysti and Kaged Tiger Introducing Hippie Chick, heretic of the Church of Touga Kagedtiger's Foolproof Plan to Defeat Akio In Which We are Introduced to Kagedtiger's Muses; God help us all
Your web-page(guest-starring Akio)
Reply (from Becka and Ka-chan)
Reply (from Becka and Ka-chan) Touga/Utena (one of the first fanmails BS&HB recieved) Fanmail! We come in peace... (... fearsome stuff) Your web-page (guest-starring Akio) (believe us, Akio is not someone you want as a guest-star) *eep* (nothing to add to this... the title says it all) AirAkio (not exactly fanmail... but definately interesting) Floating Somewhere over Rhode Island... (Utena and G-wing. There is a god.) |
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