blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Becka and Karen are standing in the middle of the Dueling Arena, both wearing their respective uniforms. Karen collapses to her knees, gasping, "Damn stairs… damn stairs…" Suddenly, the Akio-car appears, although how it got up the stairs, we'll never know, and Utena jumps out of the passenger seat. The car proceeds to drive itself around the arena, as it tends to do.

Utena smiles happily at Karen and Becka, "You didn't have to take the long way…" Karen just glares at Utena as Becka smiles back.

Becka extends her hand over Karen's head. After shaking Utena's hand, Becka speaks, "Hello, Utena-sama. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Utena smiles and shakes her head, "Please, just call me Utena. I get enough of the 'sama' crap from Anthy."

Karen looks up, still gasping, "It… happens…"

Becka nods, "Alright, Utena. By the way, I've been practicing fencing for a while…"

Having finally caught her breath, as it was riding in the Akio-car, Karen look suspiciously up, "You have…?"

Becka nods and continues, "Yes, I have… and I was wondering…"

Karen pops up, "I wonder, I wonder. Do you know what I wonder?"

Becka ignores Karen and continues, yet again, "If you, Utena, would duel with me. Not for the Rose Bride, mind you. I just want to get a little practice and a few pointers."

Utena smiles, "I'd be happy to! It's so rare that anyone ever wants to duel just for fun anymore…"

Anthy delicately extricates herself from the Akio-car, which has been trying to tempt her with its leather interior designing. She walks over to Utena's arms and begins to chant, "Rose of the noble castle, power of Dios that sleeps within me, heed your master and come forth."

Utena draws the Sword of Dios from Anthy and cries out, "Grant me the Power to bring the world Revolution."

With the sword in hand, Utena looks pointedly toward Becka. Karen follows Utena's stare and blinks, "You touch my chest, I kick your ass."

Becka smile happily, "That's okay, Ka-chan. I have this!" Becka pulls out a beautifully made 15th century Morish-Dutch sword, complete with a bloody Morish-Dutch hand attached onto the end of it. Becka blinks, "I thought I got rid of this… *thing*." Becka wrenches the stiff-fingered hand off of her sword and tosses it, over her shoulder, into the passing Akio-car. Karen sweatdrops and backs away purposefully.

Anthy walks forward, producing two roses from nowhere. She carefully tucks the white rose into the left breast pocket of Utena's blazer. She places a dark bluish black rose into Becka's breast pocket. Anthy smiles, "If the rose is knocked off of your chest, you lose the duel. I wish you luck, Becka. You'll need it."

Becka smiles up at Anthy, "Thank you, Miss Himemiya."

Becka turns towards Karen, "Why don't you explain about the show, Ka-chan?"

Karen glares at Becka, "Why do *I* always have to explain everything?" Becka points the sword towards Karen, who sweatdrops and runs to the edge of the arena, "Never mind…" Becka nods at Utena, and the duel begins.

Meanwhile, Karen peers over the edge of the arena. She turns interesting shades of yellow and green, and she passes out. A few moments later, Karen revives, and crawls back several feet, making sure she is not in the path of the Akio-car, "Well, there's this show called, 'Shoujo Kakumei Utena,' or in English, 'Revolutionary Girl Utena.' There are four sagas that make up Utena: The Student Council Saga, The Black Rose Saga, The Ohtori Akio Saga, and The Apocalypse Saga. Each sage has it's own purpose. The Student Council Saga was created to get viewers totally obsessed with the show. The Black Rose Saga was created to make all the Utena Obsessees think, for a change. The Ohtori Akio Saga was put there to screw the Utena Obsessees over for thinking. And finally, The Apocalypse Saga was put there for the sole purpose of screwing over all the Utena Obsessees just because."

Becka skillfully dodges Utena's sword and calls over to Karen, "Get to the point, will you?"

Karen murmurs, "Wow… you're not dead yet." Another clashing of swords it Becka's only reply. Karen starts again, "Basically, Utena is a young girl… a very very young girl… a ridiculously young girl… who was saved by a prince when she was little. She was so impressed that she decided to become a prince herself… At least, that's what they want you to think at the beginning of the show. As it goes on, the show becomes more and more confusing. For example, a prince saved Utena, but that was after Touga and Saionji found her, and Utena wasn't a princess whose parents had died, she was a little girl in a coffin. This makes no sense… and yet… here we are, completely obsessed and making a web-page on it…" Karen shrugs, "I guess you can just blame Akio…"

Back at the fight, Utena and Becka are still at it. Becka spots Touga with Akio in the Akio-car… doing something. Her concentration breaks, allowing Utena to finally cut the rose from her chest. Becka looks back at Utena in a daze, "Touga… Akio… car… doing... something..."

Akio hops out of the car. He is wearing an apron and carrying a tray with cookies and milk. He smiles pleasantly at Becka,  "Come over to the dark side, baby… we've got cookies…"

Across the Arena, Karen begins to drool, "Oooh… cookies…"



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