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Becka taps a pen on her paper, her glazed eyes automatically following
the teacher as he paces back and forth in front of the room. It was the day
-after- the bowling alley incident, and no one had any energy for class
whatsoever (not that they ever did anyway…) Trying politely not to pass
out, Becka began to throw small origami animals at Karen who was already
contentedly snoring.
Not much was going on, when suddenly the teacher said something that was highly unexpected and had absolutely nothing to do with derivatives of linear functions or the War of 1812. "Class," he stated in that monotone voice of his, "we're going on a field trip." So unexpected was that statement that it even woke Karen from her happy dreams of Touga clad in naught but in, well… naught. Rubbing her eyes she mumbles to Becka, "Did he just say what I think he said?" Becka sighs, "What do you think he said?" Karen yawns, "Watch out for Wakaba's turnip?" Not even bothering to conceal a snort and a large sweatdrop, Becka shakes her head, "Um… not quite. Not even close, Ka-chan. He said we're going on a field trip." Bouncing to life, as only Karen can, the dark-haired girl begins to hop up and down with blatant fervor. "Field Trip! Field Trip!" She continued to sing song out the door and almost into the… Akio-Bus? The teacher mumbles softly, "The Dean has allowed us the generous use of his CFM red school bus, complete with white leather interior designing." Karen tries to back away, "I don't wanna' anymore…" Undaunted, the teacher herds the class, including Karen, Becka, Touga, Saionji, Juri, Miki, Utena, Anthy, and a few random extras, onto the bus, which honks its horn seductively as each one gets on. Taking their seats, they can only cling to each other in fear as the Bus drives itself off to where ever it decides to take them. In order to distract themselves from the subtle temptations of the Akio-Bus, Utena strikes up a conversation. "Does anyone know where we're going?" She glances at the teacher, who shakes his head and responds, "I'm simply acting on orders…" At least, that's what he said. Anthy blinks in shock, "You're faxing us in as whores?" Utena sighs and wonders why oh why Dios has put it beyond her nature to slap Anthy, and Juri simply mutters, "No, you baka, he said he's following orders…" As no one knew quite how to respond to that, Miki did the only thing he could. He completely changed the subject. "My, it's a lovely day for a field trip… no matter where we're going…" Touga nodded, "Quite so. And it's such a fine mode of transportation…" Smiling, he gently fingered the lovely interior leather which purred in content. Saionji gawked at his red-haired friend, "Fine for -organ transplantation-?!" Juri muttered softly, "Wonderful, I'm surround by a bunch of half-deaf idiots…" "Juri-sama," Anthy looked faintly offended, "It's not nice to talk about the last chef on Ohtori campus like that!" Before Juri could muster the restraint to answer without physically decapitating the purple-haired girl, they arrive at an ambiguous, unlabeled warehouse. Undaunted by their bleak surroundings (and eager to get away from the rapidly disintegrating conversation, not unlike in a game of Whisper-Down-the-Lane), they all bolt from The Bus, which beeps happily and begins to circle the warehouse, awaiting their return. They huddle together once more (not so much for protection as to get closer to Touga) and the teacher escorts them to file inside. As soon as they enter, they are surrounded by tall, towing, altogether imposing machinery, strange many-pronged devices, and several with seemingly useless free-floating tentacles. Confused, Miki speaks up, "Where are we?" Juri answers him in a quiet voice, "You've never been here before, Miki? This is the factory which produces all duelist accessories. Our swords, rings, shoulder tassels, uniforms, teacups, and even those little Sword-of-Dios toothpicks that come with our lunches are made here." "Ah, yes. I'd recognize those tentacles anywhere…" All present back away from Miki, who blinks in confusion, wondering how the statement "Ah, yes. I was sent here one time to pick up those tassels we wear," seems to have such a powerful (and negative) effect on everyone. He questions, "What's wrong?" Everyone else hears, "My thong!" After a few more failed attempts at conversation, and after Miki has coined several interesting and anatomically impossible bodily functions, it becomes apparent that no one is going to be able to understand what any one else says so long as there is that loud noise coming from the machines.
Seeing as they couldn't do anything else, they eventually just gave in and
kept talking. Entire Cast:
And now, other fun lists!
How would
the cast of Utena phrase the sentence, "Give me that flower?" |
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