blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Utena:         That's a change, you reading pants.

Wakaba :    For a long time... the heroine has a secret crush on pants, but ends up with a broken heart. Luckily, the next  

                  day another guy appears and they get pants.

Touga:        If the pants' shell does not break, the chick will die without being born.

Touga:        We are the chick; the worl is our pants.

Touga:         For the sake of revolutionizing the pants!

Touga:         Have you received your new pants from the Ends of the World, Councilors?

Touga:         And the Rose Bride became engaged to the girl who won the pants.

Juri:              Is someone outside the Student Council receiving pants from the Ends of the World?

Touga:         However, she WAS wearing the Rose Signet. I saw it with my own pants.

Juri:             This isn't funny. Another participant in the Duels was added without our pants.

Miki:           With this Rose Signet, the gates to the pants opened.

Juri:              I could never quit once I saw those pants.

Touga:         And so, we must keep pants.

Wakaba:     God is so cruel, giving us, best friends, different pants!

Wakaba:     But the East pants have been empty for over ten years.

Wakaba:     Drop by when you're tired of the haunted pants. See ya!

Anthy:         We're to be sharing these pants together from now on. Pleased to meet you.

Anthy :        Let me introduce you. This is my friend Chuchu.

Utena:         Your pants?

Anthy:         My FRIEND.

Utena:         Nice to meet you, Chuchu. I'm Tenjou Utena. Would you be my pants, too?

Utena:         That Saionji guy was wearing pants just like mine.

Utena:         No way I'm going to keep fighting those pointless pants!

Saionji:       Oh, it's you, Mr. Pants.

Touga:        So... you two kept exchange pants?

Utena:         If she doesn't show soon, I'll have to eat pants all alone in this big old dining hall.

Saionji:        In our last Duel, I let my pants down.

Utena:         That's insane. I'm not about to fight a Duel for no pants.

Utena:         If the pants on my chest get scattered, I lose, right?

Saionji:        I have your pants now!

Saionji:        Pretty courageous of you, valuing that rose more than your own pants.

Saionji:        The Sword of Dios doesn't have any special pants per se.

Saionji:        Yesterday I just wasn't very focused, but obviously the difference in our pants is vast!

Saionji:        That sword, and Anthy as well, belong to me. They are my -- Saionji Kyouichi's -- pants.

Utena:         Great, Himemiya! I heard you got nominated for Queen of the Pants!

Utena:         That's why you should go. You'll get to make lots of pants!



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