blood soaked and honor bound: sku

The screen pans wide across a surprisingly empty dorm room, taking in various pictures with Touga moonlighting, and several bumper stickers, one of which reads, "Shit happens," though it should be noted that the word "shit" has been crossed out and replaced with "Akio." It finally focuses on the desk where a still blipping computer sits, and comes to rest on a small note. The paper, in clear yet hastily scrawled print, reads:

"Hello! and welcome to the interactive Utena games page! This page is the only one on Blood Soaked and Honor Bound that is not just the same old reading. This page is all about fun stuff for fans! Its sole purpose is amusing you, though you'll have to be a little patient with us, 'cause we're currently trying to revamp this page. Have fun looking through what's currently up, and try to be patient for what we -will- be putting up. Thank you! ...and we will see you just as soon as we get back from Touga and the strip show... *ahem* Anyhoos, ja ne!
-Love, Becka & Ka-chan

[The Utena Personality Test] [The Scored Quiz] [The Safer, Non-Alcoholic Quiz] [Utena Sanity Test]
[The Random Quote Generator]



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