blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Touga meets his match

By: An-chan

Before you read the product of my general distress and happy thoughts, there are some things you must know. First of all Touga and the rest of the cast of Utena do not belong to me (although I wish they did). The only character that is mine is Claire, so you may not have her without my permission. This Fic takes place between episodes 4 and 7 in the series. All flames, comments, praises and other such fanmail are welcome :) Arigato ne ~ Angie (aka. An-chan)

Touga meets his match -- Part X-- by An-chan

"I'm such a fool!" Claire cried to herself. She quickly dashed next door, slamming the doors of the gymnasium shut. Through her tears she slammed her tape of Two Mix "White Reflection" into the tape player. Quickly she changed into a spaghetti strap, white and maroon dress.

"I must have completely scared off Miki now" Claire yelled at herself. "How could I have done that! It's not like he's Touga…" Claire trailed off as she realized something else "What is really going on with Touga and I?"

Too confused, Claire attempted to push it all off. She ran to the center of the gymnasium and began to dance with reckless abandon. Still the thoughts ran through her brain…

'Touga' she thought sadly. In the middle of the song Claire couldn't hold it together anymore. She fell to the ground in tears.

Just after the English words "Attention Mission Control, we have lift-off" in the middle of the song, Claire turned her head quickly to the sound of the doors flying open. Touga stood in the open doorframe wearing… jeans.

Without a word he extended his hand to Claire. He quickly pulled her close only to tell her "You were right, jeans are very comfortable."

Their eyes locked as Claire slowly began to realize what might be going on. Touga cleared his throat and began: "I was upset because Utena was the first girl who didn't want me… I thought that made her my match… I wanted her because I couldn't have her. How silly of me to pursue her when my real match was right in front of me the whole time"

Still locked in a heated gaze, they slowly began to dance. Touga spun Claire away, his eyes locked on her figure. His in the last swell of the music Touga pushed Claire against the wall and kissed her quickly and forcefully. "I can't promise you everything, but know this…" Touga began. Claire interrupted, kissed Touga just as quickly and forcefully. " I know you can't make me any promises, I can't either, that's why I'm your match. From now on we should really stick to what we're good at… Claire gathered her things and she and Touga left. As they walked out of the building Claire took a long look at Touga's outfit.

"You look pretty good in jeans." Claire laughed.

"The are…quite comfortable." Touga said, linking her arm to his.

Miki stood outside the music room, blinking in confusion. Luckily there were no hard feelings, Miki did not want Claire… and well Claire never really wanted Miki either.

The End



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