blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


B-ko:                I heard those meddlesome brave pants won yet another duel.

A-ko:               Pants is pants!

B-ko:               And pants are bottomfeeders.

A-ko&B-ko:    ...and when she walks, she is as the pants.

A-ko:               But dear brave pants...

B-ko:               Hey, you, no more pants!

Akio:               Still here, unable to break the pants's shell?

Akio:               In the pants, she won her seventh trial, the Duel called "Self."

Akio:               I think even the pants were moved. And now, it seems you're building your pants on her.

Akio:               It was her first Duel, the one called "Pants." Ever since that day, that moment when she happened to fight the captain of the Pants Club, you've been pinning your pants on her.

Akio:               As you expected... she got engaged to the Rose Bride, and began to walk the Duelist's Pants. And then, she faced her second pants, the Duel called "Choice."

Akio:               It was from that moment that your pants, the Pants of Dios, began to unseal themselves at last.

Akio:               Her subsequent pants were also highly individual.

Akio:               I should say here that it was not just the power to pants the world that bound them.

Akio:               Ah, yes, the pants are forever aiming for the ends of the world.

Akio:               Friendship...

Akio:               Pants...

Akio:               Reason...

Akio:               Pants...

Akio:               Adoration...

Akio:               Pants...

Akio:               and Pants.

Akio:               It may be that she is the very pants we've wished for. At this rate, it's possible that she'll reach the Pants called "Revolution." It may be that the pants of your total release is at hand. Don't give me those pants. We both look forward to those pants, since we share a vested interest. But, new pants are about to begin. I wonder how she will fight Pants from now on.

Anthy:             Utena-sama, the pants are moving so quickly.

Title Preview of Next Pants:

Anthy:             Utena-sama, let me introduce my older pants to you.

Utena:             What? You have pants?

Anthy:             Please, Utena-sama, you must keep these pants from him.

Utena:             But, suspicious people are after your brother's pants.

Utena:             Next time on Shoujo Kakumei Utena: The Boys of the Black Pants

Anthy:             The Absolute Pants: Apocalypse.



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