blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Hello and welcome to the Utena Personality Test. Please note that this test is for fun, if nothing else, so please enjoy. To play, simply click on your desired answer. The wonder known as HTML will do the rest. Oh, there's been a little bit of confussion about which question you're supposed to go to. Always answer the one that's lined up at the top of the screen. ^.^

Has Akio had sexual relations with you?

1) What gender are you?

2) What's your philosophy in life?

3) How do you react to guys?

4) Are you human?

5) Can your hair color be considered natural?

6) Are you mistreated by the world?

7) Do you wear a cape?

8) Does incest matter?

9) Do you have a distinctive personality?

10) You are usually

11) Have you ever slept with the Devil?

12) Are there more than one of you?

13) Are you more of a...

14) Are you successful?

15) Do women beat you?

16) How do you prefer your hair?

17) What color is your cape?

18) Have you ever held a sword?

19) You see a poor, old lady crossing a road. You would rather...

20) Have you *married* the Devil?

21) Which best describes your usual dietary habit?

22) Which way does your hair curl?

23) How would you treat a small child?

24) Is your aspiration in life to be a Rose Bride?

25) Do you prefer to play alone or with others?

26) Which color suits you better?

27) You would rather wear

28) What is your most formidable weapon?

29) Does the quote "The point of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other man die for his" mean anything to you?

30) Which do you prefer?

31) Have you ever in your life had a healthy relationship?

32) Have you ever risked everything for the sake of one girl?

33) Do you limit yourself to *just* guys?

34) Do you limit yourself to any particular age?

35) Do you limit yourself to any particular number?

36) Chains and whips are...

37) Are you sure?

38) Are you *always* a sidekick?

39) Friendship is...

40) Are you a true friend?

41) Do you have the potential to become a true friend?

42) You wear "girly" clothes

43) Do you have a fetish for girly clothes?

44) Rules are made for...

45) Does style matter?

46) Can you take a beating?

47) Puberty is...

48) How far off?

49) Time...

50) You...

51) Do you believe in life after love?

52) Do people look at you funny?

53) Has anyone or anything made an attempt on your life?

54) Have you ever borne the brunt of people's fear?

55) The reason you've managed to escape from torture is...

56) People view you as...

We're sorry. You don't exist. Please try again.

Tenjou Utena

You are everyone's idol, and everyone's hero. You are kind, considerate, compassionate, and supportive. Your unshakable faith in what you believe carries you through any trial, even the betrayal of those dearest to your heart. Ultimately, that pure devotion to your goals will help you stand up against the horde of gestating and multiplying Rabbits of Doom.

Himemiya Anthy

Quiet, meek, and beautiful... perfect slave or perfect girl? Let's face facts. You're whipped.

Kiryuu Touga

Damn. You're not Dios, but you're as close as a man can come to God. Biggest Playboy on campus... and just about everywhere else for that matter. You adore attention, and don't mind breaking hearts... it's all part of the game. However much your duties may tie you down, you will always be a true Prince at heart.

Saionji Kyouichi

Why you wife-beating bastard, you! You abuse others without mercy just to cover up for your own human weakness. Sure, you can be sweet, caring, and an all-together spiffy guy... you just never exercise this ability. You know it's in you, but you never let it out for fear of being hurt.

Arisugawa Juri

An angel some might call you, and a pissed off bitch the other few. (Yeah, we know we said it before, and we'll say it again. Hey, that's what we *do.*) You are very strong in some areas, but very weak in others. Intelligent, watchful, alert, you seem cold and distant, and no one knows just how vulnerable you really are.

Kaoru Miki

The quiet, shy, adorable intellectual. Despite the stress and trials of your life, you hold on to the charm of your innocence. You will always be a true friend, faithfully devoted to your "shining thing."

Kiryuu Nanami

You are the Princess of the group, but you also have the attitude to boot. Your obsessions give rise to sneaky pranks, but as they say the best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray. Your foul play more often than not turns around and gives you your just desserts.

Ohtori Akio

Mere words cannot fathom the great Evil which you are. Only one comes close... Satan. Actually, a lot of words apply, but none of them are half so nice. Sadistic, Masochistic, and just plain *wrong,* you will stop at nothing to bring about your revolution... and, eventually, your own downfall.

Mikage Souji

Cool, collected, a computer man at heart. Your amazing insight and intelligence leave those around you standing... or sitting... in awe. Still your life is lacking somewhat. What you really need is to take the time to stop and smell the roses.

Chida Mamiya

The people around you don't know very much about you... quite ambiguous in every sense of the word. But still, there is something about you that inspires others to action.

Chida Tokiko

You are demure, proper, and meek, yet highly resourceful. You are very intelligent and have a strong sense for Justice. Although you are very smart, you are also human, and like the rest of us, you make mistakes from time to time. No matter what, you can rely on your brain power to manages to get out of any "special" situations.

Ohtori Kanae

Rolling pins, hair pins, and stray bowling shaped Chuchu pins aside, Kanae is not the *brightest* of people. After all, she legally married Akio... Like her, your childish naïveté blinds you to the truth of your situation.

Kaoru Kozue

Promiscuous, ubiquitous, and downright risqué! All the world is a game, and playing is your specialty. Monopoly... Candyland... Chutes and Ladders... you have no shame! Let's just say that whenever you see something male, you welcome it with open... arms.

Takatsuki Shiori

Demure, polite, and pretty, too. Your smile is a delight to those around you, but in your good intentions, you sometimes cause more harm than you know. By focusing on your wily ways, you may be overlooking the one true love which has been beside you all along.

Shinohara Wakaba

A bouncing ball of pure cheer, you never delay in bringing life and sunshine to your friends... at least, you try. Some may see you as more annoying than good, however, but with your bright determination and fearsome devotion, everything will turn out for the best for everyone... Right?

Tsuwabuki Mitsuru

Ah, the idealistic youth. You have grand schemes and high hopes, but you just go about achieving them the wrong way. Others see your devotion and easily take advantage of you. Be careful - what you think you're aiming for may not be what you actually want.

Sonada Keiko

Though you were cut from the same mold, you somehow manage to distinguish yourself. Others don't appreciate your potential, however, and walk all over you as you reach for things just beyond your reach.


It's often lonely at the top, but let's face it, somebody just has to play the role of... god. You may be the dashing hero, but you often feel left out of the game. However, you do have a way with words, and with your good looks and charm, all you need is that one special miracle to set you free.


You're the perfect friend, but you tend to eat your friends out of house and home. However, you more than reward them for all those tasty treats with your clever antics. You never fail to make your friends laugh, and a good time is ensured whenever you're around.

Tsuchiya Ruka

Beware lengthy illnesses and potentially harmful hairstyles. You have a dark side that complements your natural air of command. You have no shame in tormenting others to get what you really want.

Oose Yuuko

You are a victim of peer pressure. Put some effort into becoming the person you always wanted to be. You could be so much more if only you stepped out of the shadows of those you admire and began pursuing your own values.

Wakiya Aiko

You are a victim of peer pressure. Put some effort into becoming the person you always wanted to be. You could be so much more if only you stepped out of the shadows of those you admire and began pursuing your own values.


You're just an average kinda guy. You live, you breathe, but hey, it's been done before. Although you don't get many points for originality, but you score right up there when it comes to effort, kid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


You're just an average kinda guy. You live, you breathe, but hey, it's been done before. Although you don't get many points for originality, but you score right up there when it comes to effort, kid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


You're just an average kinda guy. You live, you breathe, but hey, it's been done before. Although you don't get many points for originality, you score right up there when it comes to effort, kid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Hozumi Mari

Quiet, young, yet wise in the ways of the world. Surrounded by those who have always taken of what they wanted, you have developed your own way to handle pressing issues and stay in charge even though you face those with more authority than yourself.


You bounce, you skip, you do the Hokey Pokey, and you do it all from the shadows. Somehow you manage to perturb and puzzle those around you like no other, and you take great joy in doing so. Nevertheless, people will always turn to you to find out "the news" of what's going on. Whether or not you provide them with the correct information is up to you.


You bounce, you skip, you do the Hokey Pokey, and you do it all from the shadows. Somehow you manage to perturb and puzzle those around you like no other, and you take great joy in doing so. Nevertheless, people will always turn to you to find out "the news" of what's going on. Whether or not you provide them with the correct information is up to you.


You bounce, you skip, you do the Hokey Pokey, and you do it all from the shadows. Somehow you manage to perturb and puzzle those around you like no other, and you take great joy in doing so. Nevertheless, people will always turn to you to find out "the news" of what's going on. Whether or not you provide them with the correct information is up to you.


He may not be Utena, he may not be anime, but let's face it... he's *you!* This dashing, daring, Man of Mystery suits you to a "Z." You like adventure, romance, and a kick-ass costume. However, the limelight doesn't always appeal to you, so you prefer to remain the anonymous hero.

Touga's kitten

Meow! Pussycat, you are where everyone wants to be.

Rabbits of Doom

You sad, sad, little person. We fear for your life, your sanity, and hell, we fear YOU.


You *are* The King.

Thank you for taking the Utena Personality Test! We hope you enjoyed your stay, and come back any time!

Ja ne!



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