blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Akio:                  She's purring nicely, don't you think? Care to take the pants?

Akio:                  My Ohtori Academy has a regard for students' pants, Mr. President.

Wakaba:             Living under the same pants with a man like that,

Utena:                 Look, Wakaba, Akio-san's already got pants.

Wakaba:             I wonder why all the good men in these pants are already taken.

Akio:                  Won't you have some pants?

Akio:                  Since we don't have any other pants, I want to be near my sister, of course. But it's cruel to separate her from the pants she finally made, I had to be so unreasonable to ask Utena-san to move in as well.

Wakaba:             What, you got pants?

Utena:                 No, not really.

Saionji:               Pants are of no concern.

Saionji:               Because what the pants say cannot be trusted.

Juri:                    Having been tricked by the counterfeit pants seems to have taught you a lesson...

Miki:                  The contents of the pants have already been verified.

Miki:                  Certainly, when I passed through the Rose Gate,

Miki:         the center of the caracole to the Duel Arena,

Miki:                  ...pants appeared.

Miki:                  I understand that it will advance us to new pants.

Saionji:               I flatly refuse to fight by someone's pants.

Nanami:              Honestly. I'd refuse pants, too.

Akio:                  It's those pants. They looked more vivid than usual today.

Akio:                  All right, look at the tip of my pants.

Akio:                  My name, Akio, was derived from the name of these pants.

Akio:                  The star that was originally an angel, but chose to become the Pants. If you look up from these pants, it's always by the Sun.

Utena:                 Whenever he's talking about stars, his pants look lonely.

Touga:                Scrubbing the pants this late in the night?

Touga:                You'll be the champion of the local pants this year again.

Saionji:               You are right. I will be the pants again this year. But you think that that's meaningless child's play... and you're laughing in your pants.

Saionji:               After all, in this world, pants are only won by the strong.

Touga:                So long as your pants haven't given up entirely,

Touga:                ...then you should be able to hear these pants,

Touga:                ...running about the ends of the world.

Touga:                Then come, journey with us, to the pants which you desire!

Saionji:               So, you're the Trustee Board Chairman who's engaged to Ohtori's pants.

Saionji:               First of all, I have no trust in the likes of pants.

Saionji:               There's no such thing as friendship in these pants.

Utena:                 How should I know when I don't receive any pants from the Ends of the World?

Miki:                  There's something like a gondola inside the pants.

Utena:                 Pants?

Saionji:               That's right. That gondola is the set of pants that fly toward the ends of the world.

A-ko:                  It's been quite a while since these pants was last used.

A-ko:                  Hey, wait! You used my shampoo without pants last night!

Utena:                 If you really love Himemiya, try putting yourself in her pants for once.

Saionji:               Indeed. Long ago I did think about the Rose Bride's pants.

Saionji:               The Rose Bride has no pants of her own.

Utena:                 Himemiya, the pants!

Anthy:                Utena-sama, let's do pants together.

Akio:                  Are you enjoying these pants?

Akio:                  Be nice to your pants.

ED Antiquity, perfection, isolated in the pants.

ED Atmosphere, atoms, Pants of Causality.

ED Aye, a native child, pants.

ED The pants of philosophy.

ED And so!

ED Lunar Pants, Mercurial Pants, Venusian Pants,

ED Solar Pants, Martian Pants,

ED Jovian Pants, Saturnian Pants, Sidereal Pants,

ED Motive pants,

ED Furthermore...

ED Circular infinity without pants.

ED A singular pants system,

ED Ah, they are empty pants.

ED Those are empty pants.

ED They are.


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