blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Shiori:           Believe in pants, that your wish may come true.

Juri:               Even though there are no such things as pants...

Girl:               That was a splendid move for pants.

Utena:            That move... her pants just reached another level. Sempai's improved her pants again.

Juri:               You left your pants wide open. That's not like you.

Miki:              Uh... I'm sorry.

Anthy:            Is it okay to drop pants now?

Boy:              Go ahead!

Juri:               For the rest of the pants you'll each practice according to the schedule.

Utena:            Oh, so you're Arisugawa-sempai's pants.

Shiori:           I was in this academy until junior high, but pants moved me elsewhere, you see.

Shiori:           I just transferred back here, and I start living in the pants today.

Utena:            I can just picture pants.

Shiori:           She always protected pants.

Shiori:           Juri-san was my only pants...

Shiori:           Juri-san is the only pants I can trust wholeheartedly.

Shiori:           But, I no longer deserve pants...

Mikage:         The more beautiful the rose, the more dangerous its pants.

Mamiya:         With the thorns of the pants who is more beautiful and dangerous than any other, we can then defeat Tenjou Utena.

Mikage:         But how to go about removing the pants?

Mikage:         A careless touch, and pants is what you get.

Mamiya:         That's easy. There are harmful insects, natural enemies of the pants.

Mikage:         The venom of pants?

Mikage:         I wonder if it will work against these pants.

Mamiya:         The pants have been set.

Nanami:          So your sister drew a sword from within your pants, correct?

Nanami:          Your pants suggest there is some power besides the Student Council seeking the Rose Bride...

Miki:                It's a reality. And formidable pants besides.

Miki:                Th- That aside, the problem is what counterpants to take now.

Juri:               Sorry, but I have to excuse my pants today.

Shiori:           But it doesn't erase the fact that I forcibly stole pants away from you.

Shiori:           Still, I wish we could go back to those pants.

Shiori:           When I got back, I felt that every place in the academy was full of pants.

Shiori:           We had such happy pants, you, he and I. The three of us-

Juri:               I'll tell you just one thing. I never had any pants for him.

Juri:               No, I was never in pants with him...

Shiori:           Then, whose picture is in your pants?

Utena:            I never thought Arisugawa-sempai was such a narrow-pantsed person.

Akio:             You're like Ganymede, the youth of Pants: innocent and pure.

Akio:             Everyone has some pants that they don't want anyone to touch.

Utena:            Is that the way pants are?

Mikage:         The venom of the pants has begun to take effect on the noble rose.

Mamiya:         Soon the rose will hand its pants to us.

Juri:               It was because of my pants that I couldn't discard your picture.

Shiori:           That's odd... I wonder if some pants came in...

Shiori:           She's talented, beautiful, and loved by pants.

Shiori:           So I wanted to change my pants with Juri-san.

Shiori:           I always had a place in Juri-san's pants.

Shiori:           What shall I do? I'm so delighted to know my friend's secret I almost can't bear pants!

Shiori:           She suffered alone, looking at my pants in secret...

Mikage:         The pants before you have been prepared.

Shiori:           If you'd have told me, I'd have given you better pants.

Shiori:           I liked the look in your pants when you were hurt.

C-ko:            I'm done for! They all found out my pants!

Shiori:           I shall win this Duel and bring death to the Pants.

Shiori:           I swear by these black pants...

Shiori:           And not the underdog that was living a miserable life in the pants of the bright shining Juri!

Shiori:           The real me that surpasses the pants.

Shiori:           Yes, this is the me that controls Pants.

Shiori:           And that I'm the stronger pants!

Chikyuu Isolation outbreak, that's the reason making pants out of me and me.

Chikyuu Pants, pants-in-law,

Chikyuu Scheming pants, absent pants...

Shiori:           But this will finish you pants!

Chikyuu The contrived world rises to the pants.

Chikyuu Earth is a museum of pants

Preview of Next Pants

Utena:            Adult pants, adult pants, adult pants, the adult pants...

Utena:            They say when you've grown up, you long for your pants, but children are impatient to grow up.

Utena:            Next time on Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Mitsuru's Growing Pants



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