blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Subj: Re: Your web-page(guest-starring Akio)

Date: 1/29/99 10:31:42 PM Eastern Standard Time


To: Douglass Weeks

:: Becka and Karen are lounging comfortably on Becka's bed, locked in a staring contest and eating shaved ice. The low, distant rumbling in the background would have caught the attention of a lesser pair of students, but not this particular pair. Oh no indeed, at least, not until the vibrations cause a rose teacup to waddle off it's place on the shelf and hit Becka on the head. Becka blinks, rubbing the back of her head with one hand. :: "Oww! What the hell?"

:: Karen notices the rumbling and blanches. :: "Oh... shit..."

:: They quickly jump to one side of the room as a recently repaired wall is trampled beneath "A funny looking guy in a leather jacket with a computer, followed by: a screaming Nanami, a ferret (no longer foaming at the mouth since it licked off the whipped cream), Tswabuki (now riding the horse and trying to pass the ferret so he can save Nanami), Akio (who is now trying to manipulate"... Aww, I give up. As the wall is rendered to moon dust, Becka and Karen both heroically dive across the veritable stampede, having learned that the first person in line is normally the most important. After the massive fog of dust settles, they look down. Karen blinks in surprise. :: "Who the hell are you?" :: Becka sighs. :: "Damn it! I thought for sure it would be Touga this time!"

:: They both sigh and simultaneous drool springs to life. Before the man is in need of a life jacket, Karen manages to jerk her thought away from Touga... clad in naught but whipped cream. In order to stop Becka from drooling, she shoves a stack of cookies into her mouth. Karen looks down at the hapless man. :: "Hey! He's the slightly crazy, well chased, creatively poetic in a Dios sort of way, fashionably technological, plot haunted, in-the-wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time guy who sent us the funny e-mail!"

:: Becka mumbles. :: "Oh yeah... I'd recognize that stampede anywhere..." :: They disentangle themselves from him. They glance at each other. Karen questions. :: "I wonder. I wonder. Do you know what I wonder?" :: Becka nods. :: "You're right, but killing him would reek hell on our insurance..."

:: Speaking of hell, a thoroughly exhausted Akio stumbles into Becka's dorm room, or at least what few walls are left of it. He rummages through Becka's closet and pulls out several of his prized strait jackets, waiting for the next pass. Pun intended. The three 'erp' as Akio chases after the stampede. Becka looks to their 'guest.' :: "Hey, thanks for reading out web page. It's nice to think people like us." :: Karen smiles. :: "And that there are people in the world almost as crazy as us..." :: Becka mutters. :: "Or that there are people who can get away with stupid comments, like Karen..." :: Karen ignores the end of that sentences, and wonders allowed. :: "Or that there are people period..." :: Becka blinks. :: "Anyway..."

:: Karen continues. :: "Due to your insurmountable expertise in causing poor defenseless authors, such as we, to shamelessly role on the floor in convulsions of hysterical laughter..." :: Becka interrupts, so that she *won't* have to listen to every word in Karen's vocabulary. :: "Right... well, you've inspired me to start a brand new Utena page, one dedicated to the e-mails of noble humor that we receive. Would you mind if we post your last..." :: Karen buts in. :: "And only..." :: Becka continues as though she has not heard Karen. :: "e-mail on our page?"

:: Karen nods. :: "It'll be fun! And funny!" :: As the stampede passes by, once more entirely covered in dusts whipped cream, Akio calls out in their direction. :: "Is there a difference?" :: Becka face faults. Karen turns back the nameless man, for his own protection of course, and speaks. :: "Anyway, we have to get back to... um... some... 'business'..."

:: The scene flashes to Touga, who is bound and gagged to what remains of Becka's bed. ::

:: Karen continues. :: "You'd better get out of here before that mass of... whatever... stops back this way..." :: Becka chimes in. :: "By the way, living under the arena is *not* a good idea." :: Karen blinks. :: "Well, neither is the planetarium but..." :: She hastily looks around and whispers. :: "Which is why we don't have Akio on our character page yet... we're afraid of what he might *do* to us..."

:: The Akio-car suddenly appears in the hole that is Becka's wall, headlights flashing. Karen blinks. :: "Hey! That's Morse code..." :: Becka 'erps' and translates. :: "Oh yes... baby... ride me home..." :: Karen tilts her head towards Becka. :: "I didn't know you could do 'dot dot dot' in Morse code..."

:: Becka sighs and swings her spatula forcefully towards Karen's head. Karen ducks and the spatula impacts with something hard... something solid... something solid in a 'manly' way, as the man is spatuladed into the awaiting Akio-car. The car speeds off to take the man back to his room under the arena. Karen shouts after him. :: "GOMEN!"

:: Becka and Karen turn back towards the remains of what *used* to be a room. Becka's finger tips touch together as she murmurs. :: "Excellent." :: Karen's eyes glaze over as she chants. :: "Touga party. Touga party. Touga party."



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