blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Becka grins and waves, "Ohayo!"

Karen sighs, "Um... there's nothing to be so cheerful about... we don't have this page finished yet..."

Shrugging, Becka continues. "Yeah? So? Most of our pages don't have anything to be cheerful about on them anymore. Need I remind you of the 101 MORE Reasons Why We Hate Akio? Anyhoos, this page, like many others, will eventually get an intro. At the moment, however, we do have two awards that you can win from us, and a third is on the way. Check out the rules and guidelines below!"

Becka's Award

Ka-chan's Award

To Win Becka's Award:

  1. Your page must have a spiffy-looking, and original layout. It doesn't have to be anything fancy... just something that looks nice that you came up with yourself. (ie. background images that are so dark that the text is unreadable would be a no-no)

  2. Your page doesn't have to be Utena-related, but it must have something to do with anime.

  3. A couple of broken links are okay, (servers are funny that way sometimes), but your page must have a majority of pages and images that aren't broken.

  4. Pages that don't make an effort to keep spelling mistakes down to a minimum most likely will not win. Bad spelling and grammar give Becka a headache. Abbreviations such as "r" for "are," "u" for "you," and "n e" for "any" are just... icky.

  5. Content! Your page must have some content! Fanfiction, fanart, links, awards, images... it's got to have something.

There are a couple of other little things that are important, but this is a fairly simple award to get. If your page looks nice, uses grammar, and spell-checks, you'll be fine. ^.^

To apply for this away, e-mail:

To Win Ka-chan's Award:

  1. Your page must contribe something to the Internet that hasn't quite been done before... in that "special" sort of way. That means, it must be well-written, origional and creative, whether through content, image manipulation, or general presentation.

  2. Your page doesn't have to be related to Utena or anime. However, it must show signs of effort and consideration. No points given here for bad taste for its own sake.

  3. Broken links are ok, as long as they're rare. The majority of links must work.

  4. Along the lines of "well-wriiten," your page must have a minimum of grammatical errors. A few mistakes can slip past the proofreading, and it's certainly understandable if English is not your first language, but deliberate rejection of the basic laws of English grammar is right out (see Becka's Award for examples).

  5. This award is most likely to be given to pages with good old fashioned wit, humor, parodies, etc. Whatever form it's in (pictures or words), the page MUST be 'special.'

All things said and done, this award is hard to get. Specialness done well takes some time and creativity, and it ought to be awarded, ne? ^.^

To apply for this away, e-mail:



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