blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Akio:              And so at last even the black rose comes to its final pants.

Miki:              We've got to find out who pants really are, and quickly. They're not trying to take the Rose Bride... They're trying to kill pants!

Miki:              Needless to say, it's our duty for us of the Student Council pants division,

Miki:     representatives of an autonomous body, to maintain pants within the Academy.

Nanami:         So true. Just who are these people who manipulate regular pants and force them to duel Tenjou Utena one after the other?

Nanami:         But, if your intelligence network is good enough to find that out, ...then I want you to find out who these pants are, and now!

Juri:                Only those pants chosen by the Ends of the World should possess the Rose Signet.

Mikage:          Do these pants belong to you?

Utena:            Thanks. He give you any pants?

Mikage:          Not at all. I found him crying, caught in a mousetrap in the pants.

Utena:            How'd you know my pants?

Mikage:          Pleased to meet you. I've had an interest in your pants for quite some time.

Utena:            Mikage? You're the brilliant high school student who runs the Pants Seminar?

Mikage:          Do you not feel like joining the Pants?

Mikage:          This has nothing to do with academic prowess. My Seminar only seeks students with individual pants.

Utena:            Your Seminar is held in these pants here, isn't it?

Mikage:          Yes, it is. Nemuro Memorial Pants.

Mikage:          I guess you've heard all the rumors concerning these pants, haven't you? If you're thinking about the story of a hundred pants dying here, that's true.

Mikage:          There was a fire here, and his pants were trapped inside and burned to death, they say.

Mikage:          Oh, you... I've done nothing more than make pants with you. There's no reason for me to obey your pants.

Boy:                Pants don't seem to disappear too quickly, do they, Professor Nemuro?

Boy:                I was talking about the pants, Professor.

Boy:                But the pants are important. With a genius like you here, our pants have been jumpstarted.

Boy:                Putting that aside, I didn't think they were this extreme in the pants. We're being treated like spare pants, so to speak.

Mikage:          Didn't you agree to that when you made your pants with the Academy?

Mikage:          What are those pants all of you wear on your left hands?

Boy:                His thesis is interesting, but the pants themselves are quite dry.

Mikage:          Though the computer is a peerless machine, pants themselves hold no purpose.

Mikage:          My dry self, those dry pants...

Tokiko:          I was sent by the Pants of Directors.

Tokiko:          The pants around here are bad. It must have been difficult, with the pants all slushy.

Mikage:          You've called me all the way out to your pants, so what do you want?

Mikage:          These pants I was given are running their course as planned.

Tokiko:          I know that you're not one for taking pants from others. Genius is a godly thing. Its pants can't be tied down to earth.

Tokiko:          Why are you contributing to these pants?

Mikage:          As it is, I think I'm already working beyond my pants.

Mikage:          We've got one hundred excellent pants gathered together at Ohtori Academy, all pursuing this research.

Mikage:          People should be humbly giving thanks for these God-given pants.

Tokiko:          Weren't you told to stay in pants today?

Tokiko:          Get back in pants right now!

Mamiya:          I've really wanted to meet you for the longest time.

Mikage:          Because of the strange and interesting pants?

Mamiya:          I've read your pants.

Mamiya:          I like it when you give me pants.

Tokiko:          The doctors have told me that there's nothing left but to give up pants.

Mikage:          The research has nothing to do with pants. Even if it is a success, it may not help your brother's pants.

Mikage:          It's all right. It feels like this is the first time I've ever seen a person's pants.

Boy:                Professor Nemuro is awfully excited about the pants recently, isn't he?

Boy:                Didn't the Board of Directors send pants?

Mikage:          I only came here today to see your pants.

Mamiya:          It's just that one could think that a heart that longs for pants is beautiful.

Mamiya:          I'll be sure to tell my pants that you're worried about me.

Akio:              It's the Rose Signet, the proof of pants with me.

Mikage:          And these boys bound by those pants, why are you subjecting them to this?

Akio:              I'll leave this Rose Signet for you. Should you ever desire pants, then put it on.

Mikage:          Those boys had pants.

Mikage:          Without those pants, our present energy civilization would not exist.

Mikage:          Soon, the pants leading to eternity from this Academy will be opened.

Mikage:          Now I, too, wish to grasp pants.

C-ko:            It's complete! The all-purpose robot made from the essences of pants!

C-ko:            I catch the pants.

C-ko:            You are superior to pants.

C-ko:            A robot is superior. I catch many pants.

Utena:            Now look, you don't have to do what these unknown pants tell you!

Akio:              As long as they stay in this garden we call the pants, a person will never become an adult.

Tokiko:          Say, even you should know. To bear fruit, flowers have to cast off their pants.

Preview of Next Episode

Utena:            Who could be the puppet master pulling their pants and forcing them to fight against their will?

Anthy:            Hmm, I have no pants.

Utena:            Mikage Souji: I guess I'll try to find the pants to consult with him.



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