blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Subj: *eep*

Date: 6/17/99 8:16:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Katherine Mc Entire


An odd silence thunders through the air. No glomping abounds, no *eeping* resounds, not even the low purr of the Aiko-car can be heard on the grounds of the utterly silent academy. Oh wait, I was wrong.

In the FAR off distance there is the lone cry of "MY SHINING THING!" but from so far off, it seems a mere whisper. A low creak cuts through the air as the a trap door beneath the dueling stadium marginally eases open. A pair of hugely deformed brown eyes glance about, testing the silence for the possible traps which lay about. Sensing nothing, the trap door thuds suddenly open and a girl wiggles her way out of the hole in the ground with a soft grunt. She reaches down and pulls out a box of wheat thins and munches on one absentmindedly. "I really have to find a better place to hide." She glances down at the leather jacket-clad man who had previously been inhabiting the hole in which she chose to hide and shrugged. "You coming?"

He shook his head and glanced fearfully upward. "No, I don't have a pot. I'll get hit." She follows his gaze and grins foolishly. "No one's dueling...I think. It should be okay." He merely shakes his head again and closes the trap door behind her.

"Hmmm," the girl wonders, "I go past the arena, take a left at the rose garden...or was that go past the rose garden, take a left at the arena?" She thumps on the door beneath her feet again. "HEY! How did you say to get to Becca's and Karen's again?" No answer. She sighs and grumbles..."Goofy Jacket clad men...reminds me of my last boyfriend...won't stop for directions...oh well, at least I have this." Pulling out a shiny compass she aims it to what she thinks is North. The compass refuses to help, spinning in hapless circles instead. "Oh dang it! Now how in the name of Lucifer am I going to get to their dorm?"

"You called?" purred a low masculine voice behind the girl. She slowly turns, already knowing who would be poised behind her, but wishing differently none the less. "Oh..(hehehe)...Akio. for Becca and Karen's. No need to offer assistence! I can make it on my own BYE!" With that she *eeps* and swings around to make a quick escape, instead running in to something hard...and tall...hard and tall in that "manly" sort of way. "eep"

Meanwhile across campus two girls lounge in the remains of what used to be a dorm room. A carpenter noisily bangs away, fixing the last of an elephant sized hole in the wall. One girl is glaring at the other and trying to angle her body to retrieve the spatula cruely hung two inches out of her straightjacket bound reach. The other is happily sorting through her mountains of pictures of Touga in all manners of dress and *undress*.

"Becca," begins the girl sorting the pictures, "do you think Touga looks better like this, or like this?" She holds up two identical pictures of Touga, the only difference being that in one the transparent peice of hair is on the right side of this face, in the other is was on the left. *sigh* "I just can't decide."

Becca drools for a moment at the sight of the pictures, breaking free of the spell when they are removed from her sight. "Umm, Ka-chan," she hesitantly begins, "other than the carpenter, I haven't heard any noise today. Don't you think it might be wiser if we went and checked the campus out?"

Karen, still fully immerssed in her photos, doesn't respond. Suddenly, in the distance, they hear a far off cry. "HELP! BECCA! KAREN! HELP!" Becca struggles to her feet, but finds she can't open the door to see what in the world is going on outside. Karen, lost in the land of Touga, hears nothing. Becca begins to chew and rip at the straightjacket with her teeth, still gnawing away, she moves as quickly as she can (minus the couple of times she fell down) to the window. Surely enough, a plump brunette is racing across the lawn as quickly as she can, a sparkling compass gripped tightly in one hand, a box of wheat thins bouncing in the other. A familiar manipulative figure dashes quickly behind her in hot pursuit. "What the...?" Becca exclaims. Noting that Karen is still not paying attention, Becca flops down on top of Karen's pictures. "HEY! Becca-chan! What did you do that for?!" "Check out the window!" Karen groans and rolls off the bed to peer rather trepadaciously out the window. "What? It's just some girl with a shiny compass, a box of wheat thins, and...oh. *EEP*"

The Aiko-car appears out of nowhere and with it Saionji, who happens to be in the backseat bound and gagged. The brunette suddenly trips laboring up the hill and the box of wheat thins goes flying. It scatters on the grass, drawing the attention of Chuchu, huddled under the bushes munching on a pilphered bannana from Karen's fridge. He rushes to catch the sudden rain of crunchy goodness and is nearly trampled by the mad rush of the girl to escape Akio's clutches.

"Chuchu!" gasps a voice from a few floors below and Karena nd Becca crane their necks out the window to watch Anthy and Utena jump out the first floor window. Karen turns to Becca. "Don't they ever use doors?" Becca shrugs the best she can and resumes shewing on her straightjacket. "I'm just wondering what they were doing in our dorm." Chuchu is swept up in Anthy's loving embrace and the brunette runs to hide behind Utena. "SAVE ME!"

Akio skids to a stop and flashes a knee-melting smile to Utena. She feels her knees begin to wilt but the low gasping of raspy breaths from the girl behind her reminds her that this is Akio, and not to be trusted.

So occupied, Kate, the brunette, does not realise that a stealthy figure (other than Akio) is stalking her. A sudden cry of, "MY SHINING THING!" and Kate is glomped from behind by a blur of blue-tinted Miki. She stumbles forward under the unexpected weight of the blue glob and bumps in to Utena who falls forward and directly in to the arms of the evil in front of her, Akio. He catches her and dips her in the manner of bad tango dancers worldwide. "I always knew you'd fall for me someday." Utena *eeps* and kicks out, catching the stumbling Kate/Miki thing in the temple. Her momentum altered, she falls back again, to land with a thump on Chuchu and Anthy. Saionji, now freed of his manipulative restraints by Wakaba surges to save his smushed rose queen.

Wakaba falls back on her back and screams in surprise, sending the underground spy network in to a frenzy. Juri, naturally appears, to check out the new girl's arrival. She summons Kozue to assist in peeling Miki off the young girl and Kanae, Shiori, and Keiko come just for the heck of it.

Meanwhile, from under the tangle of arms, legs, cries of "MY SHINING THING", grunts of Utena still struggling with Akio, Juri trying to get a glimpse of the new girl, Wakaba tugging on Saionji's leg as he pulls at Anthy still curled protectively around Chuchu, both trapped under the compass bearing new girl, a pair of super-deformed misty brown eyes stare pleadingly at Becca and Karen from beneath the whole mess. Karen turns to Becca. "So what now?" Becca shrugs, "If you take this straightjacket off, I think we could go and investigate." Karen glances over and shakes her head. "I don't have to, you chewed it off yourself." Becca looks down at herself and blushes. "Oh, I guess I did. Now where did I put my spatula?" The girls begin rummaging through the mess looking for their implements of torture, as outside, the pandimonium increases.

Touga arrives, since the underground network of spies notified him that there was a Utena/Akio sighting in front of Becca and Karen's dorm. He glides through with Nanami dragging from one leg like a small child unwilling for her "shining thing" to leave, and Mitsuru clinging to her leg in kind.

Dios merely hovers high above the entire mess, idly dropping rose petals on the tangle of arms, legs, cries of "MY SHINING THING", grunts of Utena contineully struggling with Akio, Juri still trying to get a glimpse of the new girl, Wakaba clinging more tightly on Saionji's leg as he repeatedly pulls at Anthy still curled protectively around Chuchu, both losing oxygen trapped under the compass bearing new girl, and her pair of super-deformed misty brown eyes continue to stare pleadingly at Becca and Karen from beneath the whole mess.

"Ahhah!" shouts Karen. "I have my mallet! Did you get your spatula?" Becca shakes her head, "No, but Sailor Moon is going to be way upset when she discovered what happened to her Cutie Moon Rod." There's a shout of indignation from across the feild as a group of scantily clad girls and a tuxedo wearing man appear at the top of a hill, a small blue one in the foreground scanning the arena with a small compact computer. "I've found it Sailor Moon," she announced. "It's in that dorm beyond that gaggle of people."

The girl decked out in orange pulled the green clad girl to the side. "Lita, what's a gaggle anyway?" Lita sighed and patted the girl's head. "Don't worry Mina. It's like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. The world may never know." Juri caught the arrival of the new girls in the corner of her eye and extracts herself from the fray, moving on to a better target of scantily clad girls. The girl with long pigtails in the foreground dtrikes a pose and announces, "I am Sailor MOon, Champion of Love and Justice. In the name of the moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil..."

Hearing his name called, Akio drops Utena on her backside and smoothly manipulates his way past the entire throng to the entirely new set of people he hasn't had the pleasure of introducing himself to. "You called?" he purred and Sailor Moon eepes.

In the background, a low dreamy voice intones, "He looks just like my old boyfriend!" Akio, surprised at the comment glances towards Jupiter and eeps, for the tall girl is gazing at him with huge throbbing hearts in her eyes. "Umm.." he gasps, "You are aware that I'm NOT your old boyfriend, correct?" His manipulative powers were not responding for the girl began to advance, the huge throbbing hearts growing bigger by the second. Akio eeps once more then flees the scene with Sailors Jupiter and Venus hot on his trail. Tuxedo Mask senses the presense of someone with the ability to make even stupider speeches than himself in the vicinity and moves quickly towards Dios. "The summer sun sets only like the beauty in your eyes..." he begins and is cut off by Dios' reply, "A rose is like the courage and wisdom harboring deep with in your soul..." The two stare at one another, flumoxed, before firing a barrage of pointless words to and fro.

Meanwhile, there is still a tangle of arms, legs, cries of "MY SHINING THING", grunts of Utena trying to get up (her ribs have been crushed by Akio's embrace), Juri now attempting to hit on Sailor Neptune and begining a duel with Uranus over her honor, the Akio car reving as he peels out with Venus and Jupiter still hot on his trail, The Starlights sweeping the area with Pluto and Saturn, Mercury analyses Wakaba still clinging tightly on Saionji's leg as he repeatedly pulls at Anthy still curled protectively around Chuchu, both losing oxygen trapped under the compass bearing new girl, and her pair of super-deformed misty brown eyes continue to stare pleadingly at Becca and Karen from beneath the whole mess.

"Umm," comes a quiet voice from behind them staring out the window, "Ami said you have my Cutie Moon Rod." Becca and Karen jump at the voice ans turn to find Sailor Moon smiling vapidly at them from the doorway. "Um. Sure." Becca hands the slender girl her stick and watches as she jumps up and down for joy. "Oh thank you! Is there anything I can do for you to repay you for finding it for me?"

Becca and Karen look at one another and point out the window. "Can you fix that?"

Sailor Moon follows their indication and laughs. "Sure can. But I need my crystal." She reaches in to only god knows where and pulls out a large carpet bag. "Umm, umbrella...potted plant...two small children looking for a nanny...subway ticket...elvis...the hope diamond...fanfiction author...Akio...Hey how did you get in there?! Go back to Jupiter..." she pushes his head back down in the bag.  "...ummm...oh! Here it is!" Thus saying, she pulls out her Moon Scepter and plops a large shiny crystal on top. From down below they hear a cry of "MY SHINING THING!" as Miki spots the newer, larger, shiny thing. Sailor Moon eeps and quickly waives her wand around.


An odd silence thunders through the air. No glomping abounds, no *eeping* resounds, not even the low purr of the Aiko-car can be heard on the grounds of the utterly silent academy. Oh wait, I was wrong.

In the FAR off distance there is the lone cry of "MY SHINING THING!" but from so far off, it seems a mere whisper. Becca and Karen stare in surprise at the utterly empty lawn. A knock on the door to their room startles them both in to jumping practically out of their skins. "ummm...Karen? Becca? Can I be let in?"

Not recognising the voice, Becca slowly opens the door, only to be glomped by a super-relieved, mega deformed misty-eyed, brunette named Kate. "Oh I am so glad to see you two. You will not believe the kind of day I had. I should have listened to Doug." Becca nods. "Uhhuh. So what can we do for you?" She smiles and discretely offers them the remains of a box of wheat thins. Both girls shake their heads. "I'd give you the compass, but Miki got so *attatched* so I let him have it. Anyway, the entire point of my journey was to see if you two knew any links to anywhere that would sell Utena fansubs. I'm a poor college student and I can't afford the prices I've been seeing for professional subs. That and the only Utena I've seen on the net is in the orginal form. If I could speak Japenese there wouldn't be a problem, but I can't. So, if you don't mind, could you send some feelers out and see if you could add that link to Bloodsoaked and Honor Bound for me? Please? (Big sad puppy eyes)I really want to know what happens, but I'm *sniff sniff* poor."

Becca shrugs, Karen shrugs. The girl nods. "I understand. Get back to me when you can. Just email me if you will. Thanks!" She turned and glanced cautiously through the door. "See ya later!" the door shuts behind her and Karen glances at Becca devilishly. Becca eeps as Karen produces a straightjacket from out of thin air, and they resume their previous activities.



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