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*Note: There is no point to be found in this intro other than the brief mention of Touga's sword. Late one evening, three moving vans pull up outside Utena and Anthy's private, albeit haunted, dorm building. Karen and Becka each hop out of their respective moving vans. Karen is dressed in full pajamas with big fluffy chicken slippers on her feet. Her hair is tied into two ridiculously cute pigtails, putting in one's mind an image of Cindy Brady. She carried in overly stuffed Dios doll (with detachable top hat and cape) in one hand and a shredded pink security blanket in the other. Becka, on the other hand, and as always, is garbed in 'special' clothing. She is, quite literally, stuck in a giant, fluorescent, neon-green sleeping bag. Wrapped around her in scores are what appear to be ropes of discarded Christmas lights, miraculously twinkling and blinking even though several of the bulbs are missing. Her giant, bulky, radiant form just screams 'Glow Worm', attracting the attention of two interested persons. There is the inevitable battle cry of 'My shining thing!' and the ensuing glomp. Not missing a beat, Wakaba too flung herself at the impressive tower of fluorescent green and Becka was pummeled into the ground by the force of two glomp-huggling maniacs. Peeling herself out of the caterpillar shaped dent in the lawn, Becka cheerfully hopped over to where Karen stood by the door. Neither of them noticed that Becka's sleeping bag was now a light blue. Karen reached a hand out and lightly rapped on the door. Utena and Anthy answered the door. Anthy, as always, looked completely innocent. Her voice was soft, "Oh! Becka and Karen-sama! You're here to spend the night? And you brought Miki with you…" Becka and Karen simultaneously sweatdrop, and Utena just didn't get it. They entered and Becka quickly peeled the Miki-infested sleeping bag off her body and stuffed it into a radioactive container, which she produced out of nowhere. She revealed that underneath the sleeping bag, she is wearing black silk pajamas whose matching twin set belongs to none other than himself, the president we know now, who is well versed in the usage and workings of a Big Sword. Anthy bowed to both of them and murmured pleasantly, "I'll make us a late-night snack." She then scurried off to the kitchen, and the three girls were bombarded by loud clanging noises and several small explosions. A few moments later, the purple-haired girl walked out, carrying a tray laden with four plates of curry. She placed the food in front each of stricken girls, then moved back to the kitchen to get their desserts. Utena, Karen, and Becka look at each other, and in silent agreement, they grabbed the plates and dumped the brown substance into the potted plant in the corner of the room. They then hastily retreated to their seats before Anthy returned. A few moments later, Anthy did return with four bowls of shaved ice. If she was surprised at the apparently hearty appetites of her friends, she didn't show it. She cleared the table and walked back to her kitchen. Meanwhile, unnoticed in the corner of the room, a train of variously colored monkey-mice, not including Chuchu, nibbled on the brown substance which covered the plant. Almost instantly, the monkey-mice vaulted on top of one another and posed in a tree-like fashion while the potted plant began to slither around the room, emitting soft and anatomically impossible 'chus'. Anthy returned and everyone present enthusiastically munched on shaved ice, even Miki, who had returned to his rarely used human form. Several hours later, everyone was feeling very sleepy. Anthy set about her eternal task of tidying the room, and as she went to wash the impossibly large pile of discarded and dirty dishes, Utena sidled over to Karen and Becka. Utena smiled and spoke, "I hope you don't mind. I set my alarms really early so that I can take my shower first and get out of everyone's way." Though Karen and Becka wondered about her use of the plural 'alarms' they nodded and agreed happily. With that, everyone went off to their room where Anthy had thoughtfully set up their sleeping bags. Miki remained below in the lounge, snuggling with his newly found, and unobjecting, 'shining thing': Becka's discarded and cheerfully twinkling sleeping bag. The Next Morning: From the blissful realms of dreamland, inhabited mainly by Touga and his sword, Becka and Karen were painfully aroused (not like that), by the deafening cacophony of surround-sound bells, whistles, beeps, honks, chus, moos, clanks, chimes, pings, pongs, and general hullabaloo which included various barnyard animals. Somewhere across campus, a rooster crowed. Wakaba just -glared- at her room guest. She yelled, "I put up with you plastering my walls in Anthy photos. I don't mind the shrine that you've built in her honor and my corner. I've let you fill my shelves with Chibi RoseBride-dolls, home gardening guides, and How-To books on male dominance. I let you frame the damned picture of you slaying my best friend. I've ignored you meditating and polishing the pointed objects known as swords, with which you've filled my walls." She gestured to the sword holding gun-rack which takes up an entire wall. "I don't mind that you've rooted through my photo album to make yourself several dart boards. I let you keep your cowboy hats and black and white spotted chaps in my closet. I put up with wads of green hair in -my- hair brush and I even clean the wads of greed hair you leave down the drain. I no longer resent the fact that you have longer hair than I do. I've even gotten over that you've muralized my ceiling." She stabs a finger at the offending ceiling which has a lovingly hand painted image of Anthy, not unlike Michelangelo's David, on the surface. Wakaba gritted out, "But. I. Will. Not. Listen. To. That. Damn. CROWING!" Saionji snorted and went back to bed. Back in Anthy and Utena's room, Becka and Karen were huddled in a corner covering their ears, and praying to Dios to stop the noise. Utena and Anthy bolted off of their beds and darted around the room in a race to shut off their hidden alarm clocks and to get to the bathroom first. Becka reached under the vibrating pillow on which she sat and turned off another alarm clock. Utena, being a natural sportswoman, finished first, and quickly dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Meanwhile, Karen fed the slithering mass of potted plant, and Anthy absentminded shut off the rest of her alarm clocks and watered the mice. There is a knock on the door. The three remaining girls walked downstairs, and Anthy, who seemed to have expected this, quickly answers. Touga stood outside, dressing in a towel and carrying various shower implements, ie. A back scrubber, shower cap, rose scented body wash, and a rubber ducky. He smiled lazily at Anthy, and held up a cell-phone (which he kept Dios knows where), then cooed, "You called me?" Becka and Karen blink at each other, "She… called… him…?" Anthy bowed politely, "Hai! I have an opportunity for you, Seitokaichou. And you're so appropriately dressed." Touga nodded and proceeded upstairs to the bathroom. Anthy smiled to herself and followed. Becka and Karen hesitated a moment, then in silent accord, ran up the stairs. Touga entered the bathroom. There was a shriek of indignation, and Utena, also wearing a towel, ran out and down the stairs with Touga in hot pursuit. And, we mean, -hot- pursuit. Anthy routinely gathered her necessities, and entered the bathroom. There is a knock at the door. Utena knowingly evaded Touga and locked him in the nearby closet. Then she ran over to door and unlocked it. Nanami stormed in, seeing Utena in a towel and immediately assuming the worst. She demanded, "Where is my oniisama?" Utena blinked, and then smiled as an idea occurred to her, "Oh… I think he's still in the shower." The prospect of seeing her big brother in the shower easily glazed over Nanami's eyes, and she darted up the stairs. It should be noted that when ones eyes are glazed, purple looks a lot like red. Needless to say, but that never stopped us before, Anthy ran screaming out of the bathroom, followed by a scantily clad Nanami. Utena walked into the bathroom. Downstairs, Touga extricated himself from the closet using a set of well-used lock picks, which he also keeps Dios knows where. There is a timid knock at the door, and Touga answers it. Tsuwabuki looked up at the barely covered president in all his glory. He assumed that Touga took advantage of his princess, and as a dutiful squire, he ran up to the bathroom to save her. His eyes were glazed in a battle lust, and it should be noted that where ones eyes are glazed over, pink looks a lot like yellow. Managing to clear his vision a little, he pointed a sword at Utena. "My name is…" Utena ran from the bathroom, chasing the fleeing Tsuwabuki, as she hurled bars of a soap and screamed, "You little HENTAI!" Anthy evaded Nanami, who had found her real brother, and skipped happily into the bathroom. There is a knock at the door and Becka answered. Akio stood outside, wearing naught but cheesecloth boxers and a white leather bathrobe. He purred, "Someone mentioned a 'hentai'?" Becka erped and backed up as he saw a passing Utena, in a towel. He ran off after her and followed her into the bathroom. A fearful Anthy skidded out of the room and Akio pursued, leaving the bathroom to Utena. Somewhere in the house a buzzing alarm clock turned on. As Karen scurried to shut it off, she heard the loud and resounding crow of a rooster. Saionji, wearing the aforementioned cow-spotted chaps and matching hat, ran through the room, followed by a ticked-off Wakaba who was launching chibi-dolls at him with deadly accuracy. Juri, using her underground information network, noticed the unusually high percentage of scantily clad women centralized in Utena and Anthy's dorm. Curious, she investigated. Kozue showed up at the door and let herself in with her brother's pilfered set of well-used lock picks. Anthy found her and quickly redirected her to the bathroom, via glazed eyes. It should be noted that when ones eyes are glazed, pink looks suspiciously like blue. A barely covered Utena fled the bathroom followed by an enthralled Kozue. Anthy quickly reasserted her position in the bathroom. Kanae parked in dorm's lot, driving the Akio car. Wielding a rolling pin and searching for her unfaithful (and joyfully so) husband, she flung herself amidst the horde of gestating and multiplying Utena cast members. Becka and Karen smile broadly, "Hah ha! You thought we were going to say 'Rabbits of Doom', but this pages has not, and never will have any…" The two are suddenly trampled beneath the horde of gestating and multiplying Rabbits of Doom. Becka spit out a furry foot, "God damnit…" As if on cue, Dios appeared and damned all the Rabbits of Doom to an unknown and nasty place. Kanae took a wild swing at Akio, who skillfully manipulated her into a random pair of cheesecloth boxers and a white silk bathrobe. Karen blinked, "Hey! Wow… we've got spatulas and mallets and lock picks and rolling pins… everything but the kitchen sink!" Wakaba carted a sink into the room and attempted to hit the ever-crowing Saionji. Utena smiled brightly and directed Saionji to the refuge of the bathroom. Anthy screamed, ran, and was followed by Saionji. Utena smiled, turned, and walked into the bathroom. Through the mass of chaos, two girls were notified of the need for food by their grumbling stomachs, which they at first confused for more alarm clocks which were still going off throughout the building. Becka and Karen approached the fridge, opening it in anticipation. Looking inside, they found a bowl of blue Jell-O. Smiling hungrily at one another, they sat down at the table with the bowl and two spoons. Before they could begin, Akio approached the table and looked suggestively at the two girls. He smiled and remarked, "Eating a Student Council Member is a punishable offense." Touga poked his head in the door, "I beg to differ." Becka and Karen 'erp' then look questioningly down at the Jell-O, which turned a shy pink, melted, and slithered off the table. Akio retrieved the discarded stopwatch, which the recently embarrassed Jell-O has left behind. He just -smiled-. Shiori, using her underground information network, noticed the unusually high percentage of scantily clad men centralized in Utena and Anthy's dorm. Curious, she dragged Ruka along to investigate. Ruka, true to the standards of any chauvinistic male, immediately looked in the bathroom. Utena drove him out using naught but a rubber ducky, and Anthy, who was expecting Utena to leave, walked in. The two confront each other; Anthy turned and ran. Utena followed, waving several wind-up bath toys menacingly. Thus, the early morning stampede was formed. Anthy ran quickly from the slightly peeved Utena, who was joyously followed by the now-loin cloth clad Touga. Nanami, never one to pass up the opportunity to view her brother in all of his wholesome goodness, skipped happily behind him. Tsuwabuki trailed after his princess, collecting various pieces of clothing which she 'left' behind her. Akio idly followed behind the boy while playing with the little buttons on the stopwatch. He was obviously 'click-happy'. The frantic and distraught Miki chased after Akio, feeling naked without either his watch or his shining thing, and attempted to retrieve his violated and abused stopwatch from the hands of the Dean. Kozue, being Kozue, followed her brother. Saionji vainly ran from the battle ready Wakaba, who was now furiously chucking stick-like monkey-mice at him. Dios floated close behind, gathering the poor frozen mice. Kanae gritted her teeth, waving her rolling pin and letting out battle cries that chilled the blood of those around her. Juri determinedly chases Dios, waiting for her chance to disprove his existence, and Shiori and Ruka just tagged along. The runners up consisted of Chuchu, the horde of gestating and multiplying Rabbits of Doom, whose massive numbers enabled them to burst from that dark and nasty place. Last, and most assuredly least, slithered the forgotten no longer potted plant. From the Balcony above, Becka and Karen watched in awe. Becka murmured, "Do you think they do this do this every morning?" Karen shook her head, "I don't know, but it sure looks really well rehearsed. Look at that footwork! It's like watching 'Lord of the Dance'!" On cue, the entire line halted and broke into a rousing rendition of, 'Lord of the Dance.' Akio and Touga had both managed to manipulate themselves into the rival leads to become the Lord of the Dance. Some how everyone, including men, mice, Rabbits of Doom, and the plant were clad in tight tights and full Irish garb. Miki, however, did not appear to be affected by this subtle manipulation. Instead, he was wearing loose black pants, a standard army camouflage shirt, combat boots, dog tags, and various bits of artillery, as he crawled skillfully beneath the fancy footwork being done. He dodged a booted foot and continued along the path that lead him to Akio… and his treasured stopwatch. Using mad skill, he avoided high kicks, flailing UBPs, devastating and deadly twirls, as well as the folds of Kozue's sequined skirt. Miki's eyes remained focused on his the object of his mission. Becka blinked, not really sure she was seeing straight. Quickly she pulled out a large pair of plastic heart-shaped glasses. Not taking her eyes from blur of blue on the dance floor that she thought was Miki, caught in the iron jaws of FBI fever, she poked frantically at Karen. Karen stared openmouthed at the dance floor, unable to respond in any way to Becka's frequent poking. Having realized that he would never repossess his stopwatch in this way, Miki tried a -new- method. Subtle 'Mission Impossible' music penetrated the predominant Celtic tones as Miki, now wearing a black skin-tight spandex outfit, bungees down from the heating ventilation duct towards his stopwatch and the Lord of the Dance. Sadly, he never reached his destination as a flying missile from Wakaba severed his cord, and he was trampled beneath the horde of gestating, multiplying, and fervently dancing, Rabbits of Doom. Karen snuck down to the now blue-tinted floor. She exerted mad skill and peeled a tiny scrap of blue smeared wood from the floor, then ran up to Utena and Anthy's actual room. She used a bit of tape to attach the blue smear to the wall, then she put a little piece of silver tinfoil beside it. The miniscule blue smear gurgled happily and melded to the tinfoil. Becka, who followed Karen curiously, raises an eye brow, "I won't even ask…" Karen commented softly, "It needed a shining thing." On their way out, Becka abruptly tripped over a massive leather bound volume which apparently was just lying there on the floor for no reason. Karen bent down and flipped the book open. As The Lord of the Dance continued below, she reads: ^.^ -.- o.o ^.~ O.o ^.^ -.- o.o ^.~ O.o -.- o.o ^.~ O.o ^.^ And because Ka-chan thought we needed one...
^.^ -.- o.o ^.~ O.o ^.^ -.- o.o ^.~ O.o -.- o.o ^.~ O.o ^.^ Updates! --- May 27, 2003 - Becka and Ka-chan singsong together, "We're ba-a-a-a-ack..." --- April 6, 2002 - Due to a misunderstanding with an artist, BSandHB was violently torn from it's happy, warm, womb-like URL, .goldensenshi.com/becka. Thrust out into the cruel world, its found its way here, to .angelfire.com/darkside/bshb. Slowly, bit by bit, Becka and Karen are attempting to rebuild it, bringing it back to its former glory. Please be patient with us. We don't know when we'll have everything up and running again... --- March 15, 2001- Becka suppresses a yawn, "Ah, the joys of updating. Anyhoos, here's some more filler space for you. There are more YKYWTMUWs, a couple of 'Chick' Speech additions, a new layout for the fanmail page, two new cute little lists at the bottom of the 'Say What?' page as submitted by you, the viewers, and a couple of new song parodies." "Also, the 'Utena FairyTales' page has been replaced with the 'Utena Music' page. Eventually I will get around to writing a couple of Fairy Tales, but instead of wasting valuable image map space for something that's not there (-.- and no, the Convention(al) page and the Do Not Enter page do not count) I'm going to put something up that Utena Fanatics can enjoy. So, the Utena Music page has some random Utena MP3s. It's not a large archive, but hopefully if you enjoy the show's music, you'll find something there that you like." "Other then that, Ka-chan should be back soon, say another three months or so, and I promise you'll get real new stuff then. But seriously, an ocean between you puts a damper on five-hour-long phone conversations, and that's usually how long we take to get in the mood to write. Indeed! We are Procrastinators!" --- February 6, 2001 - There is serious confusion on the scene, and the overall murmur of, "What's this?" can be heard from several persons. Becka blinks, "What does it look like? It's an update." Said murmur is replaced with shocked exclamations of, "Damn," and repeated blinking. Becka glares, "I'm not that bad at updating you know. 'sides, it's hard to work with no Ka-chan here to motivate me. She'll be back soon, though, and that's when you'll get the real updates, like the "Do Not Enter" page, etc. What I do is just filler space until we can work together again. Anyhoos, here's some stuff to keep you entertained. There are 8 new 'Special' pictures, more YKYWTMUWs, a whole bunch of new 'Chick Speeches' and a couple corrections, a new script to the 'Pants' page, one new fanart, and few revisions to the Awards Given Page." She pauses to take a deep (and sorely needed) breath. "We're still searching for a better guest book, so if anyone has any suggestions, let us know. While this update is pretty small, I'm going to try add more in the near future. Anyhoos, that's all for now. Thanks for sticking with us! Ja." --- November 15, 2000 - Becka waves, "Ohayo, minna-san! I'm afraid I have a bit of bad news for you all. Ka-chan has left the States for Scotland on an exchange program. She'll be there for a year... lucky her, ne?" The redhead sighs, "She left me for men in skirts." "But anyway, we will still be working on the webpage via e-mail, and the occasional $100 calling card. Now, for this update, there are 7 new 'Special' pictures, a lot of YKYWTMUW, a couple of new (and revised) Chick Speeches, a new fanart, a new Milk Ad, a new song parody, a new guestbook (the old one took way too long to load, but you knew that already), and the 'Awards Given' page is up, though it doesn't quite have an introduction yet." "Now, other notices: some of you have been wondering about the Mailing List. Gomen! Neither of us had the time or energy to maintain it, so we're starting up an ML on eGroups, because it's much simpler to run. Anyone who signed up for the original ML will be invited to join automatically, and if you would like to join up, you can find our new ML on the Mailing List Archive page. Thanks for your patience. To those of you who requested to adopt a character, I apologize deeply for the backlog. All characters will be completed before next week, hopefully, and will be sent to their parents as soon as possible. The next update will probably be before Thanksgiving, with lots of new links, song parodies, and fanart. Sorry that this one is so small!" Becka waves, "Anyhoos, that's all for now. Thank you! Ja ne!" --- October 9, 2000- Blood Soaked and Honor Bound: Shoujo Kakumei Utena has moved to http://www.goldensenshi.com/becka. What does this mean? No more Geocities Pop-up Ads, quicker DL time, and unlimited space for more tasty Utena goodness. Yahoo! --- September 4, 2000 - Becka sits by herself in the corner. She looks up at the viewers, starry-eyed, and mumbles, "Oh... wow..." Karen translates, "Oh... wow..." Saionji saunters by and raps Karen sharply on the head with his shinai. Blinking (and still seeing stars [Karen drools, "Oooh... pretty... Seiya... Yaten... Taiki..."]), the dazed girl remembers what she is supposed to be doing and tries again. "Oh... wow..." A moment late, Akio enters, stage left, and speaks, "Teasing the readers of the webpage is a punishable offense... that is, unless I am somehow involved, of course." Karen snaps out of her daze. "Says who?!" She pauses, "Besides, you're always involved..." Akio merely grins, having successfully manipulated Karen out of her God-induced stupor. "Ninmru kanryo." Somewhere out there, in the vastness of space, the pilot of Wing Zero sneezes. Karen clears her throat, "Well, anyway... we've updated everything, and I do mean everything. Updated pages include: the Creators Page (profiles), the 'Special' Pictures Gallery, YKYWTMUW, 101 Reasons Why, 'The Chick' Speech, the 'Pants' Page, the Fanfiction Page, the Fanmail Page, the Utena Games Page, the Adoption Center (intro), the 'Say What?' Page, the Song Parodies Page, the FAQs (and not-so-FAQs) Page, the Awards Received Page, The Menu, the Updates Page, the Link List, and the Disclaimer. Completely new pages include: the Fan Art Page, the Utena Milk Ads Page, the Utena Holidays Page, and the Episode Guide." Karen pauses, then continues, "Other then that, and as you may have noticed, Becka revamped the site again and the Image Map is completely new. The Do Not Enter, Convention(al), Awards Given, and Utena FairyTales pages are still not currently up, however they will definitely be completed with the next update. Trust us when we say, you don't want to see them even when they have been posted. Lastly, as mentioned above, the 'Pants' Page has been updated. It now contains the 'pants'ed scripts of all 39 episode. Hopefully, in due time, we'll add the Movie to this list as well, and maybe even the Live Action Musical. If you have either of these two scripts, we'd appreciate it if you could send them to us." About to say more, Karen is interupted by a SD-(slightly crazed)-Becka. The frantic girl runs around in circles, like a chicken with it's head cut off. She repeats in joyous mantra, "WE MET HIM! WE MET HIM! WE MET GOD!" Karen once again clarifies, "Oh... wow..."
Yes, indeed. Becka and Karen met GOD. Aka.
Kunihiko Ikuhara, the
creator of Utena.
Karen: Ooo... *.* he's got spiffy hair... --- June 25, 2000 - Becka waves to everyone out there. "Hello! Well, sorry to say, but this is not an update. This is a quick, and very important notice to all you. I'm going to be going on vacation to Italy for a whole month! This means Ka-chan and I won't have the time to work on the page, and it also means that any mail that's sent to me won't be answered, because while I'm in Italy, I won't have access to a computer. Please, please, please, I beg you not to send me any mail! This includes requests for adoptions, mailing list requests, and anything else, from Special Pictures to YKYWTMUWs. Normally it wouldn't really matter to me, but if I'm away for a month, then AoL will start deleting whatever mail is in my inbox, and I wouldn't want that to happen. Thank you for your understanding, and hopefully whenever I get back from Italy, Ka-chan and I will get a real update together. And as a quick notice, the "Do Not Enter" page isn't up yet. Thank you! Ja!" --- April 18, 2000 - Becka smiles and continues to type away at her computer as Ka-chan grins and speaks. "Well, here's what we have for you this time around. First we've got a couple of new Special Pictures which have been added to the Special Picture Gallery, and some new fanart. There is also a new language for the Chick Speech! Next, we've begun to scour the Net for spiffy Utena Fanfiction, so there's a little bit more up. We've answered quite a few new FAQs, and the Amusing Quiz on the "Utena Games" page is up and running, by the way. Oh, and the "Say What?" page is up and semi-completed. For those of you who are interested, on the "Utena Games" page, we've added a link that will take you to our Adoption Center. The Adoption Center has two things... first, you can adopt a character from Utena for your page, and second, you can take a look at the characters from various series who we have adopted. Please enjoy!" Becka adds, "There you have it folks, we've done it. BS&HB (and yes, there's plenty of BS) has updated... again." Someone, somewhere, mutters a soft and inaudible, "Damn." --- April 5, 2000 - Becka and Karen blink, and one of them comments, "We've updated about four or five times within the past few weeks." The other one nods, "So we suggest you look out for the Four Horsemen, 'cause we're pretty sure the Apocalypse is right around the corner." Becka smiles, "Anyhoos, now that that's out of the way, we have *gasp* another update for you all. This one is basically a reflection of Becka's (yes, Becka does talk about herself in the third person on occasion) recent interest in HTML. First, she's semi-messed around with the image map, so hopefully the DL time has been cut some. There was also a small update on our newest link, 'Utena Games!' We've decided to put off the Milk Ads for a bit, because neither Becka or Karen feels like doing any more image editing..." Karen shuts Becka up quite effectively by shoving a panda down her throat. "*Anyhoos,* the 'Utena Games' page has a few spiffy little thingies, such as a random quote generator, the first two levels of a scored quiz, and one sanity test. It also has a rather scary Utena Personality Test for you to take... and at the moment, there is one link which refuses to work (aka. The Amusing Quiz). Also, check out the rules for submiting Utena Fanfiction on the Fanfiction page, and there are a couple of links on the Fanfiction page, and on the Links page." Becka chokes in agreement. --- March 19, 2000 - Becka waves cheerfully to all the viewers (as we all know, Becka is nothing if not cheerful) and smiles happily. "Moshi moshi, minna-san! This isn't really much of an update... I've gone through all the pages and begun to correct HTML errors, so if you stop anything that's a little bit different, that's why. I'm working on fixing broken links, pictures, etc. Anyhoos, Ka-chan and I will most likely be updating with -real- material in about two weeks or so, so see you then!" --- March 9, 2000 - "Guess what, minna-san! We've got a little update. A very little update... yes, I know it's soon," Karen smiles and dodges blunt objects hurled at her, "Don't worry, we won't make a habit of this. Anyhoos, we've added a short introduction to the '101 Reasons Why' Page. Also, hopefully all of the Special Pictures are up and running now, and so are the two issues of the Mailing List. That's all! Ja ne!" --- March 3, 2000 - Becka continues to type away on her computer, frantically trying to replace everything that she may have lost during the great transition from 1999 to the year 2000. Karen, on the other hand, chills comfortably on the couch, her eyes following the bishonens on the TV screen known as the G-Wing (or G-String, as she prefers to call them) Boys. Looking up, she waves happily. "Hey! Guess what! It's 2000, and we're all still here! Oh, other than that, we actually worked our butts off and we have a sizable update." "First, let us start out by saying that we have two little helpers, much like Santa's elves. They haven't gotten any credit from us yet, again, the same as Santa's elves, but we intend to rectify that. Scott and Nessa are the names of those two little helpers. Scott has been giving Becka some advice on the HTML of this page, and Nessa has been drawing pretty art, some of which will eventually be posted. You can find out a little bit more about them at the bottom of the 'Creators' Page." "Also, as you may have astutely noticed, the layout of our page has changed quite a bit, and besides the new layout, Becka made a spiffy new image map (that actually works!) Hopefully all the links are correct, and if there are any errors, please let Becka know so she can fix them." "So what's with the 'sizable update' you ask? First, we have a couple of new pages, most of which were promised -long- ago. We have the 'The Menu' Page, 'The Awards' Page, and 'Utena Fairy Tales' Page. We are also working on the 'Milk Ads' Page, and 'Say What?' Page, but we don't have anything up yet. There are various kinds of spiffy things which can be found on any one of those aforementioned pages (excluding the Milk Ads), and we hope you have fun playing with them all." Karen mutters softly, "God knows, we didn't have fun making them..." She glowers slightly. "Well, would -you- have fun taking the -entire- cast to -McDonalds-?" Becka clears her throat, and Karen gets back to the point. "Anyhoos, besides adding new pages, we also updated the old ones! We've added 'The Triplets' to the 'Characters' Page, and we have quite a few new spiffy pictures on the 'Special Picture Page.' There are several new songs on the 'Song Parodies' Page along with a recently written introduction, and -lots- of new 'You Know You Watch Too Much Utena When' symptoms. Oh! We also decided that because we're going to be making plenty of '101 Reasons Why' lists, that we should have a suitable page, so all the lists have been moved to the '101 Reasons Why' Page. Also, there are several newly 'pants'ed scripts available for your viewing pleasure. There's a little bit of new fanfiction, new fanmail, and we actually updated the 'Mailing List' Archive." Karen smiles pleasantly, then remembers something rather important. "Ah, yes. We have two serious matter to discuss..." There is an awed and hushed whisper from the crowd, "Serious? You've gotta' be joking..." Karen looks perplexed, "I'm sure that's an oxymoron, but I can't quite figure out how... Anyhoos, for those of you who are coming to our page, we thank you, and we're always thrilled to get comments, questions, etc. in our mailboxes. What you, the wonderful viewers need to understand, is that it's -really- difficult to get together updates. It requires Becka and I to talk on the phone for hours writing introductions, etc. and once that happens, Becka has to actually upload all the pages to the server (normally she either gives up her weekend, or her sleep to do so). Those of you who have webpages or write on a frequent basis will understand the work that goes into this... so please, don't send us e-mails saying things like, 'Nice page, but get off your lazy asses and work on it. Write more, it's not as though it's that hard to do.' We -are- working on it, especially if there hasn't been an update in a while, but both of us have school work and tons of other activities, not to mention our -other- webpages to work on. (Please note we don't say 'life,' as neither of us claim to have one). We don't mind that kind of comment, but try to make it nice, ne?" Karen sighs softly, "We also have a second serious matter to address. The other day, Becka and I were informed that someone had copied our 'Characters' page, and then edited it replacing our names with theirs. They also made a '101 Reasons Why' list, making blatant references to things that do no exist in the series- things that exist only on this page. Becka actually started to cry..." Karen gets a bit of an evil gleam in her eyes, "No one makes my Baka-chan cry but -me-." She shakes her head, "Anyhoos, we're not really sure what to do. If the problem persists, I guess the only thing we can is to delete 'Blood Soaked and Honor Bound.' We -don't- want to do that, but it's the only was we can keep people from copying what we've made. We wrote it on the 'Disclaimer' and we'll write it here as well. Please, don't copy." --- August 11, 1999- Karen stretches out across a white leather couch, and the twin couch across from hers is unoccupied. Karen quickly recaps, "First and foremost, this is the long awaited update which several people (we hope), have been awaiting. Becka has been on vacation for quite a while, and is going back again soon, but she decided to update, because, well, she's got a -lot- to update. Let's begin, ne? First, we have a 'Mailing List Archive' page, therefore, we have a Mailing List. Translation: sign up. The letter is sent out twice a month now, though you should know that because it is summer, Becka has no access to the computer and will not be able to send out the List... at least, not until the beginning of September. I, on the other hand, have no Becka to use as a slave to update or send out the Mailing List, meaning it's not going to get done until she gets back. The List, once it is back in business, will be sent out on the 1st and on the 14th of each month. Also, vote for your favorite character at our 'Utena Voting Booth'." Karen pauses for breath, carefully re-checks the paper written by Becka which she has been reading, then continues. "In order, the 'Characters' page has been updated to include Akio, Dios, and Mikage. There are several new special pictures in the 'Special Picture Gallery', as well as some new fanart that is worth checking out. Also, there are quite a few new reasons on the 'You know you watch too much Utena when' page. There have been updates and corrections on the 'Chicks' page, and we even have some newly 'pants'ed scripts available on our 'Pants' page. As always, minor updates have been made to the 'Creative Information' page, and Becka actually got around to a few more updates on the 'Fanfiction' page. The beginning of 'Becka's Ultimate Revenge' is up, and all feedback is welcome. Also on the fanfiction page, the next part of 'Bara no Hime' has been added, and 'Touga Meets his Match' is now complete. Minor updates have been added to the 'Links' page, the 'FAQs' page, and the 'Fan E-mail' page. The 'Mailing List Archive' has two issues of 'Becka and Ka-chan's Revolutionary Ramblings' up, and the third is on its way. We have a couple of songs on the 'Song Parody' page and the Akio-Car page has been updated as well- two of the promised links are active. Sorry, but Becka is still trying to figure out why the small images keep displaying broken links. As always, the 'Utena Voting Booth' and the 'Guest Book' are welcome to all. Last, we have the 'Utena ABCs' up too, and the link to 'Utena ABCs' can be found on the fanfiction page under the funnies. Oh! I almost forgot... Becka and I most humbly ask you to read the 'Disclaimer' for this page. It is very important, for several reasons. The first part deals with how the many characters and animations we make references to do not belong to us, and the second part deals with what on this page -does- belong to us. I promise we tried to make it amusing to read, so bear with us." Karen leans back, stifling a yawn and snuggling deeper into the mass of Italian white leather. "You asked for an update, so please enjoy. Becka and I have several ideas for new pages, but we are always welcome to suggestions. If you have ideas for any of the '101 Reasons Why' lists, send them over. After all, you do realize that a list of '101 More Reasons Why We Love Touga' is in the making. If you have ideas for new pages, we are also open to those suggestions... after all, our strangeness can't last forever, can it?" There is a soft mutter of, "You'd be surprised," from all present. Undaunted, as she always is, Karen continues. "Next update, there are a couple of new goodies that you can look for, including a 'Say What?' page, and if you want to know the that page, you'll just have to wait." Karen makes a face at the readers and keeps talking, "Also, a 'Quiz' page, mentioned earlier on in the year, new lists of '101 Reasons Why', and who knows what else. Well, I must go and leave Becka to her updates. Ja!" --- April 20, 1999- Becka and Karen sniffle loudly, "We... we... we won awards! Thank you! We won a 'Bindi of Approval' and the 'I'm an idiot' Award. Both of them will be posted whenever we get around to creating an awards page." --- April 8, 1999- Becka and Karen are perched comfortably in the back seat of the Akio-car, while the Akio-car is content to drive itself (and its two passengers) around the Dueling Arena. Becka smiles brightly, "Well, we've got a couple of minor Updates." Karen cheers. Becka continues, "A while back someone suggested that we create an 'Akio-car' page. Whoever you were, this is all your fault... 'cause... well... we did. There isn't too much on it right now, only a couple of pictures, but we promise that with our next Update, we'll have at least two of the links promised done. Pretty soon we'll add stuff to the Song Parody Page, and the Mailing List Archives page, but until then, please vote for your favorite character at our Utena Voting Booth!" --- March 28, 1999- Becka and Karen walk out wearing their respective pj's. Karen with her big fluffy chicken slippers and Becka in a giant green sleeping bag. Karen smiles, "We've updated... the Updates page... with an update." Becka blinks, "Go figure." Karen sniffles, "We now say good-bye to our Geocities webcounter. It served us well, but alas, it was not to be. We've gotten a new counter at WebCounter. So thanks the nice people, 'cause this webcounter isn't messed up like the other one was." Becka nods, "Oh, and before we switched counters, we had a total of 8000 people!" --- February 27, 1999- Becka yawns. Becka remembers why she's been up all night. Becka stops yawning and fears, "Umm... well... for all of you who have been requesting more... 'Special'... Pictures, today is you're, umm... unlucky day. The total count of those fear-inspiring pictures is about 47... and that's just wrong..." Karen blinks, "Even more wrong than the 'Creative Information' Page?" --- February 24, 1999- Becka and Karen bound out of the reclusive room they holed themselves up in several days ago. Both girls have dark smudges under their eyes and Becka waves a thick wad of papers under the noses of the readers. Her voice is slurred, "Well… we did it. We locked ourselves together… in the same room… for a week… and we did it." Karen sweatdrops, "Err… not like that. What Becka means to say is that we finally made another update. This weeks update includes: seven new 'special' pictures, two newly 'pants'ed scripts, an update on 'Bara no Hime' and an update on 'Touga meets his match,' a new link, and finally, we finished the Touga intro to '101 Reasons why we love Touga.'" Her words break off abruptly as they both collapse into a puddle and begin to snore loudly. Akio strides purposefully over, dragging both girls back into the room, and locking them in… with him. --- February 6, 1999- Becka runs out dressed in a molting chicken outfit. Karen follows her throwing a small party with hats and confetti. The two do a happy little jig, "We finished the 'Chick' Page! We finished the 'Chick' page." Karen looks around. She pulls out a sword and points it at Becka, "Here chicky chicky chicky…" --- February 2, 1999- Becka smiles happily, "For all of you who have been wanting a little update, here you have it! Ka-chan and I have updated the 'Fan E-mail' Page, and had several twisted (even more so than the Moon Spiral Heart Attack) ideas! We plan to do a major revamping of all the pages! What will we do? It's a surprise!" Becka sticks her tongue out at the readers making a raspberry noise, *WHACK* Becka flies across the room and into a wall. Karen smirks and continues, "Keep checking back for our revamp! And you can also look forward to a contest with a nifty 'prize.' Anyway, Arigatoo Minna!" *We hit 2000 people!* --- January 27, 1999- Becka wakes up in a puddle of drool and 'eeps!' She blinks and looks around, then at her computer. Smiles at all the nice people, "The '101 Reasons why we want to be Utena' Page is up, and the 'Character' Page has been updated... We also joined two more webrings. Please check them out, and don't forget to sign out guestbook..." Yawns, and goes back to bed. --- January 26, 1999- Karen yawns after a long night of typing... even though it was Becka who did most of the typing, "Well, we have come up with the idea for 'The Chick' Page. The 'You know you watch too much Utena' Page is up and running. We joined two more web rings, and you can visit them at our 'Webrings' Page. The '101 Reasons why we want to be Utena' Page should be up soon. We now have the option of a 'FAQ' page, so please e-mail us with any of your questions..." Karen yawns again, and decides to go to bed, leaving Becka asleep and drooling at the keyboard. --- January 25, 1999- Becka, still sad over the loss of the pictures, puts on a smile. She is about to say something when she is whacked across the room by a mallet-wielding maniac. Karen smiles, "Sorry about that, but she was way to sad. She just needs to get back into her routine. Today we have reached 1000 persons on the nifty counter! Thank you, all of you, who visited our page!" --- January 24, 1999- A loud sniffling sound can be heard from the entire page. Becka and Karen walk out wearing black mourning dresses. Karen wails loudly, and Becka pats her on the back in a vain attempt to comfort her, "I know Ka-chan... I know..." Becka looks sadly at all present, "Today is a tragic day, as we mourn the loss of six pictures from the 'Special Picture' Gallery. I was told I that we didn't have permission to use them anymore. I'm sorry to all of you who didn't a have chance to see them..." Becka breaks down and blows her nose loudly into a Kleenex. --- January 14, 1999- Becka smiles happily, "Woohoo! I got a web page! Today, 'Blood Soaked and Honor Bound: Revolutionary Girl Utena' is officially up and running!" Karen smiles and nods. She notices that Becka is about to say something more, so she whips out that useful mallet and sends Becka flying across the room with a *splat*. Karen turns to the viewers and smiles pleasantly, "I think that Becka meant, *WE* got a web page. Anyway, please sign the guestbook or e-mail us with comments, questions, or corrections. Thanks bunches!" ^.^ -.- o.o ^.~ O.o ^.^ -.- o.o ^.~ O.o -.- o.o ^.~ O.o ^.^
The two puzzled girls looked at one another and shrugged. Becka casually picked up the heavy book and tossed it out the window. The book plummeted, building up speed and slamming forcefully into the RBBLJCM (rather battered and bruised leather jacket-clad man) who looked up at the pretty stars (named: Seyia, Yaten, and Taiki) that surrounded his head and mumbled 'Eureka' before passing out. Karen and Becka walked back out onto the balcony. Karen whimpered, "Make it stop… make the pain, and fancy foot work, and high pitched violin music, and Rabbits of Doom, a flying kitchen furniture… and… and… make it go away…" Miki found an even more creative way to retrieve his stopwatch. He dissolved into a blue vapor, which hovered in the air, then condensed into a floating blue balloon. Balloon-Miki floated towards Akio, his ribbon waggling menacingly. Akio just pulled out a thin pin and smiled. The balloon let out a high pitched 'eep.' Still up on the balcony, Karen muttered, "Why do they do this?" Becka shook her head, "Believe me, if I knew…" Karen noticed that Becka's hair was slightly wet. Karen poked at Becka, "Uhhh… Becka?" Becka shrugged, "I used the other bathroom."
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