blood soaked and honor bound: sku

*note* One day, maybe, Becka and Ka-chan will right a better introduction for this page. Maybe... Anyhoos, what is "The Menu" you ask? Well, one day, Karen phoned Becka with an idea. Her idea was to make foods based on various anime characters, some of which just sound damn tasty. The characters aren't strictly Utena characters- they range from series such as Rurouni Kenshin and Fushugi Yuugi to Photon and Berserk. With -every- update we make, we will add more dishes until we have a menu which encompasses the entire genre known as anime!

… Becka and Ka-chan decided to take a little trip to a restaurant (no, -not- McDonalds). After much debate, they conclude that their best bet is that all-time, ritzy, high-class place (we did say, "not McDonalds," right?)… The Restaurant at the Ends of the World.

Karen pokes Becka's shoulder, "Umm… Becka… 'the -Ends- of the World'…?"

"Just try not to think about it," Becka's replies feebly.

Becka and Karen pull up in front of the large, towering, altogether imposing building with the elegant, fearsome sign which reads, "The Restaurant at the Ends of the World. " They enter, pointedly ignoring the Tuxedo-clad man who is fruitlessly trying to climb up it.

As always, the two of them have opted for less traditional methods of attire. Karen wears what is supposed to be 18th century masculine garb- a frilly ecru shirt with long puffy sleeves, dark blue velvet jacket and matching spandex, and high-heeled black boots. Her hair is pulled severely back, as usual, although this time tied with a thin, matching, blue velvet bow. Never to be outdone by Karen, despite any pride she has… or used to have… Becka wears something a little more… well, less… substantial. Somehow the word, "dominatrix" applies, right down to the handcuffs and multitude of whips which hang from her chain-belt.

As the host pulls out two menus, he looks Becka up and down, grinning, "Ah, I see you've been here before."

After Becka and Karen pull themselves up off the floor, they follow the host. They are escorted to a soft, candle-lit table for two as a symphony orchestra intones the gentle strains of… "It's the End of the World as We Know It"…? Needless to say, though really by now you know that has -never- stopped us before, Becka and Ka-chan fear.

They look at the closed menus in front of them. Karen ponders, "What kind of food would a place like this serve…?"

Becka shakes her head, causing various bits of chain and leather to cheerfully jingle, "I don't -want- to know…"

They glance warily at one another. Karen opens her mouth but is cut off by Becka (for once).

"You open it first."

"No, you."

"No way- I don't want to!"

"Me neither!"

"… but I'm hungry…"

"… me too…"

Slowing inching forward, Becka mutters, "Okay… we open at the same time…"

"… fine…"

They both take up battle stances and their menus, and one of them begins the count.

"One… two…"



"Do we go, 'one… two… three,' then open on 'three', or do we go, 'one… two… three…' then open it?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Fine fine. Just count."

"One… two…"


Kenshin on a Croissant .............................................................. ¥500

Shi-Shi-O Scrapple .................................................................... ¥300

Soujirou Sausage-links ................................................................ ¥200

Hotohori Hotcakes ..................................................................... ¥600

Wakaba Waffles* ........................................................................¥450

Cereals- Kurama Crips, Cap'n Karou with Crunchberries,

Frootlupins, and Lucky Stars with Marshmallow Pink Seiyas,

Yellow Yatens, and Purple Taikis ......................................... ¥200

* Available with Mitsuru Maple Syrup


Vash-Kabob .............................................................................. ¥115

Vashed Potatos .......................................................................... ¥100

Suboshi Sushi ............................................................................. ¥200


Saitoh on a Stick ................................................................... Priceless

Nakago Nachos ........................................................................ ¥150

Tamahome Tater Tots* .............................................................. ¥275

Misao Soup ............................................................................... ¥125

Baked Photon ............................................................................ ¥200

Amiboshi Applesauce ................................................................. ¥150

Ashitare Artichokes ...................................................................... ¥50

Enishi Enchiladas ........................................................................ ¥300

* A bargain!


Roast Tasuki ........................................................................ ¥1200

Hiko on a Habachi ................................................................ ¥1095

Recca on Rice ....................................................................... ¥1000

Miboshi Meatballs ................................................................. ¥1200

Mince Mikage ........................................................................ ¥1000

Mamiya-Loaf ........................................................................... ¥800

Bratwurst Crawford ............................ Pretty damn close to Priceless

Schuldich Schnitzel .............................. Pretty damn close to Priceless

P-chan Pork Chops ................................................................. ¥750

Hiei Hamburgers ...................................................................... ¥700

Duo Dogs ................................................................................ ¥600

Lina Lasagna ......................................................................... ¥1300

Risuko Ravioli ....................................................................... ¥1100

Tomoe Tortellini .................................................................... ¥1100

Zelgadis Ziti .......................................................................... ¥1200

* All entrees, including Nakaga Nachos, are available with Soi Sauce.


Touga with a Side of Ice Cream ............................................ ¥450

Anthy a la mode .................................................................... ¥500

Strawberry Shortcake Sano .................................................. ¥600

Chichiri Cheesecake ............................................................. ¥700

Battousai Banana Bread ....................................................... ¥500

Chiriko Chocolate Chip Cookies ..................................... ¥250 ea.

Chocolate Moose ................................................................ ¥650

Marble Parfait ..................................................................... ¥675

Misato Muffins ............................................................... ¥250 ea.

Yahiko Yogurt ..................................................................... ¥150

AI Pie ................................................ ¥375 per. slice, ¥800 whole


Milk .................................................................................... ¥100

Hot Cocoa .......................................................................... ¥100

Lamunade ........................................................................... ¥100

Da Cider ............................................................................. ¥100

Nantucket Nurikos .............................................................. ¥100

Trowa Tea .......................................................................... ¥100

Kanae Cappuccino ............................................................. ¥275

Alcoholic Beverages

Mitsukake Sake ................................................................. ¥300

Dios Daiquiri ...................................................................... ¥350

Kozue Kahlua .................................................................... ¥150

Saionji Screwdriver ............................................................ ¥300

Long Island Ice-Treize ........................................................ ¥450

Miaka Martini (shaken or stirred)** .................................... ¥350

Tomo Toasted Almond ....................................................... ¥300

Fiori Navel .......................................................................... ¥350

Gatts and Tonic ................................................................... ¥300

* Should you need it, Akio Alkaseltzer is also available, free of charge.

** Sorry, Miaka ate all the olives, but we have Omi available.

*** Gratuity not included.



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