blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Subj: AirAkio

Date: 4/29/00 10:16:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time



Now that the public has been informed of two of Akio's vehicles, he decides to reveal one of his ultimate, personal favorites, the AirAkio. When flying on the AirAkio, you will be constantly waited upon be the ever so faithful Rabbits of Doom. Now, these are not just any Rabbits of Doom, but they special labels saying "made at the end of the world". They are programed to alert the good pilot whenever a particular sort of customer arrived. (nuff said there) They are also programed to go off whenever it sees special characteristics, like bright pink hair, long waving purple hair and whenever the cry of "I'm here for you my shining thing" is heard. In the AirAkio, every customer that is acceptable to board, there are long couches to....ahem, support the needs of the pilot. And provide the utmost comfort to the travellers. On the AirAkio, there is always iced drinks avalible, salted nuts (no, not that kind...) and other refreshments to make the client feel as though she is at home. The Rabbits of Doom are also set to let off the alarm whenever a customer tries to fling herself out the window or make any other desperate means of escape.When the alarm goes off, the good captain is there in remarkable time, compliments of Miki's stop watch he never gave back. However, when flying AirAkio, you do not want to set off the alarms, because often he has seduced the co-pilot to a blubbering puddle, and no one will fly the plane. However, there are air bags in your tray table, and a life jacket under the seat. There also is an oxogen mask above you, and Akio will supply the parachute when it is necessary. Be warned, though, that it has been rumored that these emergencys are planned and you often land in the middle of a resort or in a small paradise that has Rabbits of Doom as well. Thank you for flying AirAkio. bye. (luv the website)



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