blood soaked and honor bound: sku

The discordant strains of a pipe organ fill the halls as the Student Council ascends in the elevator. Touga begins his traditional 42 second recount summarizing the purpose of Ohtori Academy, the Duels, the Council, the Revolution, and the fate of fuzzy baby ducks.

When they arrive at the Student Council Office, they casually ignore the plethora of brightly colored, irritatingly cheerful jack-in-the-boxes of all sizes which are haphazardly scattered all over the room. All save Touga take their seats on the balcony. Today they gather for a secret purpose... the gravity of which only the Seitokaichou is aware. And now he begins to reaveal that purpose as he eyes the cryptic letter in his hands and passes it around the table. He starts to explain, "Fellow Student Council members, we are gathered here today to face the growing evil which threatens not only our safety, our sanity, and our security, but our very existance as well. The contents of that letter represent a direct challenge -- one which we cannot afford to ignore. This could very well be the greatest trial we have ever had to face. It is our duty as Duellists and our due as human beings to see this crisis resoved with utmost haste."

As he speaks, the letter is passed hand to hand until it finally reaches the hands of Juri. She glances over it once, blinks, and quirks an eyebrow at the Seitokaichou. Her voice is disbelieving as she reads, "'I'm bored. Do something.'??"

Touga coughs once and pauses as he attempts to regain his composure. "Um, well. Yes. As I was saying, this is a very serious situation, and it would be in everyone's best interest for us to take action. Since the last thing we need is an antsy Ends of the World, knowing his sense of humor..." Touga trails off, leaving that thought unfinished. Juri blinks again, and reconsiders the situation in a new light. "Hn. Perhaps you are right, after all."

Touga nods, his dignity having been restored, and proceeds with his proposal. "Therefore, it comes to my attention that the Academy needs new school functions. These events will promote socialization among students, improve campus morale, as well as provide a previously untapped educational outlet allowing us to explore different ascpects of cultures other than our own. Most importantly, this will give Akio something to do that will hopefully keep him far away from us."

The Council agrees unanimously.

All would be well well and good, except Saionji states the obvious, for once. "And just what would these 'school functions' be?" His query is greeted with a silence more ominous than the letter that brought this meeting about. After several painful moments, desperate for some idea, any idea, Touga turns to Miki, whose only helpful reaction is to click his stopwatch. Touga sighs in exasperation and wanders over to two perticularly large jack-in-the-boxes. Seeing nothing esle to do, and desperate for anything else to do, he winds first one, then the other, breaking the silence with a round of "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star."

As the songs finish, the boxes burst open to reveal.... Becka and Ka-chan on springs. Ka-chan is dressed in bright colors with large polka-dots and equally lerge suspenders; her face is painted like a mime, and she wears a jester's hat with half a dozen jingly bells. Becka, on the other hand, who never claimed to have more fashion sense than Karen (and rightly so), is dressed more like some wannabe pokemon gone wrong. She is bright yellow spandex-clad (well, partially spandex-clad, seeing as how she isn't really wearing all that much, per se... but the parts of her that *are* clad are spandex), and sultry lines of shiny brown body paint zebra various parts of her body. But perhaps the most noticeable part of her outfit is the blinking neon sign over her head that reads, "Catch me if you can." Touga and Juri are very interested, even Saionji seems amused, and Miki gets a nosebleed.

Touga is forced once again to regain his composure as he speaks in a low, threatening voice, "And just *what* are you two doing here?"

Ka-chan plays with her fingers as she bounces up and down slightly, and she stammers, "Well, you see... we were in Toys'R'Us.. in the costume department... and we were just playing around with these outfits... and then security came, and so we hid in the Jack-in-the-boxes, and we were packed up and shipped here at the request of Ends of the World....." Becka interrupts, "Ka-chan, weren't we just trying to eavesdrop on them?" Karen facefaults (which is very hard to do on a spring), and pouts up toward Touga, "Um, well.... yes?"

The rest of the council (except Miki) seem ready to go postal on them, so Becka pipes up, "But we can help!" Touga leans over her and smiles sweetly, "Is that so?" Karen nods quickly, "Yeah! Yeah! We can!" She turns to Becka, "How can we help?" Before Becka answers, she gestures to the springs which have firmly and snuggly entangled both Ka-chan and herself, "First, can somebody help us off of these? It's kinda like a see-saw, only without the sea.. or the saw..." Karen agrees, "Yeah, I think I'm gonna be seasick soon." Sighing, Touga and Juri offer their assistance, since Saionji was never that helpful and Miki is still out cold from loss of blood.

Becka brushes herself off, accidently brushing off some of the spandex in the processs. Karen blinks, "Is that possible??" Juri nods, "Hell yes." Touga adds, "We're not complaining." Karen relents and tries valiantly to get back on track... before Akio notices that no one is paying any attention to his demand. "Anyway..." Karen helpfully prods Becka in the ribs. "Oh yeah.... anyway.... You need school functions, we got school functions!" The entire Student Council perks up its collective... ears. "You can hold celebrations on all the holidays! There are so many of them, that even Akio shouldn't be bored." Holding up one hand, she counts off on each finger, "Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentine's Day... and even more personal holidays like birthdays and Tsuwabuki's Bah Mitzvah--" Miki blinks up from his prone position on the floor, "He's Jewish?" Becka shrugs, "We needed to be more politically correct..."

Touga nods thoughtfully, "Actually, some of that doesn't sound half bad. Opinions?" He glances around at the rest of his Council. There are nods from everyone, and he turns back to Becka and Karen with a small secretive smile splayed upon his lips. Coincidentally, they see this smile, and in automatic respose, their eyes glaze over and their knees begin to melt. With that, Touga decrees, "Therefore, I nominate you two to be the committee in charge of the new school functions, and we're in no position to argue." Someone quickly seconds the motion. "That's it, then," Touga continues, "You two are in charge, and this meeting is dismissed." With that, the relieved Council members leave with all possible haste. And so Becka and Karen are left in the middle of the jack-in-the-box-clad balcony wondering just what in the hell went wrong.

From his office, Akio leans back on the couch and smiles, "Now *this* is going to be interesting....."

Look forward to An Utena Christmas (maybe?) with the next update!


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