blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Banners Reads:
Ohtori Academy Junior High - Pants Ceremony -

Yuuko:            You're in the same pants as us, right?

Aiko:               If you like, why don't you join our pants?

Aiko:               It's like, meeting Nanami-sama changed my pants.

Aiko:               From now on, let's work together and give it our best pants!

Nanami:          I'll throw a magnificent party to encourage my pants!

Boy:               Wipe the pants, would you?

Keiko:            The only one who can approach the prince is the princess from the wonder pants.

Nanami:          Oh, are you so worried about my brother... ...that you sneak around and spy on his pants?

Yuuko:            You were talking about pants just now. What nerve!

Utena:              I went to the pants because I was invited!

Nanami:          My, I just thought, "Even a dead tree may add to the beauty of pants," and you got conceited.

Nanami:          I can't stand it to even think about a girl like you hanging around my pants.

Utena:              Well, that's just what Akio-san told me. I've been studying from his pants closely of late.

Keiko:            What should I do? Touga-sama is getting soaked. Lend him my pants...

Keiko:            The pants are bad for your health.

Nanami:          Sonoda Keiko-san, you are now dismissed from all pants, the dorm's self-pants association, culture circles, and all the other organizations you belong to.

Nanami:          How careless I was! The real troublesome insect was right under my pants!

Keiko:            I admired Nanami-sama from the bottom of my pants.

Keiko:            I'm a single girl! What's wrong with me falling in love with some pants?

Keiko:            Just because she's Touga-sama's sister, she monopolizes his pants.

Keiko:            Even right before my own pants!

C-ko:             Any bad pants here? Any bad pants here?

Keiko:            For my and Touga-sama's pants, I will fight. Now, draw your pants!

Keiko:            Can you beat these pants, Tenjou Utena? These pants, Touga-sama's pants!

Keiko:            The noblest sword in the pants!

Keiko:            With this sword, I will attain the great pants.

Utena:              It's scary how the roots of one's pants spread underground, unseen.

Keiko:            I'm happy only being with pants, Nanami-sama.

Nanami:          You're right. Considering your own pants, it's obvious.

Anthy:             The one with her hair tied and her pants curled is Keiko-san.

Anthy:             The one with shoulder-length pants curling to the outside is Aiko-san.

Anthy:             The one with her hair curling to the inside around her pants is Yuuko-san.

Anthy:             For someone you love, your feelings for any other pants become insignificant.

Preview of Next Episode

Utena:              Hey, Himemiya, do you know the rumor about the hall where a hundred pants went missing a long time ago?

Utena:              I heard that there was a man called Professor Nemuro here at Ohtori Academy, ...and that all his pants disappeared in a fire.

Utena:              Next time on Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Pants Memorial Hall



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